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vecdec - vectorized decoder and LER estimator


The program can do several kinds of calculations depending on the value of the mode command-line argument:

  • mode=0 Run a vectorized Random Information Set decoder using the error data generated by the program itself or externally generated (e.g., using Stim). See the Vectorized decoder section.
  • mode=1 Run belief propagation decoder. See the BP decoder section
  • mode=2 Estimate logical error rate by enumerating most likely errors. See the LER estimator section.
  • mode=3 Parse the DEM file and save the corresponding matrices to files. See the Export the matrices section.

In any mode, the program requires the parity check matrices and error probabilities, e.g., as given in a Detector Error Model (DEM) file, see the Error model section.

In addition to regular decoders, a fast cluster-based pre-decoder similar to a single-step Union Find decoder is available for both RIS and BP decoders. See the Pre-decoder section.

Some examples of using vecdec in various modes are given in the Common tasks section.

For additional details, see the section on command-line arguments, the source code in vecdec/src directory, and example scripts in vecdec/examples and vecdec/input directories.


Libraries and related programs

The program uses m4ri library for binary linear algebra. To install this library on a Ubuntu system, run sudo apt-get install libm4ri-dev

Alternatively, download m4ri library from github using, e.g.,

git clone

and follow the instructions to compile and install it. You may need to edit your C_INCLUDE_PATH, CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH, or LIBRARY_PATH if you install outside normal directory structure. Alternatively, you can also set INC variable in the Makefile, or set it during compilation as an argument to make (this assumes m4ri was compiled but not installed in ../../m4ri directory relative the vecdec/src):

make -j all DINC="-I../../m4ri -L../../m4ri/.libs"

To run scripts in vecdec/examples directory, you will also need to install command-line versions of
Stim and


Get the source code from, e.g., using git, and compile by running

git clone
cd vecdec/src
make -j all

The program should compile without warnings on a reasonably recent Linux system.

For compilation help, change to the (vecdec/src/) directory and just run w/o arguments make

Normal compilation defines the variable NDEBUG. If you run into trouble, you way want to recompile without it, by running make clean && make vecdec EXTRA=""
This will enable additional integrity checks, and a lot of optional debugging information. Some of the additional checks may be expensive; the program runs slower in this mode.

Error model

A detector error model (DEM) is a collection of independent events, each of which is characterized by a probability p, a list of affected syndrome bits, and a list of affected codewords. Can be created by stim, see shell scripts in the (vecdec/examples/) directory. Notice that stim cycles are not supported in the DEM file. Only the lines starting with error are used; the detector and shift_detectors are silently ignored, as well as any comments. Any other entry will trigger an error.

# An example DEM file created by `stim`
error(0.125) D0
error(0.125) D0 D1
error(0.125) D0 D2
error(0.125) D1 D3
error(0.125) D1 L0
error(0.125) D2 D4
error(0.125) D3 D5
error(0.125) D4 D6
error(0.125) D5 D7
detector(1, 0) D0
detector(3, 0) D1
shift_detectors(0, 1) 0
detector(1, 0) D2
detector(3, 0) D3
shift_detectors(0, 1) 0
detector(1, 0) D4
detector(3, 0) D5
detector(1, 1) D6
detector(3, 1) D7

Alternatively, the error model can be specified in terms of CSS matrices H=Hx and L=Lx (use command-line parameters finH= and finL= to provide the file names). For a quantum code, instead of L, the dual CSS generator matrix G=Hz can be given.

All matrices with entries in GF(2) should have the same number of columns, n, and obey the following orthogonality conditions: $$H_XH_Z^T=0,\quad H_XL_Z^T=0,\quad L_XH_Z^T=0,\quad L_XL_Z^T=I,$$ where $I$ is an identity matrix. Notice that the latter identity is not required; it is sufficient that Lx and Lz matrices have the same full row rank =k, the dimension of the code, each row of Lx has a non-zero scalar product with a row of Lz, and vice versa.

The program can read matrices from files in sparse (coordinate) MaTrix market exchange (MTX) format and David MacKay's alist format (the format is recognized automatically).

