A simple python & pyQT5 app to turn off (shutdown) your PC in "X" minutes or hours, or at specific time of current day.
App is writen in Python & Pyqt5.
You need to have installed:
- python (ver 3 and above)
- python-pyqt5
- To run app just start TimerDown.py with python in your terminal:
$ python TimerDown.py
- App is using "shutdown" command from Linux core system and "systemd" commands for hibernate and sleep options.
If you are using Arch Linux or Arch based distro, there is 2 AUR packages:
This one is based on releases on git: timerdown
This one is git version: timerdown-git
TimerDown is free software under GPL v3 licence.
Python licence: https://docs.python.org/3/license.html
The icons used in this app are: https://github.com/KDE/oxygen-icons