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Update following CDAT/vcs#242
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durack1 committed Dec 17, 2019
1 parent f556e71 commit 96a8a6f
Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu May 21 18:30:38 2015
Paul J. Durack 21st May 2015
This script generates a movie of monthly mean differences
PJD 21 May 2015 - Started
PJD 26 May 2015 - Updated with old (2012) AMIP data for comparisons
PJD 3 Jun 2015 - Finalised with diff plots
PJD 4 Jun 2015 - Moved x.close() to prevent issues
PJD 16 Jun 2015 - Updated to deal with latest files and BCs rather than rewritten obs
PJD 17 Jun 2015 - Grabbed tweaks from doutriaux1 to reduce grid reproduction
PJD 17 Jun 2015 - Updated to deal with 4 variables obs and bcs
PJD 18 Jun 2015 - Added time and memory statements
PJD 18 Jun 2015 - Updated 'new' data to 360x180_150618 path
PJD 24 Jun 2015 - Updated levels for 'sic' and corrected outFiles indentation to fix over-runs in mp4 files
PJD 15 Jul 2015 - Added UV-CDAT version attribution to be logged
PJD 16 Jul 2015 - Added delFudge variable
PJD 18 Nov 2015 - Added pyObj variable
PJD 6 Jun 2016 - Updated for new input data format
PJD 27 Jun 2016 - Updated to run against vtk bug fixes (uvcdatNightly)
PJD 28 Jun 2016 - Updated to write mp4's to png subdir, test with bg=False
PJD 28 Jun 2016 - Corrected pngs path for mp4s
PJD 30 Jun 2016 - Added donotstoredisplay argument
PJD 22 Aug 2017 - Added code tweaks following VCS changes #235
PJD 28 Aug 2017 - Further tweaks following info in
PJD 30 Oct 2017 - Updated to bring changes across from
PJD 30 Oct 2017 - Corrected glob call to only return a single version
PJD 31 Oct 2017 - Updated TOS plot increments 270 to 310 (K) to -2.5 to 37.5 (degC); Updated ver info
PJD 31 Oct 2017 - split =1 needs to change to 0 to allow even colour splitting for unbalanced temp range (-2.5 to 35)
PJD 31 Oct 2017 - Explicitly initialize canvas size vcs.init(bg=True,geometry=())
PJD 27 Apr 2018 - Updated for v1.1.4 data, using /p/user_pub/work/input4MIPs paths
PJD 18 Jan 2019 - Updated for v1.1.5 data, using local paths
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Updated for v1.1.6 data, using local paths
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Updated prints for py3
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Updated durolib path
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Updated from string import replace with object handle
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Updated durolib mkDirNoOSErr to os.makedirs
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Added os.chmod to supplement os.makedirs calls
PJD 21 Nov 2019 - Added back in vcs.removeobject calls
PJD 26 Nov 2019 - Update for debugging @downiec
@author: durack1
import cdat_info,EzTemplate,gc,glob,os,time,resource,vcs,sys #,pdb
import cdms2 as cdm
import numpy as np
#from durolib import mkDirNoOSErr

#%% Turn on purging of VCS objects?
outPathVer = 'pngs_v1.1.6'
#outPath = '/work/durack1/Shared/150219_AMIPForcingData'
outPath = './'
dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
verPath = '*PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-6'
verOldPath = '*PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-5'

#%% Define functions
def initVCS(x,levs1,levs2,split):
iso1 = x.createisofill()
#iso = x.createboxfill()
iso1.levels = levs1
iso1.ext_1 = True
iso1.ext_2 = True
cols = vcs.getcolors(iso1.levels,split=split)
iso1.fillareacolors = cols

iso2 = x.createisofill()
levs = levs2
iso2.levels = levs
iso2.ext_1 = True
iso2.ext_2 = True
cols = vcs.getcolors(iso2.levels,split=1)
iso2.fillareacolors = cols

leg = x.createtextorientation()
leg.halign = "left"
leg.height = 8

tmpl = x.createtemplate()

oldOrientation = tmpl.legend.textorientation
tmpl.legend.textorientation = leg
for a in ["data","legend","box1","xlabel1","xtic1","ylabel1","ytic1"]:

