Spring 2021
All lecture materials and in-class workbooks will be stored in this repository.
Please fork this repo to create a local copy on your Jupyter Hub, local machine, or both (the last option is best). You should also link your fork back to upstream and periodically pull to make sure you have up-to-date lecture materials without loosing any of your own work. I will be adding additional lecture material throughout the course.
Instructions for forking and syncing a repo can be found at the following links:
Additional guides are also available in lectures posted on Canvas.
These lecture materials are designed to supplement, not replace, class discussions, recorded lectures, and readings.
- Lecture 0: Introduction, lecture materials are contained in the Introductory Material Repo.
- Lecture 1: Numerical integration.
- Lecture 2: Numerical derivatives.
- Lecture 3: Object oriented programming primer.
- Lecture 4: Solving 1st order initial value problems.
- Lecture 5: Systems of coupled ODE's.
- Lecture 6: Newtons 2nd law, Building a physical model, more object oriented programming.
- ...
- ... to be updated as class proceeds