Gapless is developed for genome assemblies merging with a hybrid assembly strategy
- Pengjia ([email protected])
Gapless is free for non-commercial use by academic, government, and non-profit/not-for-profit institutions. A commercial version of the software is available and licensed through Xi’an Jiaotong University. For more information, please contact with Peng Jia ([email protected]) or Kai Ye ([email protected]).
- System: Unix like system (test on ubuntu and centOS)
- Language: Python and snakemake
- Packages: snakemake, pysam, numpy and pandas
- Software: bwa, minimap2, samtools, minidot, jellyfish, ragtag, and seqtk
You can install the dependent packages and software with conda.
Download the pipeline.
cd /path/to/gapless
git clone
- Changed the software or packages path in conf/software.smk.
- Changed the parameters of the pipeline in conf/config.yaml.
- Changed the input path of you scaffolds and contigs in conf/scaffold.yaml.
cd /path/to/gapless
snakemake -s Snakefile -j 10 -k --ri -k
If you want to run the pipeline in other directory, please copy the conf file in your directory and run with following command:
cd /m/work/directory
cp -r /path/to/gapless/gapless/conf .
snakemake -s /path/to/gapless/gapless/Snakefile -j 10 -k --ri
Jia P, Dong L, Yang X, Wang B, Wang T, Lin J, Wang S, Zhao X, Xu T, Che Y, et al: Haplotype-resolved assemblies and variant benchmark of a Chinese Quartet. bioRxiv 2022:2022.2009.2008.504083. PDF
If you have any questions, please contact with Peng Jia ([email protected]) at Xi'an Jiaotong University.