Ez = EzTemplate.Multi(rows=3,columns=1,x=x,template=tmpl)
Ez.legend.direction ='vertical'
Ez.margins.left =.05
Ez.margins.right =.05 =.05
Ez.margins.bottom =.05

title = x.createtext()
title.height = 14
title.halign = "center"
title.x = [.5]
title.y = [.975]

t1 = Ez.get(legend="local")
t2 = Ez.get(legend="local")
t3 = Ez.get(legend="local")


return iso1,iso2,title,t1,t2,t3,tmpl

#%% Create input file list
newList = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([verPath,'*.nc'])))
varIndex = 0
for x,filePath in enumerate(newList):
if 'siconc' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
if 'bcs' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
sicbcList = filePath
sicList = filePath
if 'tos' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
if 'bcs' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
tosbcList = filePath
tosList = filePath

oldList = sorted(glob.glob(''.join([verOldPath,'*.nc'])))
for x,filePath in enumerate(oldList):
if 'siconc' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
if 'bcs' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
sicbcList2 = filePath
sicList2 = filePath
if 'tos' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
if 'bcs' in filePath.split('_')[varIndex]:
tosbcList2 = filePath
tosList2 = filePath


#%% Purge existing files - lock to version number
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join('./pngs',outPathVer), topdown=False):
for name in files:
#print os.path.join(root,name)
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))

#%% Loop through vars and files
counter = 1
for var in ['sic','tos']:
if var == 'tos':
varName = 'tos'
levs1 = list(np.arange(-2.5,37.5,2.5)) ; # TOS
levs2 = list(np.arange(-.2,.21,.025))
levs2[8] = 0. ; # Fix middle point
split = 0 ; # 0 for -2.5 to 35 scale
varName = var
levs1 = list(np.arange(-5,115,10)) ; # SIC
levs2 = list(np.arange(-5,5.5,.5))
split = 0

#%% Setup canvas options and plot
#bg = True ; # For 1 yr uses ~2.4GB
# [durack1@oceanonly 150219_AMIPForcingData]$ xeyes ; # Should display in foreground
# [durack1@oceanonly 150219_AMIPForcingData]$ Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1600x1200x16
# [durack1@oceanonly 150219_AMIPForcingData]$ bg ; # Ctrl-z called to send to background
# [durack1@oceanonly 150219_AMIPForcingData]$ setenv DISPLAY :2
# [durack1@oceanonly 150219_AMIPForcingData]$ xeyes ; # Should display in background
# [durack1@oceanonly 150219_AMIPForcingData]$ jobs
# [1] + Running spyder
# [2] - Running Xvfb :2 -screen 0 1600x1200x16
# durack1@oceanonly:[150219_AMIPForcingData]:[13896]> source activate cdat80py2
# (cdat80py2) durack1@oceanonly:[150219_AMIPForcingData]:[13847]>
# (cdat80py2) durack1@oceanonly:[150219_AMIPForcingData]:[13847]> python > 190118_1308_newVsOldDiffs.txt
bg = True ; # For 1 yr uses ~260MB
donotstoredisplay = True ; # Fix from fries2
y2 = 2018 ; #2017 ; #1871; #2013
outFiles = []

