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My personal About info, beyond what fits in the GitHub bio! :D

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My personal About info, beyond what fits in the GitHub bio! :D

Pony Town

If you're coming from Pony Town to see this :> then I'm usually there.
Feel free to interact with me in any way at any time! :D
If it says Away feel free to whisper, but don't expect a quick response ^^'
If it says Busy feel free to whisper still, but don't expect a response at all much less a quick one ^^'
If I'm a statue and you want to talk, please whisper then friend and message me on discord in Pony Town, since by the time I see it, the game won't let me reply for some reason, and it's so sad to see people I want to reply and talk to but the game won't let me!!

I'm often afkish there, meaning I'm still there, just doing laundry or soldering or something and not looking at the screen all the time. ^_^
(I'm also often not-really-afk there, meaning I'm coding or something and I'm in Pony Town but have the IDE window translucent over Pony Town and I can see if someone comes up to me! :D but you have no way of knowing if it's that or afkish if it says Away or Busy XD )

So tl;dr please whisper if I don't respond to boops or talking normally! (and don't get mad if I don't respond at all when Busy!)
(Someday maybe ponytown will get Notifications and then it can ding me if you boop or something ^w^ but until then, normal text gets lost in the "Local" tab's scroll XD so I keep the "Personal" tab open :3 )

My me-nesses :>

I ammmmmmmm a silly little puppylike boi :>

  • My pronouns are he/him or they/them
  • My age is 33 years old at the time of writing; I was born in June 1990 (in case it's not the time of writing XD )
  • My location is in Texas, US and probably will be for quite some time (time of writing: April 2023)
  • My politics are certainly not pro-capitalism/Republican/selfishness, but aren't exactly aligned with Democrats or even Socialists either. It's complex to describe to people and I'm generally pretty private about them, but suffice it to say I'm open to political diversity (simultaneous co-existence of different systems!) and I'd be in the Air Nation in Avatar world :3 (ie, I would have joined a monastery if they weren't religious, a native american reservation if not for feeling I'd be an unwanted burden, or an intentional community if not for complicated personal reasons that also apply to the others, but which wouldn't have been a thing if I was 18 again and making life choices lol).
  • I'm polyamorous (okay with people I'm close to having multiple special someponies of their own :> and would like the freedom to do so myself—I'm a fae free spirit of the forest! ^,^ )
  • I'm aromantic! But I'm intensely "a romantic" in the art and aesthetic sense XD like fawning at beautiful sunrises/sets and being affectionate and cuddly and sweet with people I'm close to :'> But!
    • I've felt the chemicals of romance and I don't feel them anymore and I very much like it that way!! I'm allergic to them lol; they just aren't healthy for me and don't agree with me X3
    • So I don't feel those overwhelming feelings that make you feel bonded to someone..connected at the very core of your souls!..rewriting your mind to make you feel as if you've always known them and have childhood memories with them! To be so utterly bonded and connected....despite having known them for only a few weeks lmao X'D and consequently painful if/when you break up!
    • No, for me, I only bond with someone that closely if our relationship is actually that deep, from having shared our secrets, been on adventures together, and just been a deep part of each others' lives for years! <3
    • Also ofc, I utterly and completely have no interest in that "Settle down, grow up, stop dreaming, be a protector/provider, and come home from the day's work, not know your wife much (except biblically! [sleazy laugh]), and spend your life in a deep and consummated relationship with soul-wrenching loneliness at the core of your being you'll never admit to yourself much less anyone else.. The ideal life of a Good Christian American Man." sdlfjkdfldkjfdflkj which I thought would (and should!) be my future for the first 20 years of my life X'D
    • The feelings I feel and the relationships I have, I describe as "friendships", not the least of which being, because it's the ultimate perception of respect in the culture I was raised in. Your wife or girlfriend you were to look down on and not think of as an equal, but a friend! oh a friend would be with you in the trenches, would be your coworker, the person you asked for advice, the person you respected the mental abilities of enough to ask for advice! And..the ultimate relationship for me is to be that with someone who has the attributes of girliness people looked down on girls for having, but not in spite of those attributes, but because of them :") and for me to have those attributes too!!:
      Gentleness, kindness, vulnerability, trustingness, trustworthyness, nurturing, empathy, etc., and love :"> alongside intelligence and capability and healthiness and wholeness :'>
      (not that someone needs all those last ones for me to be sweet with them, but I'd love to help them have such healthiness if they don't already :'> )
      (and notice I said "healthiness" not "strength" to be clear about the connotations there being that it's not defined in the framework of the warriorlike / toxically-masculine culture I was raised in ;3 )
    • To be sure though, I absolutely!! want to spend my life with affectionate and close dear ones, and snuggle and cuddle and share our lives together and kiss each other when we wake up in the morning :'D —I just need it to be in the framework of affectionate naive/puppylike friendship, not romance :3
      (and a matryoshka doll of concentric spheres of closeness with other relatively more numerous people being less close than that yet still far closer (and perhaps snugglier!) than conventional "friends" :3 )
  • I'm technically pan/bisexual but:
    • Because over my life (and still today!) most boys aren't of a personality I'm attracted to, I'm basically straight XD
    • I guess you could say I'm drawn (platonically and otherwise) to femme people not female people, really!
    • My sexuality is a beautiful thing :D not a complicated mess XD but to describe it in a language based on patriarchal Western culture is indeed a very complicated mess XD
      But basically it's just sweetness and gentle caring and love—more vanilla than vanilla XD (whether intense or smooth ^///^) though I'm totally fine with people doing and having kinks! (ie, I'm kink-positive like an asexual person can be sex-positive :3 )
      I'm hardly physically all XD, and my sexual attraction comes almost entirely from the other person's desire :3 (but only if I feel safe with them and they're soft and sweet and nice and we click :> )
      (and I'll reveal a personal/tmi detail just so people learn not to make assumptions based on personality: I usually imagine being top XD ;3 but I like bottom and all other kinds of ways of making some dear sweet person happy in that way—whatever they want that I'm also comfortable with! :"> )

