The project is to implement an ESKF algorithm to fuse IMU and GNSS data. The theory can be referred to Quaternion kinematics for the error-state Kalman filter. The implementation can be referred to imu_gps_localization. The test dataset can be referred to EU.
It is tested under Ubuntu 18.04 + ROS melodic.
- nav_msgs is used for ROS publishing.
- eigen_conversions is used for ROS publishing.
- nmea_navsat_driver is used for GNSS data processing.
- Eigen is used for matrix computation.
- GeographicLib is used for transformation between LLA and ENU.
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-geographic-* geographiclib-* libgeographic-*
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-nav-msgs ros-melodic-eigen-conversions ros-melodic-nmea-navsat-driver
sudo ln -s /usr/share/cmake/geographiclib/FindGeographicLib.cmake /usr/share/cmake-3**/Modules/ (* is the version of your cmake)
Clone the repository to the catkin work space eg. /catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
Run the following launch file
roslaunch imu_gnss_eskf imu_gnss_eskf.launch
Play the following bag file
rosbag play utbm_robocar_dataset_**.bag