This repository relates to activities in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). All material in this repository is considered Contributions to the IETF Standards Process, as defined in the intellectual property policies of IETF currently designated as BCP 78, BCP 79 and the IETF Trust Legal Provisions (TLP) Relating to IETF Documents.
Any edit, commit, pull request, issue, comment or other change made to this repository constitutes Contributions to the IETF Standards Process (
You agree to comply with all applicable IETF policies and procedures, including, BCP 78, 79, the TLP, and the TLP rules regarding code components (e.g. being subject to a Simplified BSD License) in Contributions.
This draft is written using mmark (markdown) to render the IETF submission XML file.
The root entrypoint where the RFC is defined is This file includes
other markdown files, such as
brew install mmark
xml2rfc is avaialble via PIP but the pip package doesn't always install scripts. It's more consistent to install xml2rfc using the below:
git clone [email protected]:oerdnj/xml2rfc.git
cd xml2rfc
python3 install --user --install-scripts=$HOME/bin
Various scripts will require python
which is not always available (e.g. only python3 works). Add an alias, such
as alias python="/usr/bin/python3"
to ensure that python from shell uses python3.
xml2rfc bin has been installed to ${HOME}/bin/xml2rfc
. Make sure that ${HOME}/bin
is in
the PATH=${HOME}/bin:$PATH
Providing xml2rfc and mmark work from shell/command line, a simple call to make
generate the IETF XML file. The text file output will also be generated. The text
file provides a clear human-readable rendering of the generated XML file.
❯ make
mkdir -p gen
mmark > gen/draft-jennings-moq-architecture.xml
xml2rfc --text --v3 gen/draft-jennings-moq-architecture.xml
Created file gen/draft-jennings-moq-architecture.txt