Auto-Log App
Disclamer : This app is not intended to be 100 % accurate because every manufacturer does not have the same lifetime on car parts, this is a rough estimation with extrapolated data from different websites. But, I tried my best to be close to the real numbers so the user can, with his own judgement, make a call on when she/he will have to change parts from her/his vehicle based on KMs.
This app was solving one of my own problem, how can I keep track of my car parts lifetime and not ask myself how did I let that part fail ?
I also wanted that my app will be usable everywhere and with offline support.
So I made this React Progressive Web App that list car parts that require maintenance from a json file (for now, I may extend it to a DB), compare the user KMs with the estimate lifetime and give a color coded visual indication on when you should change parts before failure.
Since EV (electric vehicles) are part of our life too, I think it will be cool to have this feature too because some parts does not have the same mechanical stress.
A cool feature to add as a reminder:
- User will be able to save her/his KM and with geolocalisation enabled, keep track of actual KMs travelled and recive push notifications when a part is worn and when a part exceed his lifetime.