Vectorized decoder

This section describes operation with the command-line switch mode=0 (the default).

How it works

Given a binary vector s with detector events, the goal is to construct the most likely binary vector e such that H*e=s. The decoding is verified by computing the vector of observable bits L*e and comparing it with the corresponding result computed from the actual error.

The random errors and the corresponding detector/observable vectors can be generated on the fly (for a given error model), or read from files in 01 format.

The program processes up to nvec syndrome vectors at a time. The syndrome columns are written as columns of a binary matrix S. The original check matrix H (extracted from the error model) is combined with S, to form block-matrix [H,S]. At each step, a column ordering P is randomly generated (using values of event probabilities to help), the Gauss elimination is performed on the rows of the combined matrix, creating the list of pivot columns [i0, i1, ...], with one entry per row. Given the transformed syndrome column [s0, s1, ...], the output vector has values given by the list of pairs [(i0,s0), (i1,s1), ...]. The energy is calculated as the sum of LLRs for non-zero bits in e and recorded, along with the sparse form of e if the energy is small enough.

The program stops after a sufficient number of attempts is made, and compares the values L*e for each found error e with the similar ones generated from the original errors; any mismatch is a logical error.

How to run it

The suggested number of syndrome vectors to generate and process is given by ntot. In reality, the number of rounds is calculated as $\lceil$ ntot/nvec $\rceil$, where nvec is another command line argument (currently, the default nvec=16, although one should probably use at least 1023 for efficiency). In each round, nvec different syndrome vectors will be generated and processed. Ideally, nvec should be a factor 64, since 64-bit integers are used to store binary vectors internally.

The parameter nfail, when non-zero, will cause execution to stop after accumulating a given number of logical errors.

The parameter lerr, when non-zero, specifies the maximum number of non-zero error bits outside of the index set to try before generating a new permutation. This is similar to OSD level. For large codes, recommended values are lerr=0 and lerr=1; larger values make the program prohibitively slow (run-time generally scales as code length to the power of lerr).

Another important command-line parameter is steps. It should be set to a sufficiently large number (experiment!) for decoding to be accurate, especially close to the threshold. The related parameter swait (if non-zero) specifies the number of steps w/o any updates to any error vector to wait before terminating the cycle.

Use debug=0 to suppress any output except for simulation results. Use debug=1023 to output all possible debugging information (not all bits are used at this time). The default value debug=1 causes the program to print information about basic steps of the calculation.

Use fdem=filename (with or without quotes) or fdem= filename (with a space) to specify the input file with the detector error model.

You may also want to set the names of the input files with externally generated errors, e.g., using the command-line arguments fdet=dets.01 fobs=obs_flips.01

BP decoder

Activate it with the command-line parameters mode=1. Several variants of the BP decoder are implemented; these are controlled by the submode bitmap, and also by parameters bpgamma, bpretry, lerr, and maxosd.

submode bitmap values

The submode bitmap is specified after a decimal point in the mode parameter, e.g., mode=1.14 has submode=14 ($=2+4+8=2^1+2^2+2^3$), which corresponds to set bits 1, 2, and 3. As detailed below, this gives serial-V BP schedule based on average LLR.

  • bit 0 in the bitmap controls the use of regular (instantaneous) LLR to check the convergence. Namely, when bit 0 is set, instantaneous LLR will be used.

  • bit 1 controls the use of average LLR to check the convergence.

    When both bit 0 and bit 1 are set, both sets of LLR values will be computed and used sequentially after every round of BP to check the convergence. For convenience, when neither bit 0 nor bit 1 is set, both sets of LLR values will be computed and used.

  • when bit 2 is set, serial BP update schedule is used, otherwise parallel schedule. Additional options for serial schedule are set by bits 3 and 4 (these only have effect with serial BP schedule, i.e., when bit 2 is set):

    • when bit 3 is set, serial-V order is selected, otherwise serial-C
    • when bit 4 is set, node randomization is done at every round, as opposed to once per run with a given syndrome vector.

additional parameters affecting BP

  • parameter bpgamma (allowed range from 0.0 to 1.0; the default value is 0.5) sets the coefficient for calculating average LLR values. Smaller values correspond to shorter memory; setting bpgamma=0 gives the same result at instantaneous LLR.