#%% Set obs vs bcs
for data in ['obs','bcs']:
if data == 'bcs':
BC = 'bc'
varNameRead = ''.join([varName,'bcs'])
BC = ''
varNameRead = varName
# Fix new naming convention
if 'sic' in varNameRead:
varNameNewRead = varNameRead.replace('sic','siconc')
inflationFactor = 1. #1e2
unitFactor = 0.
varNameNewRead = varNameRead
inflationFactor = 1.
unitFactor = 273.16 ; # Fudge errored <1.1.2 and earlier
unitFactor = 1.
newList = eval(''.join([varName,BC,'List']))
oldList = eval(''.join([varName,BC,'List2']))
x = vcs.init(bg=True,geometry=(1200,1560)) ; # Add bg and geometry
basic_tt = vcs.elements["texttable"].keys()
basic_to = vcs.elements["textorientation"].keys()
basic_tc = vcs.elements["textcombined"].keys()
# Open new input file
monthCount = 0
f1 = ; # New files
s1 = f1(varNameNewRead,time=('1870',str(y2)))
f2 = ; # New files
s2 = f1(varNameNewRead,time=('1870',str(y2)))
for count,y in enumerate(range(1870,y2)):
for m in range(12):
startTime = time.time()
printStr = 'processing: %i-%.2i' % (y,m+1)
#s1 = f1(varNameNewRead,slice(monthCount,monthCount+1))
#s1 = s1*inflationFactor ; # Correct siconc variables for unit difference
s1s = s1[m:m+1,]
s1s = s1s*inflationFactor ; # Correct siconc variables for unit difference
s2s = s2[m:m+1,]
s2s = s2s*inflationFactor ; # Correct siconc variables for unit difference
# Test times
#print 'new:',varNameNewRead.ljust(9),s1s.getTime().asComponentTime()
#print 'old:',varNameRead.ljust(9),s2s.getTime().asComponentTime()
diff = s2s-s1s
iso1,iso2,title,t1,t2,t3,tmpl = initVCS(x,levs1,levs2,split)
title.string = '%i-%.2i' % (y,m+1)
x.plot(s1s,t1,iso1,bg=bg); #,ratio="autot"); #,vtk_backend_grid=g)
x.plot(diff,t2,iso2,bg=bg); #,ratio="autot") ; #,vtk_backend_grid=g)
x.plot(s2s,t3,iso1,bg=bg); #,ratio="autot") ; #,vtk_backend_grid=g)
fnm = '%i-%.2i.png' % (y,m+1)
fileName = os.path.join(outPath,'pngs',outPathVer,varNameRead,fnm)
# Create directory tree - version
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outPath,'pngs',outPathVer)):
# Create directory tree - variable
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(outPath,'pngs',outPathVer,varNameRead)):
# Check file exists
if os.path.exists(fileName):
#print "** File exists.. removing **"
# Added back in for testing
vcs.removeobject(iso1) ; # Error thrown here and below v2.12 triggered this
vcs.removeobject(iso2) ; # Turned off both iso
endTime = time.time()
timeStr = 'Time: %06.3f secs;' % (endTime-startTime)
memStr = 'Max mem: %05.3f GB' % (np.float32(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)/1.e6)
counterStr = '%05d' % counter
pyObj = 'PyObj#: %07d;' % (len(gc.get_objects()))
if counter == 1:
print('UV-CDAT version:'.ljust(21),cdat_info.get_version())
print('UV-CDAT prefix:'.ljust(21),cdat_info.get_prefix())
print('Background graphics:'.ljust(21),bg)
counter = counter+1
# for k in vcs.elements.keys():
# print("key: {}, len: {}".format(k, len(vcs.elements[k].keys())))

x.backend.renWin = None ; # @danlipsa fix UV-CDAT/vcs#237
outMP4File = os.path.join('pngs',''.join(['AMIPBCS_newVsOld_',varNameRead,'.mp4']))
print('Processing: ',outMP4File)
x = vcs.init()
x.ffmpeg(os.path.join(outPath,outMP4File),outFiles,rate=5,bitrate=2048); #,options=u'-r 2') ; # Rate is frame per second - 1/2s per month
outFiles = [] ; # Reset for obs vs bcs

# Karl
Make movies
diff = [New(t,y,x)-Old(t,y,x)]
max = abs(diff(y,x))
rms = sum(diff(t,y,x)^2)/n(t)

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