tl;dr I'm like an affectionate friend boy or sentient puppy that exists in the fantasy world of girls' TV shows XD
Which is why Pony Town is so important to me!! It is a world based on a girls' TV show! XD!
I can be me there..and not get punched in the face XD or scare people because they have to worry if I'm the kind of person who'd punch people in the face X'D or otherwise just be...on Mars..when really I'm on Venus :>

(And don't tell me I'm really a transgirl in God's eyes lmao XD I'm a boy and I like being a boy :D ..I'm just a boy..on Venus! ^w^ )

My interests and you!! :D

If we're friends and particularly if you're nurturing and kind (whether or not a girl!..but prolly a girl XD), I am 10000% allllll abouttttt sharing knowledge and passion on science, math, computers, technology, and all kiiiiiinds of those things!!..but only if you want to :>

By passion I mean if you want to like something you don't already, I can reveal how I experience it emotionally, and wax poetic about the gentle elysian meadows of combinatoric discrete mathematics, or the timeless golden library of group/magma theory, or other worlds and places in the structure of the fabric of reality itself that binds the many universes of possibility together 8>

I think there's a unique and beautiful way with which we experience these things and the ontological and emotional frameworks they rest in, in our minds. And I think the difference of that from the experiential and perceptual frameworks of most of the people who make up these fields (usually (conventional) boys) might be a big reason why so many girls don't like STEM things!

Ie, that it's really something deeper, which also explains why the girls who do like STEM things and keep liking them after college, are so often seen by boys/men as "one of the guys". I don't think the answer is just for the boys to "be nicer to girls"—I mean obviously that!! but as a not-girl who desperately loves it but wouldn't be in STEM if I had to be in it professionally/conventionally/socially, I think I can tell there's something deeper—a fundamental dissonance there in the entire perception of reality and life that can only be dealt with by reading books written by people-, going to conventions with people-, being mentored by people-, working in a lab with people-, just being in a field with people-! -who..don't see the world as a competition..but as opportunity for togetherness and helping each other! ^w^, conversations not as things to hold one's own in and toughen each other up in but to help each other and lift each other up in!, two or more things as always to be compared as to which one's better—including people!—and thus always to be jostling for who gets to be king (or queen!) of the hill, and for sensitivity to be useful but thick skin to be expected, instead of thick skin to be useful and sensitivity to be expected.

