Papers and resources collection about pedestrian behavior estimation
- Awesome Pedestrian Behavior Estimation
- Contents
- Papers
- Datasets
- Library
- Lectures and Tutorials
- Other Resources
- Non-pedestrian Trajectory
- Pedestrian and Ego-vehicle Trajectory Prediction from Monocular Camera [2021 CVPR]
- Bifold and Semantic Reasoning for Pedestrian Behavior Prediction [2021 ICCV] [Code]
- TITAN: Future Forecast using Action Priors [2020 CVPR] [Data]
- Spatiotemporal Relationship Reasoning for Pedestrian Intent Prediction [2020 IEEE RA-L & ICRA] [Project] [Data] [Code]
- PIE: A Large-Scale Dataset and Models for Pedestrian Intention Estimation and Trajectory Prediction [2019 CVPR] [Project] [Code-annoatation] [Code-model]
- Are They Going to Cross? A Benchmark Dataset and Baseline for Pedestrian Crosswalk Behavior [2017 ICCV Workshop]
- End-to-End Trajectory Distribution Prediction Based on Occupancy Grid Maps [2022 CVPR]
- Remember Intentions: Retrospective-Memory-based Trajectory Prediction [2022 CVPR]
- Non-Probability Sampling Network for Stochastic Human Trajectory Prediction [2022 CVPR]
- Human Trajectory Prediction with Momentary Observation [2022 CVPR]
- Whose Track Is It Anyway? Improving Robustness to Tracking Errors with Affinity-based Trajectory Prediction [2022 CVPR]
- How many Observations are Enough? Knowledge Distillation for Trajectory Forecasting [2022 CVPR]
- GroupNet: Multiscale Hypergraph Neural Networks for Trajectory Prediction with Relational Reasoning [2022 CVPR]
- Pedestrian Situated Intent Dataset (PSI) (2022) [Data]
- Spatiotemporal Relationship Reasoning for Pedestrian Intent Prediction (STIP) (2020) [Data]
- Trajectory Infer- ence using Targeted Action priors Network (TITAN) (2020) [Data]
- Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) (2019) [Data]
- Joint Attention in Autonomous Driving (JAAD) (2017) [Data]
- ETH-Person (2010) [Data]
Top-down View
- inD (2020) [Data]
- Vehicle-Crowd Intraction (VCI) - DUT Dataset (2019) [Data]
- Forum Pedestrian Dataset (2010) [Data]
Surveillance Camera
- TRAF (2019 CVPR) [Data] [Paper]
- WildTrack (2017) [Data]
- VIRAT (2011 CVPR) [Data] [Paper]
- TownCentre (2009) [Data]
- The Garden of Forking Paths (2020) [Data] [Paper (2020 CVPR)] [Paper (2020 ECCV)]
- "Trajectory Prediction Papers" [GitHub]
- MUSE-VAE: Multi-Scale VAE for Environment-Aware Long Term Trajectory Prediction [2022 CVPR]
- M2I: From Factored Marginal Trajectory Prediction to Interactive Prediction [2022 CVPR]
- On Adversarial Robustness of Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles [2022 CVPR]
- Neural Prior for Trajectory Estimation [2022 CVPR]