ProcessMaker Platform Winter 2025 (4.12.0)
40 commits
to release-2024-fall
since this release
What's Changed
- FOUR-18184:Add the component auto save instead the notification in Web by @fagubla in #7298
- feature/FOUR-18222 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7303
- feature/FOUR-18221: Update the component using the new colors and Ui updates by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7293
- FOUR-18617: The Header of the columns will change 'Capitalized Case' by @fagubla in #7302
- FOUR-18762: Added PI Process Import to New Process modal by @TinCodes in #7319
- feature/FOUR-18227 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7322
- Add 'Templates' Button to Screen Builder Navigation Menu by @sanjacornelius in #7329
- Add Screen Templates Section in Screen Builder by @sanjacornelius in #7330
- feature/FOUR-18240 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7331
- FOUR-18763: Implemented BE for PI Process import by @TinCodes in #7337
- feature/FOUR-19036 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7340
- feature/FOUR-18977: Create a new Permission “View All Cases”, this should be disable as default by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7343
- FOUR-18903: The Auto save date is updated without making any changes by @fagubla in #7342
- feature/FOUR-18241: Change permissions of ellipsis documentation option by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7341
- Feature/FOUR-18623 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7346
- FOUR-19004: Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part Counters by @henryjonathanquispe in #7353
- feature/FOUR-18537 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7352
- FOUR-18603 cases started table and view the list of all cases in the system ep by @devmiguelangel in #7357
- FOUR-19004: Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part Counters by @henryjonathanquispe in #7359
- FOUR-18634: New view "cases" and Implement new UI tabs by @fagubla in #7362
- FOUR-13438: STORY Copy icon now adds to clipboard by @rodriquelca in #7355
- FOUR-13439: STORY Adding multiple content to the clipboard by @rodriquelca in #7371
- FOUR-18315 | Include Tests For Accurate Filtering and Display of Templates by @mcraeteisha in #7369
- FOUR-18637:implement content "Tasks" tab by @fagubla in #7373
- FOUR-18604 cases participated table and view the list of cases the user is involved in ep by @devmiguelangel in #7372
- FOUR-18766: PI Process creation and redirect to modeler by @TinCodes in #7351
- feature/FOUR-18857: FE: Implement the new collapse like Launchpad by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7370
- FOUR-19000: Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part List by @henryjonathanquispe in #7374
- FOUR-19136 | CSS Updates for Screen Templates Panel by @mcraeteisha in #7380
- feature/FOUR-18135: Story 5 by @fagubla in #7377
- feature/FOUR-18976 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7389
- FOUR-18326 | Implement Layout Application Logic by @mcraeteisha in #7391
- FOUR-18323 | Implement CSS Application Logic by @mcraeteisha in #7383
- FOUR-18970: Create the view for show the summary related to the case - History Tab by @fagubla in #7395
- FOU-19003 : Create a NEW VIEW for cases Part Filters by @henryjonathanquispe in #7392
- FOUR-19226: Rename Cases to Request by @pmPaulis in #7385
- FOUR-18636 by @pmPaulis in #7399
- FOUR-18599 populate cases_started, cases_participated tables (main flow) by @devmiguelangel in #7400
- FOUR-19273: Create a new Permission “View My Request”, this should be enable per default. by @pmPaulis in #7393
- Initial DevLink implementation by @nolanpro in #7401
- Feature/FOUR-18105: STORY Add Collections in Designer Page Assets View by @CarliPinell in #7275
- Feature/FOUR-18104: STORY Add Collections in Designer Page Assets View by @CarliPinell in #7276
- FOUR-18107 - Feature/FOUR-18319: Save data to collection (backend) if enabled - create/update by @CarliPinell in #7325
- FOUR-18107 - feature/FOUR-18103: Support for drafts (hidden variable in screen data) by @CarliPinell in #7336
- feature/FOUR-19347 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7405
