Releases: PowerNetworkHub/PowerRanks
Releases · PowerNetworkHub/PowerRanks
Improved performance in tablist
Improved performance of color parsing
Improved player handling performance
Fixed 'Not scheduled yet' error in tablist
Fixed updating playername when a player changes their username
Updated '/pr listranks' with fancy pages
Updated '/pr listdefaultranks' with fancy pages
Updated name & chat coloring to allow for more complex colors including gradient and rainbow
Updated player retrieval by name in commands to allow for non-case-sensitive
Full Changelog: v1.10.9...v1.10.9R2
Updated API to v2.0
Improved Permission checking
Improved permission autocompletion
Improved performance for ranks and players
Added tablist data to the web-editor command
Added /pr nick [player] <nickname> experimental nicknaming of players
Fixed permission checking on Spigot
Taking '*' in consideration for permission allowance
Full Changelog: v1.10.8R2...v1.10.9
- Hotfix for rank prefixes on first-time setup
What's Changed
- Fix default rank prefixes by @svenar-nl in #88
- version 1.10.8 > 1.10.8R2 by @svenar-nl in #89
Full Changelog: v1.10.8...v1.10.8R2
What's Changed
- Improved permission handling to better support other plugins
- Improved offline player handling in commands
- Improved data storage stability
- Implemented temporarily ranks using tags '/pr (add/set)rank expires:1h33m'
- Implemented world based ranks using tags '/pr (add/set)rank world:world_nether world:world_the_end'
- Improved permission checking speed by ~400%
- Updated '/pr addrank' command, added support for tags '/pr addrank [expires:1d6h33m] [tag:value]...'
- Updated '/pr setrank' command, added support for tags '/pr setrank [expires:1d6h33m] [tag:value]...'
- Fixed '/pr checkrank' command when executed from the console
- Fixed NametagEdit showing '[suffix]' when no suffix is set on a rank
Full Changelog: v1.10.7...v1.10.8
- Added experimental rank & player data synchronization for multi-server support using MySQL
- Added '/pr config enable/disable bungeecord'
- Added '/pr config set bungeecord_server_name '
- Added more information to '/pr dump' when it fails
- Added tablist header & footer manager
- Added tablist header & footer animations
- Added '/pr tablist ...'
- Moved tablist configuration to tablist.yml
- Removed '/pr config enable/disable tablist_sorting'
- Removed '/pr config enable/disable reverse_tablist_sorting'
- Fixed '/pr reload <config/all>' to include more configuration files
- Fixed tablist update spamming verbose log
- Fixed language message for '/pr we'
- Added multi-usertag support
- Added command '/pr addusertag '
- Added command '/pr delusertag '
- Added createUsertag, editUsertag, removeUsertag, setUsertag, addUsertag & delUsertag to the API
- Fixed HEX color support
- Fixed language file updates
- Fixed Configuration manager throwing errors when saving in rare cases
- Added language option in config.yml (default: en)
- Added case insensitive permission checking
- Added '/pr dump' to upload server & powerranks data
- Added '/pr config enable/disable casesensitive_permissions'
- Added '/pr config set language '
- Added '/pr config set autosave_files_interval '
- Added tablist sorting
- Added '/pr config <enable/disable> <tablist_sorting/reverse_tablist_sorting>'
- Updated language manager, new lang.yml format
- Updated buyrank & rankup to set the rank instead of adding it
- Fixed getEffectivePermissions() reporting wrong permissions
- Fixed permission check when the permission in question isn't added to the rank
- Fixed bug where requesting buyable ranks on an non-existing rank results in a crash
- Fixed issue #28 The format can now be escaped. eg. [[player]] -> [svenar]
- Fixed issue #36 sending placeholders to PAPI without PowerRanks processing colors
- Fixed issue #45 wildcard permissions are not handled correctly
- Fixed issue #46 PlaceholderAPI placeholders can no longer be formatted in chat messages
- Fixed rank sorting when a rank is null (o1 & o2 error)
- Fixed changing the config file using commands overwriting other config keys
- Fixed chat color formatting.
- Added weight to ranks
- Added SSL connection option for MySQL
- Added command '/pr addrank '
- Added command '/pr addownrank '
- Added command '/pr rankinfo '
- Added command '/pr haspermission [playername] <permission.node>'
- Updated player rank field, the player can now have multiple ranks.
- Updated permission checking based on the rank's weight (Higher weight overrides lower weight)
- Updated verbose logging file extension
- Updated PlaceholderAPI placeholders
- Updated PR API v1.0 > v1.1
- Fixed '/pr (set/add)(own)rank' permission allowance
- Fixed error when a player doesn't have any ranks
- Fixed '/pr reload all' behavior overwriting the config file
- Removed subranks
- Removed all subrank commands
- Removed promote rank commands & options
- Removed demote rank commands & options
Full Changelog: v1.10.3...v1.10.4
- Fixed permission checking
- Fixed subrank listing in the command '/pr playerinfo ...'
- Fixed subrank prefix & suffix formatting issue
- Fixed command resulting in an error while succeeding for (/pr disablesubrankprefix & /pr enablesubrankprefix & /pr disablesubranksuffix & /pr enablesubranksuffix & /pr disablesubrankpermissions & /pr enablesubrankpermissions)
- Added custom storage manager for add-ons
Full Changelog: v1.10.2...v1.10.3