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2.4 Uploading the Sketch

Sebastian edited this page Jan 30, 2020 · 8 revisions

Now that we have configured the Sketch to our needs we can Upload it to the D1 Mini

1. Preparing to Upload

In Arduino IDE go to Tools > Board and select your Device. In our case it is the LOLIN(WEMOS)D1 R2 & mini

Now go to Tools > Port select your USB port where you have connected the D1 Mini to. In our case it is COM 5

2. Upload the Sketch

In Arduino IDE go to Sketch > Upload

If it fails to connect, try changing the COM Port.

If all was successfull the Console output should look simulare to this

Executable segment sizes:

IROM   : 367992          - code in flash         (default or ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR) 

IRAM   : 27928   / 32768 - code in IRAM          (ICACHE_RAM_ATTR, ISRs...) 

DATA   : 1532  )         - initialized variables (global, static) in RAM/HEAP 

RODATA : 4304  ) / 81920 - constants             (global, static) in RAM/HEAP 

BSS    : 37104 )         - zeroed variables      (global, static) in RAM/HEAP 

Sketch uses 401756 bytes (38%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1044464 bytes.
Global variables use 42940 bytes (52%) of dynamic memory, leaving 38980 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81920 bytes. v2.8
Serial port COM5
Chip is ESP8266EX
Features: WiFi
Crystal is 26MHz
MAC: ec:fa:bc:61:11:4f
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Compressed 405904 bytes to 286266...

Writing at 0x00000000... (5 %)
Writing at 0x00004000... (11 %)
Writing at 0x00008000... (16 %)
Writing at 0x0000c000... (22 %)
Writing at 0x00010000... (27 %)
Writing at 0x00014000... (33 %)
Writing at 0x00018000... (38 %)
Writing at 0x0001c000... (44 %)
Writing at 0x00020000... (50 %)
Writing at 0x00024000... (55 %)
Writing at 0x00028000... (61 %)
Writing at 0x0002c000... (66 %)
Writing at 0x00030000... (72 %)
Writing at 0x00034000... (77 %)
Writing at 0x00038000... (83 %)
Writing at 0x0003c000... (88 %)
Writing at 0x00040000... (94 %)
Writing at 0x00044000... (100 %)
Wrote 405904 bytes (286266 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 6.5 seconds (effective 502.9 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard resetting via RTS pin...

If not you may have missed a Step. If your D1 Mini is already powerd and connected to the LED Strip it should be light up in a Rainbow mode.

Continue on Uploading the Webfiles