Currently, methods introduced in biological research have spread out towards disciplines such as medicine, behavior biology, ecology, information theory, among others. Most scientists working with biological questions find out that to answer them, one must take a systems biology approach to understand the complex processes involved in cell, individual and population evolution as a whole. Currently, researchers are faced with the need to analyze large amounts of raw data, for which they require a fair amount of programming skills.
The III Summer School in Bioinformatics, organized by the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Neurobiology from UNAM Juriquilla, was placed from **Sunday, June 10th to Sunday, June 24th, 2018 ** at the Centro Académico Cultural (CAC), UNAM Juriquilla.
Here, we learned how to use a Linux programming environment, besides of hands-on programming and basic data analysis in two leading-edge programming languages: Python and R. Courses will be taught by experts in the area and will consist of theoretical and practical modules.
Day | Class | Professor | Institution |
Wednesday 13th | Non model genomics | Selene L. Fernández Valverde | Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, LANGEBIO irapuato |
Thursday 14th | Introduction to R with Statistics | Michael Jeziorski | Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM Juriquilla |
Friday 15th | Differential Gene Expression | Vijaykumar Muley | Instituto de Neurobiología, UNAM Juriquilla |
Saturday 16th | Biological Networks | Roberto Álvarez | Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro |
Monday 18th | Introduction to Python | Marisol Flores | ENES Morelia UNAM |
Tuesday 19th | Visualization of scientific data with Python | Augusto César Poot Hernández | IIMAS, UNAM |
Wednesday 20th | Genome Editing | Ishaan Gupta | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY, USA |
Thursday 21st | Latex | Pablo Rosell | Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM, CU |