However, I will do my best to review any pull requests submitted. Feel free to submit pull requests for bug fixes or improvements. I appreciate any contributions. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can open an issue, and I'll do my best to provide guidance or clarification. There are still open issues to be dealt with and again pull requests are appreciated.
Generates files and judges your solutions while Competitive Programming.
Problems and Contests from these contest websites are supported. If you come across bugs or have feature requests, please raise an issue on our GitHub repository.
See documentation for how to get started and other resources.
- Generate files from contest websites
- Supports File Templates
- Supports all Programming languages supported by the IDE.some might need setup.
- Supports sample Testcase editor
- Results are presented in Test Runner UI built in the IDE.
This plugin collects anonymous usage data.
See something that's wrong or unclear?, Pull requests are welcome 😀
Read the contributing guide to learn how you can take part in
improving AutoCp
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License
Plugin based on the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template.