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Just a simple project developed for the conclusion work of the Systems Development course at SENAI - Cimatec


Table of Contents

Getting Started

Created with the aim of digitizing processes that were previously done manually, the expectation is to generate greater reliability, time savings and practicality for our client.



.NET 8


   git clone

API Endpoints

This documentation provides details about the endpoints available in the Splan API.


  • Endpoint: POST /Authentication/Register
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to register with a valid email and password.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AdminLoginCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Registration successful. / 400 Bad Request - Invalid email or password.


POST /Authentication/Register
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "Pinkman123"


  • Endpoint: POST /Authentication
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to log in with a valid email and password..
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AdminLoginCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Login successful / 400 Bad Request - Invalid email or password.


POST /Authentication
Content-Type: application/json

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "Pinkman123"

Add Project

  • Endpoint: POST /Add
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to add a project using a provided command.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AddProjectCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Project added successfully, returns the project ID / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing project details


Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "ProjectName",
  "company": "CompanyName",
  "startDate": "2023-01-01",
  "expirationDate": "2023-12-31",
  "status": true

Update Project

  • Endpoint: PUT /Update
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to update a project using a provided command.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an UpdateProjectCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Project updated successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing project details


PUT /Update
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1,
  "name": "UpdatedProjectName",
  "company": "UpdatedCompanyName",
  "startDate": "2023-01-01",
  "expirationDate": "2023-12-31",
  "status": true

List Projects

  • Endpoint: GET
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of projects.
  • Response: 200 OK - List of projects retrieved successfully / 204 No Content - No projects found

Delete Project

  • Endpoint: DELETE
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to delete a project using a provided command.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an DeleteProjectCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Project deleted successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing project ID


Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1

Get Dashboard

  • Endpoint: GET /Dashboard/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to retrieve dashboard information for a specified project.
  • Response: 200 OK - Dashboard information retrieved successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid project ID / 404 Not Found - Project not found or no dashboard information available.


GET /Dashboard/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json


Add Employee

  • Endpoint: POST /Employees/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to add an employee to a project using a provided command and project ID.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AddEmployeeCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Employee added to the project successfully, returns the employee key / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing employee details or project ID


POST /Employees/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

  "name": "EmployeeName",
  "function": "Developer",
  "educationDegree": "Bachelor",
  "hiringRegimeId": 1,
  "isCoordinator": false,
  "classification": "Junior"

Update Employee

  • Endpoint: PUT /Employees
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to update employee details in a project using a provided command and project ID.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an UpdateEmployeeCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Employee details updated successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing employee details or project ID


PUT /Employees
Content-Type: application/json

"employeeId": "EmployeeId",
"name": "UpdatedEmployeeName",
"function": "UpdatedDeveloper",
"educationDegree": "Master",
"hiringRegimeId": 2,
"isCoordinator": true,
"classification": "Senior"

Get Employee by ID

  • Endpoint: GET /GetById/{projectId}/{employeeId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to return a employee by project Id and their ID.
  • Query Parameter: employeeId (Guid)
  • Response: 200 OK - Return employee successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid emplyoee ID or project ID


GET /GetById/{projectId}/{employeeId}
Content-Type: application/json

  "employeeId": "1"

Get All Employees

  • Endpoint: GET /Employees/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of employees within a specified project.
  • Response: 200 OK - List of employees retrieved successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid project ID / 404 Not Found - Project not found


GET /Employees/{projectID}
Content-Type: application/json

Delete Employee

  • Endpoint: DELETE /Employees/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to remove an employee from a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing a DeleteEmployeeCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Employee deleted successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid employee ID or project ID


DELETE /Employees/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

  "EmployeeId": "1"

Add Phase

  • Endpoint: POST /Phases/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to add a phase to a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AddPhaseCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Phase added to the project successfully, returns the phase ID / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing phase details or project ID


POST /Phases/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"stage": "PhaseStage",
"description": "PhaseDescription",
"startDate": "2023-01-01",
"endDate": "2023-12-31"

Update Phase

  • Endpoint: PUT /Phases/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to update phase details within a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an UpdatePhaseCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Phase details updated successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing phase details or project ID


PUT /Phases/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"PhaseId": "1",
"stage": "PhaseStage",
"description": "PhaseDescription",
"startDate": "2023-01-01",
"endDate": "2023-12-31"

Update Phase

  • Endpoint: GET /ListPhases/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of phases within a specified project.
  • Response: 200 OK - List of phases retrieved successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid project ID / 404 - Not Found - Project not found.


