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Permify NodeJS Client

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This client makes it easy to interact with Permify from your Node.js application.


Use npm to install:

npm install @permify/permify-node

Use yarn to install (Please be aware that Yarn versions greater than v1.10.0 and less than v2 are not supported):

yarn add @permify/permify-node

How to use

Create a new tenant

import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";

const client = permify.grpc.newClient({
    endpoint: "localhost:3478",
    cert: undefined,
    insecure: true

    id: "t1",
    name: "Tenant 1"
}).then((response) => {
    // handle response

Write Schema

import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";

const client = permify.grpc.newClient({
    endpoint: "localhost:3478",
    cert: undefined,
    insecure: true

let schema = `
    entity user {}
    entity document {
       relation viewer @user
       action view = viewer

// Write the schema
    tenantId: "t1",
    schema: schema
}).then((response) => {
    // handle response

Write Relationships

import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";

const client = permify.grpc.newClient({
    endpoint: "localhost:3478",
    cert: undefined,
    insecure: true

    tenantId: "t1",
    metadata: {
        schemaVersion: ""
    tuples: [{
        entity: {
            type: "document",
            id: "1"
        relation: "viewer",
        subject: {
            type: "user",
            id: "1"
}).then((response) => {
    // handle response


import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";

const client = permify.grpc.newClient({
    endpoint: "localhost:3478",
    cert: undefined,
    insecure: true

    tenantId: "t1",
    metadata: {
        snapToken: "",
        schemaVersion: "",
        depth: 20
    entity: {
        type: "document",
        id: "1"
    permission: "view",
    subject: {
        type: "user",
        id: "3"
}).then((response) => {
    if (response.can === PermissionCheckResponse_Result.RESULT_ALLOWED) {
    } else {

Streaming Calls

import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";

function main() {
    const client = permify.grpc.newClient({
        endpoint: "localhost:3478",
        cert: undefined,
        insecure: true

    let res = client.permission.lookupEntityStream({
        tenantId: "t1",
        metadata: {
            snapToken: "",
            schemaVersion: "",
            depth: 20
        entityType: "document",
        permission: "view",
        subject: {
            type: "user",
            id: "1"


async function handle(res: AsyncIterable<permify.grpc.payload.PermissionLookupEntityStreamResponse>) {
    for await (const response of res) {
        // response.entityId


Access Token Interceptor

import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";

const client = new permify.grpc.newClient({
    endpoint: "localhost:3478",
    cert: undefined,
    insecure: true
}, permify.grpc.newAccessTokenInterceptor("YOUR_TOKEN"))


import * as permify from "@permify/permify-node";
import fs from 'fs';

const cert = fs.readFileSync('path/to/cert.pem');

const client = new permify.grpc.newClient({
    endpoint: "localhost:3478",
    cert: cert,
    insecure: true
}, permify.grpc.newAccessTokenInterceptor("YOUR_TOKEN"))

Permify is an open-source authorization service for creating and maintaining fine-grained authorizations accross your individual applications and services.

Community & Support

Join our Discord channel for issues, feature requests, feedbacks or anything else. We love to talk about authorization and access control ❤️

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