- FOUR-19237: Cases list "Pagination" by @henryjonathanquispe in #7403
- FOUR-18545: Use the current counter My Request (current API) by @henryjonathanquispe in #7409
- feature/FOUR-19091 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7410
- FOUR-19349: Unit test failed by @pmPaulis in #7411
- FOUR-19319: Add links in the columns in "Tasks" tab by @henryjonathanquispe in #7414
- FOUR-18600 populate cases_started, cases_participated tables automated tasks by @devmiguelangel in #7412
- feature/FOUR-19316: The permission “View My Request” needs to enable per default when a user was create by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7407
- feature/FOUR-19007: Show the column "Request ID" for all the list REQUESTS by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7415
- FOUR-19377 by @pmPaulis in #7418
- FOUR-19328: Enable the order desc/asc "Tasks" tab by @henryjonathanquispe in #7416
- FOUR-18135 by @pmPaulis in #7420
- Feature/four 19267 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7424
- FOUR-13443 Implement Clipboard usage between pages or separate screens by @caleeli in #7423
- feature/FOUR-18629: BE: The API needs to consider save the collapse pero user and feature by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7433
- FOUR-18601 populate cases_started table - sub processes by @devmiguelangel in #7421
- feature/FOUR-18099 STORY Tasks from Processes I manage section by @gproly in #7435
- FOUR-18631: Review the comments Component by @henryjonathanquispe in #7431
- feature/FOUR-18630 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7438
- FOUR-16704: Session Token Not Invalidated on Logout by @danloa in #7396
- FOUR-17365 39399 - Fidelity Bank Performance, queries constantly running by @gproly in #7327
- observation/FOUR-16703 Insecure email change mechanism by @gustavobascope in #7368
- FOUR-18058 Update Element destination labels by @caleeli in #7350
- FOUR-18638:Create a component with collpase the row and show some content by @fagubla in #7446
- feature/FOUR-19353 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7448
- FOUR-18602 populate cases_started table DB Exception when populating the cases_started table by @devmiguelangel in #7445
- FOUR-18605 Count the cases and requests by user and status (EP) by @julceslauhub in #7449
- feature/FOUR-19330 by @luNunezProcessmaker in #7447
- FOUR-18078 by @caleeli in #7363
- FOUR-18130: UX case detail by @pmPaulis in #7454
- Revert "observation/FOUR-16703 Insecure email change mechanism" by @ryancooley in #7456
- task/FOUR-18749: Added print-pdf Blade layout by @TinCodes in #7451
- FOUR-18606: Search text within the list of cases by @rodriquelca in #7441
- FOUR-19366:Request - Details add a button "Go to Case" by @fagubla in #7458
- FOUR-19397 populate the participants column with user data by @devmiguelangel in #7452
- FOUR-18608 Filter by status by @julceslauhub in #7459
- FOUR-18968 by @pmPaulis in #7439
- FOUR-18059 Implement Clipboard Tab by @caleeli in #7442
- feature/FOUR-18088 Work in Progress by @gustavobascope in #7419
- FOUR-18969 by @pmPaulis in #7467
- FOUR-18610 combine search text and filters by @devmiguelangel in #7468
- task/FOUR-18751: Generate PDF from HTML by @TinCodes in #7469
- Feature/four 18078 by @caleeli in #7472
- FOUR-18629 by @pmPaulis in #7473
- No data is shown in parallel screens by @marcoAntonioNina in #7443
- The Block duplicate session in IP Restriction option only works the first time by @marcoAntonioNina in #7461
- FOUR-18130 by @pmPaulis in #7476
- FOUR-18544 : Use api v1.1 data for show the counter and list Completed by @henryjonathanquispe in #7474
- Revert "The Block duplicate session in IP Restriction option only works the first time" by @ryancooley in #7480
- Revert "FOUR-16704: Session Token Not Invalidated on Logout" by @ryancooley in #7481
- Fix K8s branch for CICD - release-2024-fall by @nolanpro in #7491
- feature/FOUR-17895: [FALL] Task Submitted Successfully - toast replacement notification by @pmPaulis in #7304
- FOUR-19037 Refactor template importing by @nolanpro in #7426
- Change Process Intelligence Logo to the one attached. by @marcoAntonioNina in #7453
- feature/FOUR-17896: [FALL] Documentation Access Management and Navigation by @pmPaulis in #7338
