This is a simple multiplayer chess game. We aim the solve the challenges of participating in various chess tournament and also provide a platform where friends can come together and play games.
[] Multiplayer
[] Stake matches using cryptocurrencies
[] Invite friends
[] Play with AI
This project uses Turbo-repo for management of the various apps and packages.
- Apps
- mini: which is also the frontend application.
- ws: websocket server running on
- server: http server for handling non-websocket request to the backend
- Packages
- rpc: where the core backend logic takes place.
- service: core logic of the app
- rpc: exposes endpoints to the frontend
- repository layer: communicates with the database
- ui: major frontend reusable components
- eslint
- tailwind-config
- typescript-config
- rpc: where the core backend logic takes place.
- Foundary
- The smart contract
Frontend: Next.js, Tailwind, Wagmi, Ethers.js,, WalletConnect Backend: Express.js, Hono.js,, Ethers.js Smart Contract: Foundary
- Clone the repository from github
- cd in the folder
- Run
pnpm install
to install all packages - Run
pnpm run dev:mini
to run the frontend server - Run
pnpm run dev:server
to run the backend Hono.js server - Run
pnpm run dev:ws
to run the websocket server
- [] Basic chess logic
- [] Use of for multiplayer
- [] Use of XMTP for in app messaging during chat
- [] Create rooms for managing various games
- [] Use of Web3Auth for Authentication of user on the web