GET /ListPhases/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json


Delete Phase

  • Endpoint: DELETE /Phases/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to remove a phase from a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an DeletePhaseCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Phase deleted successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing phase details or project ID


DELETE /Phases/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"PhaseId": "1",

Add FinanceItem

  • Endpoint: POST /Finances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to add a finance item to a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AddFinanceItemCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Finance item added to the project successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing phase details or project ID


POST /Finances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"name": "ItemName",
"date": "2023-01-01",
"value": 100.0,
"supplier": "SupplierName"

Get FinanceItens

  • Endpoint: GET /Finances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of finance items within a specified project.
  • Response: 200 OK - List of finance items retrieved successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid project ID / 404 Not Found - Project not found.


GET /Finances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json


Update FinanceItem

  • Endpoint: PUT /Finances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to add a finance item to a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an UpdateFinanceItemCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Finance item details updated successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing finance item details or project ID


PUT /Finances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"financeItemId": "ItemID",
"name": "UpdatedItemName",
"date": "2023-01-01",
"value": 150.0,
"supplier": "UpdatedSupplierName"

Update FinanceItem

  • Endpoint: DELETE /Finances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to remove a finance item from a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an DeleteFinanceItemCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Finance item deleted successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing finance item details or project ID


DELETE /Finances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"financeItemId": "ItemID"

Upload PDF

  • Endpoint: POST /UploadPdf
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to upload a PDF file.
  • Request Form: PDF file
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AddPdfViewModel.
  • Response: 200 OK - File uploaded successfully, returns the PDF ID / 400 Bad Request - No file uploaded, invalid file format, or missing required


POST /UploadPdf
Content-Type: application/json

"name": "pdfName",
"financeItemId": "1"

Download PDF

  • Endpoint: GET /DownloadPdf
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to upload a PDF file.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an financeItemId.
  • Response: 200 OK - File downloaded successfully, returns the PDF file / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing ItemId / 404 Not Found - PDF file or associated item not found.


GET /DownloadPdf
Content-Type: application/json

"financeItemId": "1"

Add RhFinance

  • Endpoint: POST /Rhfinances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to add finance information from an employee to a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an AddRhFinanceFromEmployee.
  • Response: 200 OK - File downloaded successfully, returns the PDF file / 400 Bad Request - Invalid or missing ItemId / 404 Not Found - PDF file or associated item not found.


POST /Rhfinances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"employeeId": "1",
"contractDateMonth": "2023-01-01",
"valuePerHour": 25.0,
"hoursWorkedMonth": 160

Get RhFinances

  • Endpoint: GET /Rhfinances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to list finance information related to employees in a specified project.
  • Response: 200 OK - Finance information related to employees listed successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid project ID / 404 Not Found - Project not found.


GET /Rhfinances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json


Update RhFinance

  • Endpoint: PUT /Rhfinances/{projectId}
  • Description: Endpoint allows users to update finance information related to employees in a specified project.
  • Request Body: JSON representing an UpdateRhFinanceCommand.
  • Response: 200 OK - Finance information related to employees updated successfully / 400 Bad Request - Invalid project ID / 404 Not Found - Project not found.


PUT /Rhfinances/{projectId}
Content-Type: application/json

"employeeId": "1",
"contractDateMonth": "2023-01-01",
"valuePerHour": 30.0,
"hoursWorkedMonth": 180


Final proejct from Systems Development course







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Contributors 3