- feature/FOUR-17894 : [FALL] Per Launchpad Dashboard by @pmPaulis in #7305
- FEATURE/FOUR-19289 : Update the fonts in platform by @henryjonathanquispe in #7397
- [EPIC: FOUR-18012] Screen Templates V2 Implementation by @sanjacornelius in #7333
- feature/FOUR-18093 File Manager information from the Case by @gustavobascope in #7295
- feature/FOUR-18094 File manager Logs by @gustavobascope in #7313
- feature/FOUR-18095 File Manager of the Admin Settings by @gustavobascope in #7335
- FOUR-18096 STORY Configure reassignment permissions by @gproly in #7365
- FOUR-19485 full text search by special characters by @devmiguelangel in #7490
- Epic - File HIstory by @nolanpro in #7497
- Epic - Reassignments by @nolanpro in #7498
- Epic/FOUR-18761: PI Integration to ProcessMaker by @agustinbusso in #7402
- Epic/FOUR-18042: Admin Managed Platform AI Translations by @agustinbusso in #7326
- Epic - Screen Collections by @nolanpro in #7406
- FOUR-19276: [FALL] Add parameter in the login by @pmPaulis in #7486
- Test searches with asian characters, latin typografy and emojis. by @caleeli in #7504
- feature/FOUR-18405 Handle errors - forward compatability by @gustavobascope in #7487
- feature/FOUR-18118: [FALL] UI Improvements Fall by @pmPaulis in #7358
- Epic - DevLink by @nolanpro in #7496
- FOUR-18540: Use api v1.1 data for show the counter and list All cases by @henryjonathanquispe in #7505
- FOUR-19236 Encryption is Not Working in Authenticated Web Entry by @julceslauhub in #7499
- Feature/FOUR-18116: STORY Add Collection View Control in Display Screens by @CarliPinell in #7495
- FOUR-13436 Screen Builder Clipboard by @caleeli in #7376
- FOUR-18064 Encrypted Field in the Screen Builder by @julceslauhub in #7381
- FOUR-18078-FOUR-18130: [FALL] Cases Details & Enhancing Performance by @pmPaulis in #7455
- feature/FOUR-18130: [FALL] Case Detail Page by @pmPaulis in #7321
- FOUR-19356: Cases list place holder Loading by @henryjonathanquispe in #7511
- feature/FOUR-18635 by @pmPaulis in #7518
- Task/FOUR-18794: Configure default language for anon we by @agustinbusso in #7524
- FOUR-19329 : Enable the order desc/asc Completed and Forms by @henryjonathanquispe in #7529
- FOUR-19574 by @pmPaulis in #7528
- Implementation to apply translations by @marcoAntonioNina in #7526
- FOUR-19574 by @pmPaulis in #7530
- task/FOUR-18689-b: Old profile and process config translations removed by @TinCodes in #7525
- FOUR-19487 by @pmPaulis in #7534
- FOUR-19375: Breadcrumbs by @pmPaulis in #7535
- FOUR-19269: Case Details by @pmPaulis in #7536
- Observation/FOUR-19608: Remove import file icon is not aligned by @agustinbusso in #7541
- FOUR-18726 - Select language and apply changes for the web entry screen and refresh task with translations applied by @marcoAntonioNina in #7537
- FOUR-19121 : Integration with the Collapse UI Improvements by @henryjonathanquispe in #7545
- FOUR-19592:Update the behavior in "Details" by @fagubla in #7547
- Use shared workflow - release-2024-fall by @nolanpro in #7502
- FOUR-18726 - Create the UI for the selector button/styles by @marcoAntonioNina in #7549
- FOUR-19440:FE (task request cases) when a comment is save a new parameter "case_number" needs to send by @fagubla in #7551
- FOUR-19490: The store comments needs to consider populate the comments.case_number by @pmPaulis in #7539
- Fix 500 Error When Applying Templates to Unsaved Screen Pages by @sanjacornelius in #7501
- Epic/FOUR-18042: Admin Managed Platform AI Translations by @agustinbusso in #7522
- FOUR-19455: Use constants to handle the Request and Cases status by @rodriquelca in #7519
- FOUR-18613 populate cases_participated table with existing requests by @devmiguelangel in #7533
- feature/FOUR-18100 STORY Reassign tasks I manage by @gproly in #7464
- FOUR-18078 My Cases Improvements by @caleeli in #7510
- FOUR-18912 [FALL] Fix get data in tasks endpoint by @caleeli in #7546
- FOUR-19615: Show the comments related to the case using the api comments-by-case by @henryjonathanquispe in #7555
- FOUR-18994 Load screen performance improvements [FALL] by @caleeli in #7506
- feature/FOUR-18102 STORY Self-Service Reassignment by @gproly in #7560
- FOUR-18130: [FALL] Case Detail Page IT4 by @pmPaulis in #7543