I don't mean to say the way most boys are ("mars", you might call it) is a bad way or world, just's not ours. So as a "child of venus" you might say, but who grew up with ALLLllllLLLLLLLlllll the male privilege of being encouraged in everything sciencey and mathey and computerey and who took to it deeply for my entire life, I want to do absolutely everything I can to connect and increase the number of people who perceive the world the way we do..who also know how to take an integral lol, but more than that, who actually love communing with the timeless fabrics of realities (math!) and creating them! (computers!) including the fabric of our own reality! (physics!) and all that's in it (rest of science!) and creating things in it! (technology!) :'>

So..if you're also like me, and know and want to share as peers! :D or don't know and want to learn, or want to want to learn ;3 these things,
PlEEEeeEeEeeeEEeEeeeeeeese just let me know; I would desperately love to share this with you 8>

(And it's an edgy hot-take, but..honestly, I think the world needs more people who don't subconsciously experience life as a competition..wielding the greatest powers and knowledge its ever seen XD'' )

tl;dr I'll help you with your homework lol or teach you to code XD —but no, it's more than that :'>

(though also note, I'm CRLA Level II certified and was a professional tutor in college that a lot of people liked, so I really can help :D and you get it for freeeee! ^W^ )

Specific things I already know a lot about! Including Fandoms! ^W^

Things we're both passionate about are great :D

But as a dear friend showed me, a lot of connection comes from specific things you like and already know a lot about!! :D
(As opposed to things you like but don't already know a lot about, but would learn if someone wanted to :3 )


I think this includes Fandoms! :D

So here are my Fandom things not in order but grouped by level of interest/importance to me (note that I'm not active in any fandom communities, I just like these arts :> )

  • @My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
  • @Star Trek (not as much The Original Series, sorry ^^' )
  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
  • @The Owl House
  • @Steven Universe
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • @Magic Knight Rayearth
  • @Pokėmon
  • (more I'm leaving out I just know it XD ...)

(then, the less soul-definingly-deeply important ones to me: XD )

  • Avatar: The Legend of Korra
  • Doctor Who
  • Gravity Falls
  • Bee & Puppycat
  • Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
  • Danny Phantom
  • Static Shock
  • Humans
  • Digimon
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • Full-Metal Alchemist
  • Sanctuary
  • Xena: Warrior Princess
  • Stargate
  • Disenchantment
  • Futurama

(@ means I haven't finished all of it yet (as of 2023-04-11)! So no spoilers! XD ) (none in the second one bc they're not as personally-important to me so I don't mind as much X33 )

Notfandoms! XD

This section needs work, but I'm just going to write out a bunch of stuff like it's NaNoWriMo (which my dear friend does :3 ) because it's getting late and I need to fix my sleep schedule XD''


Can do in my sleep XD

  • Java Programming!
  • Java GUI Client Programming (in Swing or frameworks I made myself :3 )
  • Server Backend Programming (for a conventional website, or for systems involving custom network protocols)
  • Software Architecture (designing APIs and Network Protocols and the structure of entire things)
  • Game Engine Development (esp. realtime 2D sidescrollers with physics! :D )
  • Game Content Development (just the code not the art! ^^' )
    • Thoroughly, Creatures 3 / Docking Station! :DD that's my childhood right there XD :">
    • Also Starbound :>
  • Certain areas of Discrete Mathematics
    • Boolean Logic! :D
  • Certain areas of Continuous Mathematics
    • Algebra (Numerical and Abstract! and Symbolic Expression Trees!)
    • Basic Multivariate Calculus XD
    • Basic Differential Equations
  • Singing! \:D/
  • Dancing! \^w^/
  • Writing way-too-emotionally-exhausting song lyrics! :D XD
  • Basic Chemistry (Arrhenius Equations, Gibbs Free Energy, Stoichiometry, Faraday's Law, the usual :3 )
  • (probably things I forgot!)...

