This Chat App is built using NodeJs and The user can join any room from the list of rooms and chat with the other users there.
- Notifies the users when someone joins/ leaves a chat
- Displays a list of the users in the room at any particular moment
- Real time message exchange between users
To test the app, head over here and open the link in two different windows (or devices)
Note: Since the app has been posted using a free platform, it may be down towards the end of the month due to usage limits.
Please make sure you have nodejs and npm installed. You can find the steps to install them here
Run the following commands after you have forked and cloned the repo
npm install
npm start
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These guidelines are a way to communicate how people should contribute. These guidelines will help you verify that you're submitting well-formed pull requests and opening useful issues. For both contributors and us, contribution guidelines will save time and hassle caused by improperly created pull requests or issues that have to be rejected and re-submitted.