- 18086 Add Asset to a Bundle from the ellipsis by @nolanpro in #7554
- Observation/FOUR-19607: No results items view different to Figma for languages list by @agustinbusso in #7557
- FOUR-18750 - Clean all methods and classes no longer used when translating by @agustinbusso in #7568
- Merge epic/FOUR-18036 (Documentation PDF Print) to Release FALL 2024 by @TinCodes in #7500
- Update feature branch with last changes in "release-2024-fall" by @julceslauhub in #7574
- FOUR-19482 | Placeholder Text for All Templates Search Is Not Correct in LaunchPad by @ryancooley in #7578
- FOUR-19287: Incorrect model_id assignment during Import in ProcessExporter importEmbed by @ryancooley in #7579
- FOUR-17680: [FALL] AutoSave feature does not save correctly for New … by @pmPaulis in #7484
- FOUR-17328 Patch generated SDK code to fix error by @ryancooley in #7580
- FOUR-19530: (fall-2024) The application logs out the second time, when using a SAML user by @danloa in #7488
- FOUR-19591 API related to cases is showing cases after the execution of 'processmaker:clear-requests' by @julceslauhub in #7576
- FOUR-19523 API getAllCasesCounter does not considered the new permissions for 'admin' user by @julceslauhub in #7575
- FOUR-19556: Avatar property is not showed in the cases list by @henryjonathanquispe in #7567
- Epic/FOUR-18761: PI Integration to ProcessMaker by @agustinbusso in #7542
- FOUR-19613: Add the labels in the translation by @pmPaulis in #7562
- FOUR-18360 | Write Test Cases to Cover Scenarios for Applying CSS, Layout, Fields, and the Complete Template by @mcraeteisha in #7553
- Translations not working in screenbuilder preview by @marcoAntonioNina in #7584
- FOUR-18612: Populate cases_started table with existing requests by @rodriquelca in #7550
- FOUR-18078 Fix observations in my cases improvements by @caleeli in #7585
- FOUR-19171:View documentation option is not visible to Participant user from Launch pad by @fagubla in #7570
- FOUR-19530 (C): (fall-2024) The application logs out the second time, when using a SAML user by @danloa in #7588
- FOUR-17569: Fix users without super admin privileges can reassign tasks (Fall) by @estebangallego in #7590
- FOUR-19696 creation and refresh of case status has a significant delay by @devmiguelangel in #7591
- Make installing bundles a background/async job with status by @nolanpro in #7571
- Users with process permissions does not have access documentation by default by @fagubla in #7587
- FOUR-19600: The Pagination in not working in the Tabs by @pmPaulis in #7564
- Add lang.orig for new installed languages for reset to default by @marcoAntonioNina in #7593
- FOUR-19272: [FALL] CSS style is not rendering in Summary section by @pmPaulis in #7586
- FOUR-19364: When a task is open show the component Case Comments by @henryjonathanquispe in #7561
- FOUR-19514 Implement unit tests and Features tests by @devmiguelangel in #7598
- FOUR-19599 Fix The "Case Title" is empty in the caseList by @caleeli in #7592
- FOUR-19659: Footer Padding Issue in Template Card Details by @eiresendez in #7600
- FOUR-19701 : The Cases details needs to show per default descollapsed by @henryjonathanquispe in #7597
- FOUR-19691:When Open a task the scroll in the Details & Comments is showing when this section is collapse by @fagubla in #7596
- Add lang.orig for new installed languages for reset to default (Packages) by @marcoAntonioNina in #7604
- FOUR-18350 UI and backend for bundle settings by @nolanpro in #7601
- FOUR-19638: Users without participation don't have authorization to open the case by @pmPaulis in #7583
- [DO NOT MERGE] by @pmPaulis in #7602
- Epic/FOUR-18042: Admin Managed Platform AI Translations by @agustinbusso in #7606
- FOUR-19738: UI: When a case is open some styles are broken by @henryjonathanquispe in #7603
- observation/FOUR-19777: Removed additional and undesired parameter on Base.php by @TinCodes in #7609
- FOUR-19662: Enforce Height Limit on Thumbnail and Character Limit on Description in Template Card by @eiresendez in #7605
- FOUR-19779 by @pmPaulis in #7611
- Add missing import by @nolanpro in #7610
- FOUR-19754:UI: the collpase icon in cases needs to update like other places by @fagubla in #7612
