This repository contains the template files from which the wiki for BungeeTabListPlus and AdvancedTabOverlay is generated.
Templates for the pages are located in the pages/
Images are located in images/
The wiki can be generated from the templates by running the following command.
kotlin update_wiki.kts
Within the template files the following placeholders and commands are processed.
Conditional Inclusion
[!]: ifBTLP This text is only included in the BTLP wiki. [!]: endIF
[!]: ifATO This text is only included in the ATO wiki. [!]: endIF
Table of Contents
Add the following line to generate a table of contents for the wiki page.
[!]: ToC
The following placeholders are replaced.
- name of the plugin!!iconFolder
- name of the icon folder!!seevanishedperm
- permission that allows seeing vanished players