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Dan Connolly edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 4 revisions

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ref #3

regression testing comes to mind... though... what tools would be using DECOY as source data in such a way that it would work for regression testing?

ETL cross-checking

One group is ETL from DE-SynPUF CMS data to PCORnet CDM. Meanwhile, the OMOP/OHDSI community has developed a conversion from DE-SynPUF to OMOP CDM and are working on OMOP to PCORNet CDM. Do they produce the same thing?

![ETL diagram]( digraph G { rankdir=LR; DESynPuf -> PCORnet_CDM [label="cms_p_etl"]; DESynPuf -> i2b2 [label="SamTheEagle"]; i2b2 -> PCORnet_CDM [label="SILHS_etl"]; DESynPuf -> OMOP [label="OHDSI"]; OMOP -> PCORnet_CDM; i2b2 -> OMOP [label="PEDsNet"]; } )

DECOY should supplement DESynPuf with labs and such.

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