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Organization for crafting useful PowerShell modules.

PowerShell A GitHub & PowerShell development framework

We empower PowerShell-savvy developers to effortlessly transform their ideas into impactful solutions. Our approach centers around a development framework that allows developers to focus on delivering value through their code. By leveraging the GitHub platform and PowerShell, we aim to automate the repetitive tasks, enabling developers — whether as consumers or contributors — to concentrate on coding without distractions.

How to get started

Contribute to a project

Contributing flow

  1. Open an issue or indicate that you want any of the open issues, so others know what you are working on.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Create a branch from main and make your changes.
    • In your changes, be sure to have a test that is covering the added functionality.
  4. Open a pull request towards upstream/main.
    • Add any details using the PR template.
    • Link the PR to the issue you opened by adding Fixes #<issue_number> so that the issue gets associated and closed with the PR.
  5. Review your own PR first, when you are happy with it, mark it as "Ready for review".
  6. Review and address comments on your pull request. We do not want to close PRs directly if we disagree on a specific approach. Lets discuss it instead. We are happy to help you with your changes if there are some difficult points in the code or framework.
  7. Be sure to update your branch with the latest changes from upstream/main before your PR is merged.
  8. Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged and a new feature will be released immediately.

In rare occation we might create a release branch and do a release from that branch, but that is more for bigger changes. These branches might also run with a prerelease tag, so that we can test the changes before we release it to the public.

Create a new PowerShell module
  1. Create a repository based on the template PSModuleTemplate. The module will by default use the name of the repository. See Process-PSModule for more info on choosing another name than the repository name.
  2. Create a repository or organization secret called APIKEY, holding the API key for the PowerShell Gallery.
  3. Configure the settings you want for the repository including a branch policy for the main branch.
  4. On a topic branch:
    1. develop the code you want to add to your module.
    2. delete the parts you do not need.
    3. update the tests in the tests folder.
  5. Create a PR. Add a label to the PR depending on what you want to do.
    • Major - Will create a major release (vX.0.0) when merged. If specified with "Prerelease", a major version will be created using the prerelease tag (vX.0.0-<branchName>).
    • Minor - Will create a minor release (vX.Y.0) when merged. If specified with "Prerelease", a minor version will be created using the prerelease tag (vX.Y.0-<branchName>).
    • Patch - Will create a minor release (vX.Y.Z) when merged. If specified with "Prerelease", a minor version will be created using the prerelease tag (vX.Y.Z-<branchName>). A patch version bump is the default if nothing is specified for the PR.
    • Prerelease - CI will create a prerelease of the module using the branch name as a prerelease tag in the version. This will create both a repository release and a prerelease version of the module on the PowerShell Gallery.
  6. Once the PR is created, the Process-PSModule workflow will trigger.
  7. When the PR is merged, a release will be created and the module will be published to the PowerShell Gallery with a stable version based on the version bump indicator the PR was was labeled with. Prerelease tags will be cleaned up on the repository.
Create a new GitHub Action


Create a new GitHub Workflow


GitHub Actions and Workflows on the GitHub Marketplace

Click to expand
Name Description Version
Auto‑Configure Automates the configuration of a GitHub repo.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub release (with filter)
Auto‑Document Automates the documentation generation ( of a GitHub action.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub release (with filter)
Auto‑Release Automates the release process of a GitHub repo using a PR based triggered workflow and labels on the PR.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub release (with filter)
Process‑PSModule A GitHub workflow that is used as a template in PowerShell module repos to build, test and publish the module using the PSModule framework.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub Release
Initialize‑PSModule An action that is used to prepare the GitHub runner for the PSModule framework.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub Release
Test‑PSModule Runs static code analysis and pester tests on source code or a built module. The tests are some framework specific tests and tests from within the module repo.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub Release
Build‑PSModule Build the project from different files and structures dynamically based on the defaults defined in the framework. The results of the build should be a module that runs and is ready to be published to PowerShell Gallery with documentation ready to be published on GitHub Pages.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub Release
Publish‑PSModule Calculates the version number, updates module files with version, create a repo release and finally publish module to PowerShell Gallery and documentation to GitHub Pages.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks
GitHub Release

Modules delivered on the PowerShell Gallery

Click to expand
Name Description Version
Admin A PowerShell module working with the admin role.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
AST A PowerShell module for using the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to analyze any PowerShell code.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
AzureDevOps A PowerShell module to interact with the Azure DevOps REST API.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
DynamicParams A PowerShell module that makes it easier to use dynamic params.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
Fonts A PowerShell module for managing fonts.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
GitHub A PowerShell module to interact with the GitHub API.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
GoogleFonts A PowerShell module to download and install fonts from GoogleFonts.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
NerdFonts A PowerShell module to download and install fonts from NerdFonts.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
PATH A PowerShell module to manage the PATH environment variable on Windows.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
PowerShellGallery A PowerShell module for interacting with the PowerShell Gallery.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
PSSemVer A PowerShell module adding a SemVer compatible class and functions.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
PublicIP A PowerShell module that helps getting info about your public IP.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
Store A PowerShell module that manages a store of secrets and variables.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
Utilities A PowerShell module with a collection of functions that should have been in PowerShell to start with.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version
WoW A PowerShell module containing utilities for World of Warcraft.
GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests GitHub Stars GitHub Watchers GitHub Forks PowerShell Gallery Downloads
GitHub release (with filter) PowerShell Gallery Version

Design decisions

PowerShell projects


  • A repository manages ONE module.
  • A repository has releases that are in line with the version of the published package.
  • The version of a repository follows semver 2.0.0 based on the changes to the module, and not the framework or any other external factor from the module.