- 404 Error in Per Launch pad with process imported from previous version by @fagubla in #7556
- feature/FOUR-19522 file manager option on the Case Detail by @gustavobascope in #7531
- Fix CSS Parsing Issue When Applying Screen Templates with Inline Comments in Screen Builder by @sanjacornelius in #7608
- webentry reset cookie by @marcoAntonioNina in #7617
- Fix reinstall button and refactor by @nolanpro in #7615
- bugfix/FOUR-19275: Collection menu has a different order by @CarliPinell in #7619
- FOUR-19215 GET {server}/api/1.0/files/{file_ID}/logs is displaying ex… by @gproly in #7620
- FOUR-19671: Selection Applies Both Fields and Layout to Screen by @estebangallego in #7621
- FOUR-19814:UI: The boton Cancel does not have the correct styles by @fagubla in #7625
- Revert translations by @nolanpro in #7627
- FOUR-19691:When Open a task the scroll in the Details & Comments is showing when this section is collapse by @fagubla in #7614
- FOUR-19816 when I start a case and route to the next task with the same user the "In Progress" cases list is empty by @devmiguelangel in #7624
- observation/FOUR-19222 fix file viewer when no file is uploaded by @gustavobascope in #7548
- bugfix/FOUR-19681: Add a message to indicates user that Collections won´t be available for Anonymous Web Entry by @CarliPinell in #7630
- Default order by Case # in the cases list by @fagubla in #7629
- FOUR-19842: It is not possible to log in to the application from mobile by @pmPaulis in #7634
- Bugfix/FOUR-18844: "Loading suggestion" keeps showing indefinitely in scripts by @agustinbusso in #7632
- FOUR-19820 by @pmPaulis in #7626
- FOUR-19812 Fix reisntall functionality by @nolanpro in #7628
- FOUR-19756: Message COPIED doesn't appear when a control is added to Clipboard by @rodriquelca in #7631
- FOUR-19784: Clipboard Pasted Successfully message isn't displayed by @rodriquelca in #7635
- FOUR-19831 : The Case comments does not show the subject for the Type=ProcessRequest by @henryjonathanquispe in #7639
- UI: The mouse over the links does not show the link by @fagubla in #7638
- FOUR-19800:UI: Remove the link in the process column in the cases list by @fagubla in #7623
- FOUR-19828 | Fields and Layout Icons Not Displaying in Screen Template Cards by @mcraeteisha in #7636
- FOUR-19821: AI documentation and PDF button not showing in template documentation. by @danloa in #7641
- FOUR-19753 : The task comments is not showing the buttons to register the comments by @henryjonathanquispe in #7616
- observation/FOUR-19719: Added validation for missing package-translations by @TinCodes in #7644
- observation/FOUR-19802 Changed Logs permissions by @gustavobascope in #7645
- FOUR-19881 : Remove status column from In Progress and Completed by @henryjonathanquispe in #7648
- FOUR-19882 Fix flaky tests by @caleeli in #7647
- FOUR-19749 Missed label 'Users/Groups to View Encrypted Fields' by @julceslauhub in #7640
- FOUR-19814 by @pmPaulis in #7653
- FOUR-19892:The GO TO CASE needs to refresh the same page instead of open a new tab by @fagubla in #7652
- FOUR-19891:The tab Request needs to show only when the case has more than 1 request by @fagubla in #7651
- bugfix/FOUR-19840: Assets does not have the correct UI by @CarliPinell in #7646
- FOUR-19710 : Table shows blank section in right position by @henryjonathanquispe in #7642
- FOUR-19884: There is an scroll in task comments by @fagubla in #7656
- FOUR-19920: The upgrade procedure with customer backups is given an error: Column 'id' in where clause is ambiguous by @pmPaulis in #7657
- FOUR-19808 only active tasks should be selectable to open by @devmiguelangel in #7649
- FOUR-19903 Message is not displayed when there is not an instance or … by @gproly in #7655
- FOUR-19813 - Add Async Install for Individual Assets by @nolanpro in #7637
- observation/FOUR-19860 fix the edit modal styles by @gustavobascope in #7669
- FOUR-19272 : CSS style is not rendering in Summary section by @henryjonathanquispe in #7689
- FOUR-19859 Add missing open option in menu by @nolanpro in #7658
- FOUR-19815:UI: The mouse over the links does not show the link by @fagubla in #7662
- FOUR-19924 : Title in cases pages is empty by @henryjonathanquispe in #7663
- bugfix/FOUR-19663: Collection Record Control Not Persisting in Screen Templates by @CarliPinell in #7660
