The CIFAR 10 dataset consists of a training set of 50,000 images and a test set of 10,000 images, and is split into 10 classes. Classification was done using two models and 30 epochs.
The first one is a basic CNN involving some convolution blocks, batch norm, dropout, dense and max pooling blocks.
The second model is a CNN with residual connections, which helps in reducing the number of parameters and mitigating the potential problem of vanishing/exploding gradients.
Params - 2,397,226
Training set accuracy - 93.8%
Validation set accuracy - 85.4%
Test set accuracy - 86.3%
Params - 66,986
Training set accuracy - 89.8%
Validation set accuracy - 77.6%
Test set accuracy - 79.1%
Clearly the second model performs much better, achieving almost the same accuracy with much lesser number of parameters. This shows the efficiency of ResNets and Residual Blocks in CNN applications.