Repository structure

  • The output folder = .\outputs on the root of the repo.
  • The module that is build is stored under the output folder in a folder with the same name as the module.

The test and build process is based on the following repository structure. The PSModule framework is expecting the modules to follow this structure as some of the paths and calculations are based on this structure. Not following this might result in the build process not working as expected.

├─ .github/
│  └- workflows/
│     └- Process-PSModule.yml              # The workflow file based on [Process-PSModule]( template.
├─ .vscode/                                # The settings for the Visual Studio Code aligned with the PSModule framework formatting and linting practices.
├─ icon/
|  └- <icon>.png                           # Icon file automatically used in the module manifest file if nothing else is specified.
├─ outputs/                                # The output folder created during build. This is a temporary folder that should not be committed to the repository.
|  ├─ docs/                                # The output folder for the documentation.
|  |  └─ ModuleName/                       # The output folder for the module.
|  └─ modules/                             # The output folder for the module.
|     └─ ModuleName/                       # The output folder for the module.
├─ src/                                    # The source code for the module.
│  ├─ ModuleName/                          # The source code folder for the module. Kept like this for ease of testing. This folder can be loaded as a module.
│  │  ├─ assembly/                         # All .dll files are collected to RequiredAssemblies
│  │  │  └─ <dlls>                         # loaded during import via RequiredAssemblies
│  │  ├─ classes/                          # All .ps1 files are collected to ScriptsToProcess and loaded to the caller session (parent of module session)
│  │  │  ├─ <ClassName>.ps1                # loaded during import via ScritsToProcess
│  │  │  ├─ <ClassName>.Format.ps1xml      # loaded during import via FormatsToProcess (collected based on *.Formats.ps1xml files in the root of the folder)
│  │  │  └─ <ClassName>.Types.ps1xml       # loaded during import via TypesToProcess (collected based on *.Types.ps1xml files in the root of the folder)
│  │  ├─ data/                             # Loads .psd1 files into the module session.
│  │  ├─ en/
│  │  |  ├─ en-US/                         # Search here first for OS = en-US, then parent, en. Get-Help and platyPS reads this.
│  │  │  └─ about_<ComponentName>.help.txt
│  │  ├─ init/                             # All .ps1 files are added to the root module and can contain scripts that run during import before functions are loaded.
│  │  ├─ modules/                          # All .dll, psm1 and ps1 files are collected to NestedModules and loaded to the module session.
│  │  ├─ private/                          # All .ps1 files are added to the root module, but not exported to the caller session.
│  │  ├─ public/                           # All .ps1 files are added to the root module, and exported to the caller session.
|  |  ├─ resources/                        # All .psm1 files are collected to DscResourcesToExport and loaded to the module session.
│  │  ├─ scripts/                          # All .ps1 files are collected to ScriptsToProcess and loaded to the caller session (parent of module session)
|  |  ├─ <ScriptName>.ps1                  # All *.ps1 files are added to the root module last and can contain scripts that run during import after functions are loaded.
|  |  ├─ header.ps1                        # Added to the root module first. Typically for Pester supressions and [CmdletBinding()].
│  │  ├─ ModuleName.psd1                   # The module manifest file, if not present, it is generated.
│  │  └- ModuleName.psm1                   # The root module file, if not present, it is generated from the source files.
├─ tests/
│  └- ModuleName/
│     └- ModuleName.Tests.ps1
├─ .gitattributes
├─ .gitignore
├─ LICENSE                                 -> The license file for the module. Used in the module manifest file.


To be filled later.




  • Documentation uses comment-based documentation, placed first in the function block.
  • Documentations contains synopsis, description (not copy paste from synopsis), atleast one example.
    • If the function generates outputs, the output should be documented using the .OUTPUT <OutputType> doc tag.
    • If the function takes input by pipeline, the input should be documented using the .INPUT <InputType> doc tag.
  • Parameter documentation that are not dynamic, exists inside the param() block, above the function.


