Webinoly v1.11.1
Important fixes.
- [Improved] A lot of minor code improvements and updates.
- [Improved] Forward sites now accept domains with no-scheme.
- [Improved] Local backups, s3 runs before max function, just for security.
- [Fixed] SSL manual validation error.
- [Fixed] Error in log viewer for tools-site.
- [Fixed] MySQL binary logs not disabled by default.
- [Fixed] Error in default-site when force-redirect is enabled.
- [Fixed] HTTP auth failing in some cases when force-redirect is enabled.
- [Fixed] Wrong server names in WP cloned sites.
- [Fixed] Force-redirect failing when SSL is custom.
- [Fixed] Redirection manager should not accept multiple redirections for the same path.
- [Fixed] Redis variable not updated in WP cloned site.
- [Fixed] Error detecting some peculiar TLD's cases.
- [Fixed] Backups failing when WP is subfolder.
- [Fixed] Error with some S3 bucket names.