This is a demo that I am making for the RIT Game Development Club
In this demo, we will show you how to use Unity's lighting and skybox systems to create a day night cycle for games.
The project already has some Unity standard assets and things in it already, to avoid any importing during the demo.
This demo is using Unity 2017.1.1f1
Check out the Window > Lighting menu
Create a procedural skybox Create > Material Set the shader to Skybox > Procedural Mess around with the colors and other properties
Set it as the current skybox Set the sun source as the directional light
Now, if you rotate your directional light on the X or Y axis, you should see how it effects the world.
Throw a light flare on the directional light if you want!
Now lets write a quick script to control the rotation of the sun! Ultimate power...
Woo super cool
Now you can add in a terrain or something, make the world your own and show us what ya got!