Know a fair bit about and dream about in my sleep! 8> XD

  • The Rest of Discrete Mathematics 8>
  • The Rest of Continuous Mathematics ^^
  • Embedded-Systems Programming in C and Raspberry Pi lowlevel physical-memory direct access code in Java!
  • Digital-Signal Processing algorithms in C and Java
  • Android App Development :> (in Java not Kotlin, and with my own toolchain, not Android Studio ^^' )
  • Writing way-too-emotionally-exhausting stories XD (usually fanfiction ^^ )
  • Lumped-Element Electrodynamic Analysis! (I'm about to do something that should put this in the upper list ;D )
  • Making DIY electronics! \:D/
  • Game Content Development (just the code not the art! ^^' )
    • Roblox! ^w^
    • Minetest Mods! ^w^
    • Minecraft Mods someday! :3
  • Continuum Dynamics! :'D (including connecting Thermodynamics with Chemical Engineering with Maxwellian Electrodynamics with Geometric Optics in the framework of Continuum Dynamics to make Ultimate Classical Physicssss! Yaaaaaaas! /:D/ XD ^W^ )
  • 3D Printing and CNC Machining! ^w^
  • Computational Geometry!!
  • Matrix-Formulation Quantum Particle Theory (someday Field Theory and QED/QCD 8>> but..alas, as you can see..there is so much else 8> XD )
  • Linear Algebra
  • Welding! (I'm certified in MIG and Stick but want to learn TIG! :D )
  • Computer Programming in Functional Languages
  • Hydroponic/Aeroponic Agriculture
  • Building houses for EXTREMELY—NO REALLY, I MEAN EXTREMELY LITTLE MONEY XD (by necessity! since I've been dirt poor for so long XD though I haven't actually done it yet!! but at time of writing I am starting right now! :DD )
  • Mechanical Engineering!!
    • Finite-Strain Static Truss-Analysis
    • Infinitescimal-Strain Static Continuum-Analysis
    • Finite-Strain Static Continuum-Analysis 8>
  • Finite-Element Modelling (Im baby here, but I finally understand the fundamental principle of it!—that it's a projection from infinite-dimensional space and linear algebra into a bajillion-but-finite-dimensional space!! :D!! )
  • Infinite-Dimensional Calculus MUAhahaha! (and Geometry / Linear Algebra) — aka, Calculus of Variations (and Hilbert Space Geometry / Linear Algebra) XD
  • Formally-Verifiable Logic/Mathematics (eg, ATS, Agda, etc.! :D )
  • Data Schemas / Modelling Systems that let data typing and (limited) semantics be shared across languages/platforms/implementations/codeworlds! \:D/
  • Formal grammar / syntax / computer language/parser/scanner design! :D
  • Inorganic Chemistry :3 (esp Discrete-Modelled Systems Equilibrium and Dynamic Chemistry 8> )
  • Very Basic Organic Chemistry!! XD (I don't begin to know how to write the molecular dynamics non-transient-simulation code to calculate the entopy cost and pre-exponential factor from the geometry of the classical parameter-space region surrounding the lowest potential energy nuclear configurations of the reactant molecules! [pants] ..But I know if I did figure it out, there's a lot of tables I wouldn't need to memorize! ;D XDD )
  • (definitely things I forgot!)...

Other accounts!

Here are my other accounts I'm comfortable associating with this one ^^

  • Pony Town: "Puppy Pie"
    • My account there has this GitHub account attached to it! If you don't see that GitHub, it's not me! So stay safe everyone!!
  • Discord: PuppyPi
  • Reddit: PuppyPi
  • DeviantArt: Codepuppy


My personal About info, beyond what fits in the GitHub bio! :D






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