  • parameter bpretry (integer, default value 1, do not retry) allows to repeat BP several times using different node permutations. The prescribed number of attempts is made until a solution which satisfies the syndrome is found. This is useless with the parallel schedule (TODO: randomization of prior probabilities).

  • the use of optional ordered-statistics decoding (OSD) after BP failed to converge is controlled by the parameters lerr (default -1) and maxosd (default 100). With OSD, the variable nodes are sorted by decreasing error probability (according to BP), and Gauss elimination is used to find valid error vectors. With lerr=0, the unique solution corresponds to all-zero information set (variable nodes corresponding to pivot columns), with lerr=1, in addition to the all-zero information set, information sets with a single non-zero bit are also checked, and the minimum-weight vector is selected; with lerr=2 up to two non-zero bits are selected, etc. When maxosd parameter is non-zero, the search with multiple non-zero information bits is restricted to this range of columns (default value maxosd=100).

Quantized LLR and min-sum vs. sum-product BP updates

When the program is compiled with USE_QLLR (the default), parameters of integer-based Quantized LLR module can be set using qllr#=int, where # can be 1, 2, or 3. By default, the recommended values qllr1=12 qllr2=300 qllr3=7 are used.

The power 1<<qllr1 determines how integral LLRs relate to real LLRs (to_double=(1<<qllr1)*int_llr). Table resolution is 2^(-(qllr1-qllr3)). The parameter qllr2 is the number of entries in a table for LLR operations. With qllr2=0 (no table), the Sum-Product algorithm used in the program effectively reduces to a Min-Sum algorithm.


To speed-up the RIS and BP decoders, especially at small error probabilities, a fast pre-decoder based on syndrome cluster decomposition (similar to a single-step Union Find decoder) is now available. Namely, some error vectors and associated syndromes are stored in a hash. The initial syndrome vector is decomposed into connected clusters based on syndrome connectivity graph; the look up decoding is attempted for each cluster separately.

The errors in hash are controlled by parameters uW (maximum error weight; use 0 to just skip zero-syndrome vectors and -1 to skip the pre-decoder altogether), uR (maximum graph distance between non-zero bits in stored error vectors; use 0 for no limit), and maxU (maximum number of vectors in the hash; the default value is 0 for no limit). In addition, with uX=0 (the default value), no partial matching will be attempted. With uX=1, when complete error vector cannot be matched, all matched clusters will be removed from the detector event vector before sending it to the main decoder. This appears to help with BP (mode=1) decoder and cause additional fails with RIS (mode=0) decoder.

LER and code distance estimator

This section describes operation with the command-line switch mode=2. Summary of additional mode options:

  • Without any submode specified, the program just tries to find a minimum-weight codeword. In this regime, it is recommended to add useP=-1 to the command line, to skip energy calculations.
  • With submode 1 (i.e., mode=2.1), the program will use the computed codewords to estimate the fail probability. Two quantities will be computed: the sum of estimated fail probabilities over the codewords and the maximum single-codeword fail probability. The results are not expected to be accurate since estimated prefactors will be used.
  • The submode 2 (i.e., mode=2.2) is similar, except that exact prefactors will be used (for a codeword of weight w a prefactor is computed by examining all $2^w$ binary error patterns).

Given the error model, i.e., the matrices $H$, $L$, and the vector of column probability values $p_i$, the program tries to enumerate the likely binary codewords $c$ such that $He=0$, $Le\neq0$, while the associate log-likelihood probability ratio (LLR) $\sum_i c_i \ln(1/p_i-1)$ is not too large.

