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This space is dedicated to experimenting with new features and enhancements before integrating them into the main project. Here, you'll find various implementations using jQuery and vanilla JavaScript.

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Hytech Playground

A test environment for components and modules.

Creating a new view

In order to create a new view we will need to wrap our structure, styles and logic in a [name].html
file inside src/views/*, for example:


    <main class="home row justify-content-center">
        <h4>Hi im the search component</h4>

console.log('from the ht-playground documentation!');

    h4 {
        color: red;

Then, we will add our new view in path.js.

import global from '../views/global-search.html'; // we will import our new file.
const router = {
    'home': home,
    'task-drawer': task,
    'global-search': global, // the key-name will be the route that will display our view.

Creating nested views

If you want to create multiple routes nested within the same path, for example #/files, having access to its own file and at the same time, being able to render on the #/files/deleted route, a different file, it's quite simple.

  1. Create a src/views/[route-name] folder.
  2. On src/views/[route-name] create a index.html file that will render our default route.
  3. Create the files we want to render on our nested route, for example deleted.html or about.html
  4. (Optional) We can add a _detail.html to handle our dynamic views the nested route.
  5. Add the new routes in path.js
import files from '../views/files/index.html'; // newly added routes or files
import files_archives from '../views/files/archives.html';
import files_detail from '../views/files/_detail.html';
import files_deleted from '../views/files/deleted.html';

const routes = { //Add them to the routes array.
        'files': {
            '/': files,
            'archives': files_archives,
            'deleted': files_deleted,
            ":id": files_detail

Color palette

For maintaining consistency on our application, we will need to follow the next instructions when wanting to modify our current dark and light color scheme.

  1. Open src/scss/palette.scss.
  2. Enter you the color's dark and light values on its respective mixin, alongside its text contrast value, adding -text at the end.
    @mixin dark_mode {
        --ht-main: #161C23; //color.
        --ht-main-text: white; //contrast equivalent
    @mixin light_mode {
        --ht-main: #FFFFFF;
        --ht-main-text: black;
  3. Open src/scss/main.scss.
  4. Enter only our main color's name on the $palette collection
    $palette: (
    @each $color in $palette {
        .bg-#{$color} {
            background-color: #{'var(--'+$color+')'} !important;
            color: #{'var(--'+$color+'-text)'} !important; //it will add its --text value automatically
        .color-#{$color} {
            color: #{'var(--'+$color+')'} !important;
        .color-#{$color}-text {
            color: #{'var(--'+$color+'-text)'} !important;
        .fill-#{$color} {
            fill: #{'var(--'+$color+')'} !important;
        .fill-#{$color}-text {
            color: #{'var(--'+$color+'-text)'} !important;


We've created a web component for our icons, it is called ht-icon, watch an example down below:

<ht-icon name="[svg-name]" color="var(--color-example)" width="[number]px" height="[number]px"></ht-icon>

In case we want to add a new icon, we will only need to download its .svg file to the src\js\components\ht-icon\svg and make some adjustments.

  1. Replace its width and height attribute values with the following:
<svg width="var(--width)" height="var(--height)" viewBox="0 0 12 11" fill="none" xmlns="">
  1. Replace every stroke & fill attribute value with the following:
<path d="..." stroke="var(--color)" stroke-width="1" />
<path d="..." fill="var(--color)" />


  • Add a routing system.
    • Enable nested routing.
  • Add dark-mode toggle
  • Compile sass styles into a single file.
  • Add a component directive for every single svg we add.
  • Enhance the template system with document-fragments.
  • Compile a css file per view.
  • Add a "components" section into the home.html menu.

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This space is dedicated to experimenting with new features and enhancements before integrating them into the main project. Here, you'll find various implementations using jQuery and vanilla JavaScript.






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