- FOUR-19928 cases participated does not have all the participations updated by @devmiguelangel in #7667
- FOUR-19906
Add to bundle
modal does not have a correct UI by @gproly in #7672 - FOUR-19937
Reassignment field
does not have the correct UI by @gproly in #7670 - FOUR-19948 Improve the migration of cases_started by @caleeli in #7671
- Bugfix/FOUR-19832: Focus is not visible in the hamburger menu (mobile view) by @agustinbusso in #7676
- FOUR-13941 : Inconsistent Button on Starting Request Layout by @henryjonathanquispe in #7674
- FOUR-19939:This action is Unauthorized appears with users without permission when open a case assigned by @fagubla in #7677
- FOUR-19863 Use the right context of data to evaluate parallel task self service assignment by @caleeli in #7673
- FOUR-19949: Upgrade is taking about 17 minutes for 300k requests 2024_10_08_113301_populate_comments_case_number by @pmPaulis in #7668
- FOUR-19956:Completed Task should show the form in Read only mode by @fagubla in #7680
- bugfix/FOUR-19967: background color is not displayed in a notification by @CarliPinell in #7682
- observation/FOUR-19858 fix create and delete modal style by @gustavobascope in #7659
- FOUR-19940
Process Manager
user can not see all Tasks by @gproly in #7684 - Observation/FOUR-19985: Improvement, AI assistant Scripts improvement in the response message of the prompt without a description. by @agustinbusso in #7688
- FOUR-19710:UI: Table shows blank section in right position by @fagubla in #7681
- FOUR-19974 Fixes and performance updates for cases_started and cases_participated migrations by @caleeli in #7692
- FOUR-19950: The migration of cases_participated crashes in dev clone by @rodriquelca in #7675
- FOUR-19989 : The cases table overlays recent searches. by @henryjonathanquispe in #7685
- FOUR-19807 : Task column should be display the last active task (or tasks if are possible) by @henryjonathanquispe in #7694
- FOUR-19905 Show lock icon on remote bundle assets by @nolanpro in #7666
- FOUR-19984: Status and Pagination translation does not work by @danloa in #7683
- Refactor permissions for task reassignment by @nolanpro in #7690
- Task/FOUR-20019: AI Search: Cases Search by @agustinbusso in #7701
- Bugfix/FOUR-19987: Quick fill > Server Error is displayed when
Save and Reuse filled data
option is selected by @CarliPinell in #7704 - Fix import password prompt by @nolanpro in #7705
- FOUR-19955 | Template Is Not Consistently Applied to Screen by @mcraeteisha in #7696
- FOUR-19809: We have a network error when logging out of the application. by @danloa in #7708
- Update translations for changed strings by @github-actions in #7714
- Fix screen interstitial null key by @nolanpro in #7713
- Observation/four 19995 by @gproly in #7700
- FOUR-20058: It is not possible to import a process that contains script by @danloa in #7712
- Observation/four 20002 by @gproly in #7695
- FOUR-20064 The cases list does not show the correct status when the case is CANCELED by @devmiguelangel in #7719
- FOUR-20005 PRocesses | manage >
status is not displayed by @gproly in #7718 - FOUR-20052 Show case_number instead of for tasks by @caleeli in #7717
- FOUR-20025 integration with Docusign cannot be established by @devmiguelangel in #7703
- Observation/FOUR-20065: When changing the language, the flag is not updated from the web entry mode authenticated by @agustinbusso in #7721
- FOUR-20039 : The Cancel Case does not work by @henryjonathanquispe in #7722
- FOUR-20006:All pages of form with pagination are not visible s from case detail by @fagubla in #7697
- FOUR-20092: Cypress add id to get elements by @pmPaulis in #7723
- FOUR-20047 : No difference is made if a filter was made in the case list by @henryjonathanquispe in #7720
- FOUR-20049: In task two tabs are highlighted by @eiresendez in #7724
- FOUR-20031:"Page not found" when selecting GO TO CASE by @fagubla in #7702
- FOUR-20109 : The Task tab when open a case/{caseId}/ does not show correclty the process name by @henryjonathanquispe in #7727
- Observation/four 19998 by @gproly in #7709
- FOUR-19990 by @pmPaulis in #7726
- FOUR-20103 confirm identity validation does not work when email field is updated by @devmiguelangel in #7728
