Official Salvum Repository
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Integration with QNX Momentics, Wind River Workbench, Lynx Luminosity and other Eclipse-based IDEs
The full range of capabilities:
+-----------------------------------|-> hw
|-> ls
|-> cat
|-> cp
|-> dump
|-> tree
|-> diff
|-> nm
|-> xxd
|-> ps
|-> rm
|-> find
|-> file
|-> uwc
|-> wc
|-> touch
|-> mkdir
|-> rmdir
|-> sort
|-> ln
|-> readlink
|-> pwd
|-> head
|-> tail
|-> seq
|-> mv
|-> cksum
|-> strip
|-> strings
|-> ustrings
|-> base32
|-> base64
|-> asm
|-> dasm
|-> clc
|-> cpc
|-> rem
|-> relf
|-> relfm
|-> elf
|-> srm
|-> ldd
|-> scrub
|-> wipe
|-> text
|-> ipv4
|-> ipv6
|-> findbytes
|-> merge
|-> deleteall
|-> dedup
|-> ipinfo
|-> ping
|-> infer
|-> binstitch
|-> chardump
|-> bindiff
|-> rmchar
|-> signsig
|-> tabtospc
|-> filestitch
|-> fdtdump
|-> slm_compile
|-> slm_compile_plus
|-> file_converter
|-> tagstr
|-> bzip2
|-> gzip
|-> lz4
|-> lzip
|-> lzop
|-> lzma
|-> xz
|-> zstd
|-> rar
|-> zip
|-> 7zip
|-> Sear
|-> tar
|-> svim
|-> vim
|-> emacs
|-> micro
|-> ascii
Blue Apps
+-> Basic Tools --------------------|-> CPRNG -------------|-> Chacha
| | |-> Hc128Rng
| | |-> GlassPumpkin
| | |-> nanoid
| |
| |-> PRNG --------------|-> MersenneTwister
| | |-> rand_hexstr
| |
| |-> RNG ---------------|-> OSRand
| |
| |-> Entropy -----------|-> ent
| | |-> slm_entropy
| | |-> Tropy
| | |-> NIST SP 800-90B -----|-> spiid
| | |-> spnoniid
| | |-> sprestart
| |
| |-> Github Keygen
| |
| |-> Password Tools ----|-> pass-rs
| | |-> passscore
| | |-> pswd
| | |-> saltyhash
| | |-> zpass
| |
| |-> Obfuscators -------|-> ananas
| |-> zw
+-> Code Analyzers -----------------|-> DynamicCode -------|-> Stoke
| | |-> tis-interpreter
| | |-> valgrind
| |
| |-> StaticCode --------|-> Advisory Detectors---|-> Cobra
| | |-> cppcheck
| | |-> pscan
| |
| |-> Dependency Checkers--|-> depends
| | |-> SVF
| |
| |-> Input Sanitizers-----|-> rust-san
| |
| |-> Model Checkers-------|-> cbmc
| | |-> Modex
| | |-> spin
| |
| |-> Security Linters-----|-> cpplint
| |-> oclint
| |-> splint
+-> Cryptography -------------------|-> AES
| |-> Crypto-detector
| |-> PGP ---------------|-> pgp decryption
| | |-> pgp encryption
| | |-> pgp key generation
| |
| |-> Crypto-URI
| |-> Cocoon
| |-> Svanill -----------|-> svanill_encrypt
| | |-> svanill_decrypt
| | |-> svanill_edit
| |
| |-> RSA
| |-> AES_gcm
| |-> CAST5
| |-> ChaCha20Poly1305
| |-> CMAC
| |-> Triple_DES
| |-> Blowfish2
| |-> Threefish
| |-> Gimli
| |-> Kuznyechik
| |-> Magma
| |-> Rabbit
| |-> Serpent
| |-> Sm
| |-> Speck
| |-> ECDSA
| |-> Eax
| |-> Codecrypt
+-> Cyclic Redundancy Checkers -----|-> crc16/32/64
+-> Error Correction Coding --------|-> BCH ---------------|~> Reed_Solomon
| |
| |-> Hamming -----------|-> RustyHam
| | |-> SecDed
| |
| |-> LDPC --------------|~> Labrador
| |
| |-> Testing -----------|-> FileCorrupter
+-> Hashers ------------------------|-> Sha256
| |-> hash
| |-> rhash
| |-> hashrat
+-> Kernel Hardeners ---------------|-> Buildroot
| |
| |-> Yocto -------------|-> SELinux
| | |-> Wind River Linux
| |
| |-> Hardening Testing -|-> Linux ---------------|-> checksec
| |-> KAMain
+-> Netloaders --------------------------------------------|-> servF (TFTP, FTP, PXE)
+-> Network Analyzers --------------|-> APT Detectors -----|-> cuckoo
| |
| |-> DoS Detection -----|-> Gatekeeper
| | |-> Rim
| |
