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Teensyduino-based firmware for Alpaca v1 electronics. Runs on Teensy 3.x/LC.


  • 16 key shift register-based general purpose input (partially remappable, WIP)
  • Shift register-based 8 channel programmable lamp driver/power switch (expandable)
  • Has a built-in UI for runtime controller settings, no need for a PC
  • Stable 250Hz (1kHz when compiled with turbo mode enabled) report output
  • True slider (although it uses resistive sensing and feels different than official)
    • Capacitive sensing ETA unknown
  • Immune to system updates depending on your settings of USB descriptor thanks to the usage of traditional passthrough technique (instead of relying on stolen keys like B***k)
  • Does not use delay() unless absolutely necessary or does not matter
  • Hackable in every sense unlike B***k boards
  • Built with love :P


  1. Install PlatformIO

  2. Execute patches/ under patches.

cd patches && bash ./
  1. Copy patches/patched/framework-arduinoteensy-ds4 to package directory under your PlatformIO settings directory and patches/patched/teensy-ds4 to platforms directory.
cd patched
cp -r framework-arduinoteensy-ds4 /path/to/your/pfio/config/dir/packages
cp -r teensy-ds4 /path/to/your/pfio/config/dir/platforms
  1. Run pio run at the project root directory.
cd ../../
pio run
  1. Now you can use pio run -t upload to upload the built firmware to your teensy.



(There are some hints on the wiki and in the code, feel free to check them out)