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Sporz MC manual

This server mod turns Minecraft into a platform to play Sporz online. Sporz is a role playing game based on the same principles as Mafia (or Werewolf), but more complex and interesting. The rules are only available in French at the moment:

This mod should be used in conjonction with Mumble Link so that players can hear each other with audio positioning.

We recommend the following setup:

  • a Minecraft server with this mod installed (clients don't need the mod);
  • a Mumble server all players can join;
  • Mumble Link installed on players' machines, configured in such a way that players can't hear each other past a relatively short distance (e.g. 5 meters);
  • a map with locations where the players can talk in small groups, but not hidden so other players can know who is talking with who by just looking around;
  • isolated rooms, with no exit: one for each player, one for mutants and one for doctors.

Sporz MC includes Sporz's classic rules, without the infection feature (which is not often used in real life), for their temporary action mutants can only choose to paralyse someone. All players can choose not to use their action (including mutants and doctors). No "extra" role is implemented at the moment.

The game makes heavy use of the chatroom. All commands begin with /sporz, then a subcommand name and its parameters.

At any moment anyone can see the available commands by using: /sporz


A configuration file, named "Sporz MC.cfg" and placed in the config directory, allows you to configure the mod. An example is available in this repository.

The hub, where people are teleported at the beginning of the day, and the mutants' and doctors' rooms, are specified as a cubic area. Players are teleported to a random point inside it.

Individual rooms are specified as a single point in space, where the corresponding player will be teleported.

The game supports English (en) and French (fr).

Starting the game

An op has to specify the players and rules for the game.

All currently connected players can be added to the players list, with the exception of the op themself, with the following command: /sporz players init

Players can also be individually added or removed: /sporz players add /sporz players remove

Rules consist of a number of variables, listed with: /sporz rules

These variables include the number of resistant players, the number of host players, and the number of players for each role (including initial mutants);

It is possible to initialize the rules to their default (varying accordingly to the number of players currently registers): /sporz rules init

It is also possible to set variables individually: /sporz rules set

Initial mutants are always hosts and do not count in the number of host players configured with this mechanism. In the same way, if there is only one doctor, he'll be resistant and not counted in the number of resistant players (this is called the Lyon variant). If there is more than one doctor, they'll be standards.

Once players and rules are configured, the operator can start the game with: /sporz start

During the game

Events are displayed in the chatroom. When a player has to perform an action, the game tells them so and the corresponding commands become available. They can be listed with: /sporz

When a player performs an action, their choice is actually saved until all players chose their own action for this phase. At this moment all actions are executed and results are displayed.

Before the end of the phase, a player can change their choice as many times they desire. They can also cancel it to prevent the phase from ending and take more time to decide with: /sporz clear

For some phases, it is possible to decide not to do anything, or to cast a null vote, with the following command: /sporz done

In the case of a vote, this means the player won't take part at all in the computation of the result.

This command can also be used to realize a "partial" action. For examples if mutants wish to mutate someone but not to paralyse anybody, they have to use the mutate command and then the done command. This mechanism works similarly for doctors.

Players with information roles can also choose not to do anything by typing "none" instead of a username as the parameter for their command.

During the day, players can cast a "blank" vote. If blank votes get the majority, nobody is killed. This is done by passing "none" to the command.

During the night, players are teleported in a closed room (attributed randomly from the room pool, but each player keeps their room throughout the game). When the mutants have to play, they're teleported together in the mutants' room so they can speak, then they're teleported back to their individual rooms. The same thing happens for doctors. When the night ends, everybody is teleported to the hub.

When a player dies, he's switched to spectator mode so he can listen to conversations.

When the game is over, it is announced in the chatroom along with the identities of all players. The operator can also trigger the end of the game with the end command.


A Forge plugin to play Sporz on Minecraft






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