The following gives a more detailed description for mode=2.1: The program stores the list of codewords found in a hash, and outputs four numbers:

  • The sum of estimated contributions to the logical error probability from all codewords found, $\displaystyle\sum_c\prod_{i\in \mathop{\rm supp}c} 2[ p_i(1-p_i)]^{1/2}$. If the list of codewords is large enough, this gives an upper bound on the fail probability.
  • Maximum fail probability from a single codeword (maximum term contributing to the sum above). Up to a prefactor, this gives a lower bound on the fail probability.
  • Minimum weight of the codeword found. This gives the code distance (Z-distance for a CSS code with H=Hx, G=Hz). This is particularly useful if you want to compare the circuit distance with that of the original code.
  • Number of codewords contributing to the total. With dW=0, this gives the total number of distinct minimum-weight codewords found.

To speed up the distance calculation, you can use the parameter dmin (by default, dmin=0). When non-zero, if a code word of weight w $\le$ dmin is found, the distance calculation is terminated immediately, and the result -w with a negative sign is printed. This is useful if, e.g., we are trying to construct a fault-tolerant measurement circuit whose circuit distance should coincide with the distance d of the original code. In this case, if we specify dmin=(d-1), distance calculation will be terminated immediately so that a different circuit can be studied.

Additional parameters relevant for this mode:

  • finC optional filename to read the list of codewords from (default: empty, do not read). Notice that the energy of the codewords is not stored in the file, it will be recomputed. The codewords read are verified after reading; error will result if any codeword does not satisfy the orthogonality conditions, H*c=0, L*c!=0 (this may happen, e.g., if an incorrect file was specified).
  • outC optional filename to write the full list of codewords to (default: empty, do not write).
  • maxC maximum number of codewords to read/write/create (default: 0, no limit).
  • dW maximum weight of codewords above the minimum weight (default: 0, just keep the minimum weight codewords). Setting dW=-1 suppresses the upper limit on the weight of codewords stored.
  • dE maximum energy of codewords above the minimum energy (default: -1, no limit on the energy of codewords found).

Export the matrices

This section describes operation with the command-line switch mode=3. In this case the program does not try to run anything and just parses the DEM file and saves the corresponding parity-check H=Hx, observables L=Lx matrices and the error-probabilities P vector. In addition, the program constructs the G=Hz and K=Lz matrices. As a reminder, rows of G are orthogonal to rows of H and L, while rows of K are orthogonal to the rows of H, are linearly independent from rows of G, and each has a non-zero product with a row of L. Also, rank H + rank G = n-k, rank L = rank K = k, where n is the number of variable nodes (matrix columns) and k is the dimension of the code. For a classical code, matrix G is trivial (has zero rank), while the L matrix can be selected to have all rows of weight 1.

The matrices are written in the Matrix Market format to files with names ${fout}H.mmx, ${fout}G.mmx, ${fout}L.mmx, and ${fout}P.mmx, where the header string is defined by the value of the fout= command-line argument. An exceptional value is fout=stdout, in which case the contents of the files is directed (surprise!) to stdout.

Note: For some obscure reasons, the constructed G matrix will only have weight-3 rows. This is done by finding triplets of columns in matrices H and L which sum to zero. This works for a DEM file created from a circuit which contains one- or two-qubit depolarizing noise. With insufficient rank in weight-3 rows, the program will currently fail.

All command-line arguments

You can generate the list of supported command line arguments by running vecdec --help. Additional information is available by running vecdec mode=[int] help or vecdec --morehelp. Here is the corresponding output:

