An app that allows users to track their daily habits in a visually simplified display to improve daily motivation, productivity, and overall mental well-being.
Node, Express, Mysql2, Sequelize, Bcrypt, Express Handlebars, Express Session, Dotenv
npm install
First user must clone the repo, create a .env
file with associated passwords, sign into mysql
account, source db/schema.sql
from mysql
, return to terminal to run npm run seeds
, then npm start
to start up server.
At the homepage, user clicks Login
and is presented a login page to resigster as a new user or log in to current account.
User can create a new habit by clicking the +
button and writing in a habit and selecting the associated category.
All of a user's habits will display and user can click the days in which they completed the habit and it will change to green to show the habit was completed for that day.
Clicking logout
returns user to the homepage and the data will save upon logging back in so user can keep tracking their habits daily.
contact us for contributions or collabs
Please contact us using the following links:
Github Jessiferizzo
Github Robert Jimenez
Github Rogelio P
MIT licensing, our great instructors and TAs, graders, and classmates
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