The purpose of the BlackFalconUpdater is to be able to update the game's file (required for the bot to run) automaticaly and without any server X.
This is a proof-of-concept. It works and the scripts provide a somewhat of automation, but it is not production ready (not a all).
- : Compare the current version of the game with the latest version
- DofusLauncherImage.AppImage : Dofus Launcher
- : Get the current version of the game
- : Kill the launcher, restart the fake X server and restart the launcher
- : Click on the 'Update' button in the launcher
- : Main script, update the game's file and update the BlackFalcon tools with the new files.
To be able to run the launcher on a CLI-only server, you will have to create a fake X server with Xvfb.
The launcher will then be started with the argument : --remote-debugging-port=8315
It is using the chrome devtools available in an electron app to enable the remote debugging.
You will then be able to access the launcher from http://localhost:8315.
If you have a remote server and wish to access it from http://ip.of.the.server:port, you can use a tunnel : ./tunnel -Lr ip.of.the.server port localhost 8315