Releases: PDXostc/vehicle_signal_distribution
v1.7.1 Minor timing fixes
Compile cleanup.
Include guards.
C++ guards.
Bug fix - Makefile
Make built the release target incorrectly, impacting projects using the provided Makefile.
Incorporate compiled-in VSS specs.
This version integrates the latest version of DSTC and the new VSS master where generates two header files with the complete signal spec.
See examples/ for build and code examples on how to integrate the standard VSS spec into your code.
From there it is easy to build your own VSS spec and process it into header files using
Release makefile fixes
v1.5 Update makefile
Bug fix.
Fixed incorrect encoding of double signals./
Fixed confusion when finding signal parent when multiple parental candidates share the same beginning of their name.
(Row1 vs. Row1PosCount)
Version 1.3
Moved swig directory to
Updated examples to compile cleanly.
Updated include file to handle non-standards CFLAGSLIST.
Python support and modified nomenclature
Added swig / python support.
Renamed all _desc references to _signal.
Cross platform support
When linked against updated versions of Reliable Multicast and DSTC, VSD now executes cleanly between x86-64 and rpi-32 systems.
First release
Builds cleanly against pre-installed DSTC and Reliable Multicast installs.
Passes known test cases.