A runtime environment for Steam applications
Grab the latest runtime SDK from there:
Read this to get started:
This directory contains scripts for building a Steam runtime environment and tools to target that environment.
The typical flow would be to just type 'make' in this directory to build the runtime environment.
The Makefile is included to make it easy to do common tasks.
To build amd64 and i386 packages:
To update the source packages from the distribution repository:
make update
To wipe the runtime environment and archive the build environment:
make clean
To completely clean so you have to rebuild everything:
make distclean
buildroot.sh is automatically run by the Makefile.
buildroot.sh is a script to build and use a chroot environment for creating the runtime packages and other software.
When run with no arguments, it will run a login shell in the chroot.
Usage: ./buildroot.sh [--create|--update|--unmount|--clean] [--arch=arch] [command] [arguments...]
buildroot/content is a directory containing files that go into the chroot environment.
buildroot/content/packages/packages.txt is a file containing a list of packages that are installed when the chroot environment is first created.
buildroot/mounts is a file containing a list of directories that are automatically mounted inside the chroot environment.
buildroot/[arch] is a directory containing the actual chroot environment for the specified architecture.
build-runtime.sh is automatically run by the Makefile.
build-runtime.sh is a script to download source, patch, build and install the runtime packages.
Usage: ./build-runtime.sh [package...]
If run with no arguments the script will build and install all the packages listed in packages.txt.
This script is typically run within the chroot environment for consistent build output.
packages/source is a directory containing the downloaded source packages.
packages/binary/[arch] is a directory containing built binary packages.
runtime/[arch] is the final install location for the runtime packages.
clean-runtime.sh is automatically run by the Makefile.
clean-runtime.sh wipes clean the runtime environment.
build-crosstool.sh builds a cross-compiler targeting the Steam runtime and puts it in x-tools.
The file README.txt in the x-tools directory has more information about how to use the Steam runtime development environment.