run ./vecdec --help

./vecdec:  vecdec - vectorized decoder and LER estimator
  usage: ./vecdec param=value [[param=value] ... ]
         Command line arguments are processed in the order given except
         for 'mode' and 'debug' (these are processed first).
         Supported parameters:
         --help         : give this help (also '-h' or just 'help')
         mode=[integer] help            : help for specific mode
         --morehelp     : give more help on program conventions
         fdem=[string]  : name of the input file with detector error model
         finH=[string]  : file with parity check matrix Hx (mm or alist)
         finG=[string]  : file with dual check matrix Hz (mm or alist)
         finL=[string]  : file with logical dual check matrix Lx (mm or alist)
         finK=[string]  : file with logical check matrix Lz (mm or alist)
         finP=[string]  : input file for probabilities (mm or a column of doubles)
         finA=[string]  : additional matrix to correct syndromes (mm or alist)
         finC=[string]  : input file name for codewords in `nzlist` format
                 (space is OK in front of file names to enable shell completion)
         outC=[string]  : output file name for codewords in `nzlist` format
                         (if same as finC, the file will be updated)
         maxC=[long long int]   : max number of codewords to read/write/store
         epsilon=[double]       : small probability cutoff (default: 1e-8)
         useP=[double]  : fixed probability value (override values in DEM file)
                 for a quantum code specify 'fdem' OR 'finH' and ( 'finL' OR 'finG' );
                 for classical just 'finH' (and optionally the dual matrix 'finL')
         ferr=[string]  : input file with error vectors (01 format)
         fer0=[string]  : add'l error to correct det events 's+A*e0' (01 format)
                 where matrix 'A' is given via 'finA', 's' via 'fdet', and 'e0'
                 are the additional error vectors.
         fobs=[string]  : input file with observables (01 matching lines in fdet)
         fdet=[string]  : input file with detector events (01 format)
                 specify either 'ferr' OR a pair of 'ferr' and 'fdet' (or none for internal)
         gobs, gdet=[string]    : out file for generated vectors (01 format)
         perr, pobs, pdet=[string]      : out file for predicted vectors (01 format)
         pads=[integer] : if non-zero, pad vectors from `fdet` file with zeros (0)
         fout=[string]  : header for output file names ('tmp', see 'mode=3')
         steps=[integer]        : num of RIS or BP decoding steps (default: 50)
         lerr =[integer]        : OSD search level (-1, only implemented with `mode=0`, `1`)
         maxosd=[integer]       : max column for OSD2 and above (100)
         bpgamma=[float]        : average LLR scaling coefficient for BP (default 0.5)
         bpretry=[integer]      : retry BP up to this many times per syndrome (1)
         swait=[integer]        : Gauss steps w/o new errors to stop (0, do not stop)
         nvec =[integer]        : max vector size for decoding (default: 1024)
                         (list size for distance or energy calculations)
         ntot =[long long int]  : total syndromes to generate (default: 1)
         nfail=[long long int]  : total fails to terminate (0, do not terminate)
         dW=[integer]   : if 'dW>=0', may keep vectors of weight up to 'minW+dW' (0)
         maxW=[integer] : if non-zero, skip any vectors above this weight (0)
         dE=[double]    : if 'dE>=0', may keep vectors of energy up to 'minE+dE'
                         (default value: -1, no upper limit on energy)
         dmin=[integer] : terminate distance calculation immediately when
                         a vector of weight 'W<=dmin' is found, return '-w' (default: 0)
         seed= [long long int]  : RNG seed or automatic if <=0 (default: 0)
         qllr1=[integer]        : if 'USE_QLLR' is set, parameter 'd1' (12)
         qllr2=[integer]        : if 'USE_QLLR' is set, parameter 'd2' (300)
         qllr3=[integer]        : if 'USE_QLLR' is set, parameter 'd3' (7)
                 These are used to speed-up LLR calculations, see 'qllr.h'
                 Use 'qllr2=0' for min-sum.
         mode=int[.int] : operation mode[.submode] (default: 0.0)
                * 0: use basic vectorized (random information set) decoder
                * 1: Belief Propagation decoder.
                * 2: Generate most likely fault vectors, estimate Prob(Fail).
                * 3: Read in the DEM file and optionally write the corresponding
                         G, K, H, and L matrices and the probability vector P.
         debug=[integer]        : bitmap for aux information to output (default: 1)
                *   0: clear the entire debug bitmap to 0.
                *   1: output misc general info (on by default)
                *   2: output matrices for verification
                         see the source code for more options
         See program documentation for input file syntax.
         Multiple 'debug' parameters are XOR combined except for 0.
         Use debug=0 as the 1st argument to suppress all debug messages.