| |-> IDS ---------------|-> ARPDefense
+-> Signers -----------------------------------------------|-> pgp signing
| |-> pgp verifying
| |-> Watchdog
+-> Steg Detection ----------------------------------------|-> UnicodeSec
+-> System Scanners ----------------|-> Auditors ----------|-> armorlib
| | |-> clamav
| | |-> linux malware detect
| | |-> file anomaly finder
| | |-> lynis
| | |-> lemmeknow
| | |-> Yara
| |
| |-> Rootkit Detection -|-> chkrootkit
|-> Vulnerability Databases -------------------------------|-> rCVE
|-> CVE
|-> ExploitDB
|-> bruteforceDB
Red Apps
+-> Binary Analysis ----------------|-> Runtime -----------|-> avatar2
| | |-> DynamoRIO
| | |-> PySymEmu
| | |-> Qiling
| | |-> usercorn
| |
| |-> StaticBin ---------|-> Binary Analysis Platform
| |-> Binary Security Check
| |-> binwalk
| |-> detCVE
| |-> chap
| |-> Cisco_firmware_extractor
| |-> binbloom
| |-> elfx86exts
| |-> elfutils ------------|-> eu-size
| |-> eu-compress
+-> Cracking -----------------------|-> Passwords/Hashes --|-> HashCat
| | |-> JohnTheRipper
| | |-> RainbowCrack --------|-> rcrack
| | |-> rtgen
| | |-> rtsort
| | |-> bruteforce-luks
| |
| |-> CRC Reversing -----|-> crchack
| |-> reveng
+-> Decompilers --------------------|-> Boomerang
| |-> retdec
+-> Denial of Service --------------|-> Connection killers-|-> TCPkill
| |
| |-> Generators --------|-> aSYNcrone
| |-> CQHack
| |-> t50
+-> Detection Evasion -------------------------------------|-> fragrouter
| |-> pwncat
| |-> udptunnel
+-> Disassemblers ------------------|-> radare2
| |-> udcli
| |-> capstone
+-> Exploit Injection -------------------------------------|-> firmware-mod-kit ----|-> firmextract
| | |-> firmrebuild
| |
| |-> Metasploit
| |-> Routersploit
+-> Forensics ----------------------|-> SleuthKit ---------|-> fcat
| | |-> ffind
| | |-> fls
| | |-> fsstat
| | |-> hfind
| | |-> img_stat
| | |-> istat
| | |-> mmls
| | |-> mmstat
| | |-> fiwalk
| |
| |-> Stitcher
+-> Fuzzers ------------------------|-> AFL
| |-> Honggfuzz
+-> Man in the Middle --------------|-> Key Databases -----|-> LittleBlackBox
| |
| |-> Proxies -----------|-> bettercap
| |-> SSH-MITM
| |-> SSLSplit
+-> Raw Tools ----------------------|-> Unpacking ---------|-> vmlinuxtoELF
| | |-> x7z
| |
| |-> Decryption --------|-> ciphey
| |
| |-> Manipulation ------|-> symtool
| |-> ezinject
| |-> Keebler
| |-> elfbin
| |-> dress
+-> Snoopers -----------------------|-> JTAG --------------|-> JLinkExe
| | |-> openocd
| |
| |-> Network Sniffers --|-> dsniff
| | |-> tcpdump
| | |-> TShark
| | |-> sniffglue
| |
| |-> Port Scanners -----|-> rang3r
| | |-> sandmap
| |
| |-> UART --------------|-> baudrate
| |-> miniterm
| |-> sbrute
+-> Spoofers -----------------------|-> ARPSpoof
| |-> Space_packet_spoof
| |-> JoesVictimFinder
| |-> claim-ip
| |-> FITS_spoof
| |-> Packit
|-> Steganography ------------------|-> steg86
| |-> stegsnow
| |-> origami-pdf -------|-> pdfcop
| |-> pdfdecompress
| |-> pdfdecrypt
| |-> pdfencrypt
| |-> pdfextract
| |-> pdfmetadata
| |-> pdfattach
|-> Vendor Tools -------------------|-> QNX ---------------|-> QNX6Extractor
| | |-> dumpIFS
| |-> VxWorks -----------|-> VxWorks_hash
| |-> LynxOS ------------|-> LynxFS
|-> Parsers ------------------------|-> Space_Packet_parse
|-> DHCP_parse
|-> TLS_parse
|-> IPSEC_parse
|-> SSH_parse
|-> FITS_parse
|-> NTP_parse
|-> SNMP_parse
|-> jindex