We are creating a font that is much better than this one. :)
这里是我的实验性字体 CEF Fonts Arabic 项目。本项目仍在开发中。
Here is the project of my expiremental font CEF Fonts Arabic. Still under heavy development.
本字体是我的实验性作品,可以支持阿拉伯语以及其它使用阿拉伯语字母语言的基础显示(如: 维吾尔语、波斯语、柯尔克孜语等。)
This font software is my experimental work, it can support Arabic and other languages which arabic alphabet is used (eg. Uyghur, Persian, Kyrgyz etc.).
For now, the font can only place some vowel marks on right positions, and NOT ALL marks are supported.
当 Shadda 与 Kasra 相遇时,本字体采用 Kasra 放在 Shadda 下面的写法。
When Shadda meets Kasra, Kasra will be placed under Shadda mark in this font.
仅 Unicode Arabic Persentation Forms A 和 B 区块内包含的词首、词中、词尾、独立形式可用,其它字母不可用。
Only letters which are included in Unicode Arabic Persentation Forms A and B have initial (init) , medial (medi) , terminal (fina) and isolated (isol) forms.
本字体以 SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 协议发布。
This font software is licensed under SIL Open Font License Version 1.1.