run ./vecdec mode=0 --help

 mode=0 : use basic vectorized (random information set) decoder
	 No 'submode' can be used with this mode. 
	 This decoder is exponentially slow but it is not specific to 
	 quantum LDPC codes.  Accuracy and performance are 
	 determined by parameters 'steps' (number of RIS rounds) and 'lerr'.
	 Long codes may require exponentially large number of 'steps'.
	 Values 'lerr>1' can be slow for long codes.
	 Specify a single DEM file 'fdem', or 'finH', 'finL', and 'finP'
	 separately (either 'finL' or 'finG' is needed for a quantum code).
	 Use 'useP' to override error probability values in DEM file.   
	 Errors can be generated internally or read from 01 file 'ferr'.
	 Alternatively, files with detector events and observables 
	 can be specified via 'fdet' and 'fobs'. 
	 Long lines in these files may be silently truncated. 
	 Use 'pads=1' to pad lines in 'fdet' file with zeros.
	 Set 'nfail' and/or 'swait' for early termination.
	 Total of 'ntot' errors will be read or generated in chunks of 'nvec'.

run ./vecdec mode=1 --help

 mode=1.[submode] : use one of several iterative decoder versions
	Submode bitmap values:
			 .1 (bit 0) use regular LLR
			 .2 (bit 1) use average LLR - these take precendence
			 .4 (bit 2) use serial BP schedule (not parallel)
			 .8 (bit 3) with serial, use V-based order (not C-based)
			 .16 (bit 4) with serial, randomize node order in each round 
			     (by default randomize only once per run)
	 For convenience, 'submode=0' is equivalent to 'submode=3'. 
	 This decoder may experience convergence issues.
	 Accuracy and performance are determined by parameters 
	 'steps' (number of BP rounds), 'lerr' (OSD level, defaul=-1, on OSD).
	 and 'maxosd', the number of columns for OSD in levels 2 and above.
	 Using 'steps' not higher than 50 is recommended.
	 Use 'bpgamma' to specify how averaging is done (default: 0.5).
	 Use 'bpretry' to specify how many times to retry BP (default: 1, do not retry) 
	 Use 'qllr' parameters to set LLR quantization
	   or compile with 'VER=""' option for double LLR values. 
	 With 'qllr2=0' the Sum-Product algorithm reduces to a 'Min-Sum'.
	 Specify a single DEM file 'fdem', or 'finH', 'finL', and 'finP'
	 separately (either 'finL' or 'finG' is needed for a quantum code).
	 Use 'useP' to override error probability values in DEM file.   
	 Errors can be generated internally or read from 01 file 'ferr'.
	 Alternatively, files with detector events and observables 
	 can be specified via 'fdet' and 'fobs'. 
	 Long lines in these files may be silently truncated. 
	 Use 'pads=1' to pad lines in 'fdet' file with zeros.
	 Set 'nfail' and/or 'swait' for early termination.
	 Total of 'ntot' errors will be read or generated in chunks of 'nvec'.

run ./vecdec mode=2 --help

 mode=2 : Generate most likely fault vectors, estimate Prob(Fail).
	Submode bitmap values:
			 .1 (bit 0) calculate original fail probability estimate
			 .2 (bit 1) calculate exact greedy probability estimate
	 Use up to 'steps' random information set (RIS) steps
	 unless no new codewords (fault vectors) have been found for 'swait' steps.
	 Use 'steps=0' to just use the codewords from the file 
	 Keep vectors of weight up to 'dW' above min weight found.
	       and energy up to 'dE' above minimum E found (sum of LLRs).
	 When 'maxC' is non-zero, generate up to 'maxC' unique codewords.
	 If 'outC' is set, write full list of CWs to this file.
	 If 'finC' is set, read initial set of CWs from this file.
	 Accuracy and performance are determined by parameters 
	 'steps' (number of BP rounds), 'lerr' (OSD level, defaul=-1, on OSD).
	 and 'maxosd', the number of columns for OSD in levels 2 and above.
	 Specify a single DEM file 'fdem', or 'finH', 'finL', and 'finP'
	 separately (either 'finL' or 'finG' is needed for a quantum code).
	 Use 'useP' to override error probability values in DEM file.   