  • The ModuleVersion is generated from the Publish-PSModule function, based on available version and lables on PRs, not from the module manifest.
  • The basis of the module manifest comes from the source manifest file.
  • Values that are not defined in the module manifest file are generated from reading the module files and github repository properties.
  • If no RootModule is defined in the manifest file, a file with the name of the folder is searched for with a compatible file extension.
  • A new module manifest file is created every time to get a new GUID, so that the specific version of the module can be imported.
GitHub Action and workflow projects

Actions and reusable workflows

  • Use the composite action to load prerequisite modules. I.e., 'Utilities'.
  • Run the main functionality from a main.ps1 file located in a scripts folder.
  • The action inputs are written in PascalCase and uses the natural language name of the input.
  • Use envvironment variables to pass data between the composite action and the main.ps1 file.
  • Prefix the environment variable with GITHUB_ACTION_INPUT_ followed by the name of the action input to avoid collision with other environment variables.
  • Have a file in the action folder that explains the action and how to use it.
  • Have a Action-Test workflow file that tests the action.
  • Use the Auto-Release action for automating the release of the action via pull requeusts.
  • Actions versions must be available as vX, vX.Y and vX.Y.Z tags, where they get the updates on their respective version.
    • vX automatically gets all the feature and patch updates until a breaking change is introduced.
    • vX.Y automatically gets all the patch updates until a new feature is introduced.
    • vX.Y.Z is locked to the exact version and will not get any updates.
  • Older version of the action are not updates on their given track. i.e., if an older version of the action has bugs or a security issue, the fix will be implemented on the latest version and the user will have to update to the latest version to get the fix.


  • Actions should have parameters to configure the action with smart default values.
  • Actions should also be able to take a configuration file as a yaml file, that is stored in the repository's .github folder.
  • The configuration should also be able to be stored in the organizations .github repository, to simplify configuration control for all the repositories in the organization.
  • The configuration should be called the name of the action/workflow and be a yaml file.
  • Configuration precedence is as follows:
    1. Action inputs, over
    2. Repository configuration, over
    3. Organization configuration, over
    4. Action inputs default values.
  • Configuration processing is as follows:
    1. Start with defaults from the action.
    2. Load the configuration from the organization .github repository, overwriting defined values only.
    3. Load the configuration from the repository .github folder, overwriting defined values only.
    4. Load the configuration from the action inputs, overwriting defined values only.

Developer handbook


  1. Question all requirements. Make sure the requirements are valid and necessary.
  2. Remove things that should not be there. Delete the part or process, if things are not added back in, you are not deleting enough.
  3. Simplify or optimize, most common error is to optimize something that should not exist.
  4. Streamline and improve the cycle time.
  5. Automate.

🌈 Contribution guidelines

Feel free to submit issues, PRs what have you. Also feel free to use as you like; be that the functions or modules we maintain here.

👩‍💻 Credits

This project is not intented to be plagerising or stealing code from anyone without giving credit where credit is due. If any of these projects get recognition, it was achieved [by standing on the shoulders of giants]. Credit regarding pieces of the framework will be listed here, and the module specific credits will be added in the different module repos. If you think you should be mentioned, create an issue.

🛟 PSGallery support

🗂️ Powershell inspiration and resources

Outdated resources

Pinned Loading

  1. Build-PSModule Build-PSModule Public

    Action that is used to build a PowerShell module.

    PowerShell 3

  2. Test-PSModule Test-PSModule Public

    Test PowerShell modules with Pester and PSScriptAnalyzer.

    PowerShell 1

  3. Publish-PSModule Publish-PSModule Public

    Action that is used to publish a PowerShell module



Showing 10 of 34 repositories
  • Test-PSModule Public

    Test PowerShell modules with Pester and PSScriptAnalyzer.

    PSModule/Test-PSModule’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 1 MIT 0 12 0 Updated Jul 1, 2024
  • GitHub Public

    A PowerShell module to interact with the GitHub API.

    PSModule/GitHub’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 9 MIT 1 13 1 Updated Jul 1, 2024
  • Fonts Public

    A PowerShell module for managing fonts.

    PSModule/Fonts’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 4 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jul 1, 2024
  • DynamicParams Public

    A PowerShell module that makes it easier to use dynamic params.

    PSModule/DynamicParams’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 1 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jun 30, 2024
  • WoW Public

    A PowerShell module containing utilities for World of Warcraft.

    PSModule/WoW’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jun 30, 2024
  • Store Public

    A PowerShell module that manages a store of secrets and variables.

    PSModule/Store’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 2 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jun 30, 2024
  • Utilities Public

    A PowerShell module with a collection of functions that should have been in PowerShell to start with.

    PSModule/Utilities’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 6 MIT 1 1 0 Updated Jun 30, 2024
  • Sodium Public

    A PowerShell module for handling Sodium encrypted secrets.

    PSModule/Sodium’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jun 30, 2024
  • PublicIP Public

    A PowerShell module that helps getting info about your public IP.

    PSModule/PublicIP’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jun 30, 2024
  • PSSemVer Public

    A PowerShell module adding a SemVer compatible class and functions.

    PSModule/PSSemVer’s past year of commit activity
    PowerShell 1 MIT 1 1 1 Updated Jun 30, 2024


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