Releases: Potato1682/TopDomainChecker
Releases · Potato1682/TopDomainChecker
[Release] 4.0.3
The previous upload failed, so I will release it again.
[Release] 4.0.2
[Release] 4.0.1
The document has been significantly fixed. It also resolved the global installation issue.
[Release] 4.0.0
We changed the language used and prepared a test suite.
Two protocols have been added for more nice checks.
- Added --protocol and two protocols, HTTP and HTTPS (Shows interactive prompt when use in boolean like --add-tld)
- Added more API functions
- Fixed #7
- Migrated from Javascript to Typescript
- Removed TLA (Top-level
) - Added keywords to package.json
- Published to npm repository
[Release] 3.1.1
Added integration with other arguments of --dry-run and fixed some bugs.
- Added integration to --dry-run with --quiet and --verbose
- Fixed domain addition in stdin
- Fixed spinner don't stop when data getting failed from IANA
[Release] 3.1
By rewriting the program, the stability of parallel processing has been improved.
The regular methods has been separated as an API and new arguments have been added.
- Improved parallel processing
- Added --dry-run (You can see how many domains check)
[Release] 3.0
I improved the development environment and decided on the code style.
In addition, convenience has been improved by adding arguments and improving the design.
- Changed interactive prompt (Inquirer.js -> Enquirer)
- Added spinner to getting data
- Fixed output bug in --quiet [#3]
- Added a new argument, --add-tld (You can add the additional top-level domains with argument or interactive prompt)
- Handled duplicates of --quiet and -verbose (will be change to default value)
- Implemented counting the number of domains to check
- Error handling in GET request to IANA
Changes (for contributors)
[Release] 2.0
Source code language has changed to improve the design.
- Language changed from C# to Javascript (ES6)
- It can no longer be distributed as an executable file (under consideration)
- Improved console output design
- Add interactive prompt (if domain not found)
- Domain specification from both arguments and stdin
Changes (for contributors)
- Simplified publishing on multiple platforms
- Supports icon display on multiple terminals (thanks to
) - Verification of all valid TLDs using IANA TLD lists
- Asynchronous operation (unavoidably using
[Release] 1.0
First release of this repository.