npm install pzl-react-reusable-components
Dialog used to confirm actions. Also contains React hook useConfirmationDialog
Import in the following way:
import { useConfirmationDialog } from 'pzl-react-reusable-components/lib/ConfirmDialog'
const [dialog, getResponse] = useConfirmationDialog()
async function deleteItem() {
let response = getResponse({
title: 'Delete item',
subText: 'Are you sure you want to delete the item?'
if(response) {
// Delete item
return (
<button text="Delete" onClick={deleteItem} />
Display a message to the user. Uses a MessageBar
from office-ui-fabric-react
and supports markdown using react-markdown
Import in the following way:
import { UserMessage } from 'pzl-react-reusable-components/lib/UserMessage'
const [message, setMessage] = useMessage(5000)
async function deleteItem() {
setMessage({ text: 'Item was deleted' , type: MessageBarType.success })
return (
<button text="Delete" onClick={deleteItem} />
Display progress to the user using the ProgressIndicator
component from office-ui-fabric-react
Import in the following way:
import { Progress } from 'pzl-react-reusable-components/lib/Progress'
const [progress, startProgress, endProgress] = useProgress()
async function deleteItem() {
startProgress('Deleting item', 'Please wait...')
return (
<button text="Delete" onClick={deleteItem} />
Display a temporarily message to the user using the MessageBar
component from office-ui-fabric-react
Import in the following way:
import { Toast } from 'pzl-react-reusable-components/lib/Toast'
const [toast, setToast] = useToast(800)
async function deleteItem() {
toast("Item was successfully deleted.")
return (
<button text="Delete" onClick={deleteItem} />