run ./vecdec mode=3 --help

 mode=3 : Export matrices associated with the code.
	 Read in the DEM file and optionally write the corresponding 
	 G, K, H, and L matrices and the probability vector P.
	 By default (submode&31=0) output everything, otherwise
	 .1 (bit 0) write G=Hz matrix
	 .2 (bit 1) write K=Lz matrix
	 .4 (bit 2) write H=Hx matrix
	 .8 (bit 3) write L=Lx matrix
	 .16 (bit 4) write P vector
	 Codewords file 'finC', if given, will be used to create 'G' and 'K'
	   matrices with rows of smallest possible weight.
	 In addition, mode=3.32 (just bit 5 set) in combination with
	  codewords file 'finC' forces code transformation mode.
	 Similarly, use mode=3.64 (just bit 6 set) to create DEM file '${fout}D.dem'
	 Use 'fout=' command line argument to generate file names
	 ${fout}H.mmx, ${fout}G.mmx, ${fout}L.mmx, ${fout}K.mmx, and ${fout}P.mmx
	 with 'fout=stdout' all output is sent to 'stdout'

run ./vecdec --morehelp

   Matrices used by ./vecdec:
	 We have a CSS code with binary generator matrices Hx=H, Hz=G,
	 and logical-operator generating matrices Lx=L and Lz=K.  These
	 matrices have 'n' columns each and satisfy orthogonality properties
		 Hx*Hz^T=0, Lx*Hz^T=0, Lx*Lz^T=0, and Lx*Lz^T=I (identity matrix).
	 We are trying to correct binary Z errors, whose probabilities
	 are given by the n-component double vector P
	  (or can be overridden with the command-line parameter 'useP').
		   A detector error model (DEM) file, in the format produced by Stim,
	 contains matrices Hx and Lx, and the error probability vector P.
	 The same code can be obtained by specifying the matrices 
	 independently, via separate files.
   The dual CSS matrix Hz can be specified instead of Lx.
	 In such a case, the internal error generator must be used
	 (an attempt to specify 'fdet' and 'fobs' files will result in an error).
   For a classical code, just give the parity check matrix Hx=H.
	 In this case G matrix is trivial (has zero rank), and
	 Lx has all rows of weight '1'. 
	 Only the internal error generator can be used for classical codes
	 Parameter(s) used by all modes:                     
	 seed=[integer] : when negative or zero, combine provided value
		 with 'time(null)' and 'pid()' for more randomness.

Additional details

  • The command-line argument seed is used when a positive value is specified. When a negative value -x is specified, a combination of time(NULL), getpid() and x is used to provide maximum randomness. Namely,
    seed = x + time(NULL) + 1000000ul * getpid();
  • The command-line argument maxW can be used to ensure that all codewords of higher weight are omitted. This is useful with mode=3.32 (matrix transformation) as the complexity grows exponentially with the weight. [Currently only transformations corresponding to codewords of weight 1, 2, and 3 are implemented.]


The program uses m4ri library for binary linear algebra. To install under Ubuntu, run

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libm4ri-dev

Tiny Mersenne Twister written by Mutsuo Saito and Makoto Matsumoto is used for random number generation (header file src/tinymt64.h is included with the distribution).

uthash by Troy D. Hanson and Arthur O'Dwyer is used for hashing storage (header file src/uthash.h is included with the distribution).

Shell scripts in the examples/ directory assume command-line versions of PyMatching and Stim packages compiled and located in ../PyMatching and ../Stim (with respect to the location of this file). These excellent packages written by Oscar Higgott and Craig Gidney, respectively, are available from GitHub. Please refer to the documentation of these packages for the installation instructions.


Eventually, more sophisticated algorithms will be added to the program. Currently in the works are serial BP decoder and stat-mech maximum-likelihood decoder, as well as some degeneracy-reducing matrix transformations for mode=3.


vecdec - vectorized decoder and LER estimator







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