- FOUR-20092 by @pmPaulis in #7729
- observation/FOUR-20102 changed the validation rules by @gustavobascope in #7730
- FOUR-20110 : The filters in Case Details does not update correctly when update the operator by @henryjonathanquispe in #7731
- FOUR-20010: The link does not show the correct location after refreshing the page in Cases options by @fagubla in #7710
- observation/FOUR-20094: Added error message for PI Process import modal by @TinCodes in #7725
- observation/FOUR-20116 The reassignment list user overlap the screen does not have scroll by @gustavobascope in #7736
- Observation/FOUR-19978: Not all strings are added to the Json file for translation. by @agustinbusso in #7737
- FOUR-20113: Test Cases to validate the escenarios by @pmPaulis in #7732
- FOUR-19957: Add Summary Tab in Case Section by @pmPaulis in #7693
- FOUR-20013: Apply Translation Error When a ‘Cancel Screen’ is Configured by @mcraeteisha in #7711
- FOUR-20158 script executors option is not displayed in the left sidebar by @devmiguelangel in #7739
- Add command to upgrade translations of packages (AI) by @marcoAntonioNina in #7716
- FOUR-20108:Review estimate the errors tab is no longer displayed in the case details by @fagubla in #7733
- FOUR-20009: [fall] The requests/{{id}} does not show information when the process is configured with "Request Detail Screen" by @pmPaulis in #7699
- FOUR-20060 | The Custom CSS Style Configured in the Request Detail Screen Is Not Rendering by @mcraeteisha in #7738
- FOUR-20087 Fix logout flow by @caleeli in #7734
- Task/FOUR-20188: Add command to translate with AI by @agustinbusso in #7741
- Allow the SDK to get sync script responses by @nolanpro in #7735
- FOUR-20216: Cypress test by @pmPaulis in #7744
- Complete request is showing an error when has configured a Summary Screen by @marcoAntonioNina in #7743
- FOUR-19657 [FALL] Add migration to create index on process_request_tokens table by @caleeli in #7747
- FOUR-20098 Fix redirect problem after login by @caleeli in #7742
- Cannot add languages in translations by @marcoAntonioNina in #7751
- bugfix/FOUR-17731: 39399 -Missing INDEX for task_drafts table by @CarliPinell in #7749
- Fix Default Template Author Display Regression by @sanjacornelius in #7750
- FOUR-20192 the cases list does not show the correct status when the case is ERROR by @devmiguelangel in #7745
- FOUR-20218 the cases list does not search correctly when the case_title has an underscore by @devmiguelangel in #7748
- FOUR-20242 Fix asset listing and add pagination by @nolanpro in #7753
- FOUR-20276 by @pmPaulis in #7752
- observation/FOUR-20243 DevLink fix the search icon in the input search by @gustavobascope in #7755
- FOUR-20254 : Searching for cases only shows cases in progress. by @henryjonathanquispe in #7754
- Translations - Process screens are not displayed correctly. by @marcoAntonioNina in #7757
- Observation/FOUR-20080: Translation does not work for web entry with password protect. by @agustinbusso in #7759
- FOUR-17192: Mobile > My Cases and My Tasks are not displaying the correct info in each card by @rodriquelca in #7760
- FOUR-18935 Ecobank - ERROR 404 ON SECURITY LOGS SWAGGER by @julceslauhub in #7768
- 20045 - Fix process name filter in "Processes I Manage" by @nolanpro in #7765
- FOUR-20443: The permission "View All Cases" and "View My Request" are not showing by @pmPaulis in #7758
- FOUR-20266 Improve modifying exception messages in RunServiceTask by @caleeli in #7761
- FOUR-21117: Platform labels are not showing in the list of strings for translation. by @danloa in #7776
- After synchronization all languages are displayed in English by @marcoAntonioNina in #7775
- bugfix/FOUR-21142: New Password Input disappears in password/change page with users by @CarliPinell in #7782
- observation/FOUR-21138 devLink > Server error message is displayed when a Collection is downloaded by @gustavobascope in #7781
- FOUR-21130: The users needs to have per default the permissions "View My Request" by @pmPaulis in #7778
- FOUR-21104 : Mobile > Tabs do not have the correct style by @henryjonathanquispe in #7780
- Update translations for changed strings by @github-actions in #7789
Full Changelog: v4.11.4...v4.12.0