Server Gothic Online 0.4.6a for Gothic 1.
You need Qt (x86/32Bit) installed in order to build the launcher! See: Afterwards please make sure to set your installed Qt version in the visual studio project settings. (Visual Studio Qt Tools required)
Files needed in Release:
- GO_Launcher.exe
- "lang"-Directory with content
- "Multiplayer"-Directory with content
- the following DLLs:
- Qt5Core(d).dll
- Qt5Widgets(d).dll
- Qt5Network(d).dll
- Qt5Gui(d).dll
The "(d)" is because the debug-build needs the DLLs with "d" (eg.: Qt5Cored.dll) and the release-build needs the DLLs without "d" (eg.: Qt5Core.dll)
- Language saved in Config
Consists of some Multiplayer Config Files and the needed GO.dll. The GO.dll is injected into the GothicMod.exe right after the game start by GO_Launcher.
- German Keyboard Layout (almost complete)
- Several Translations
Build Artifact is created on push into master.
The Gothic Online server that handles the network communication with the clients.
Build Artifact is created on push into master.