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The main task of this project is about the so called Extreme Classification, where we need to deal with multi-class involving an extremely large number of labels. Specifically, the training set of Cdiscount dataset contains 12,118,359 images (6,924,452 products), and in total, there are 5,270 categories. The final goal of the project is to correctly predict products into these 5,270 categories. First, we experimented with several deep neural network models, including ResNet50, Se-ResNet50, ResNet101, InceptionV3, Xception, etc. with a limited training epochs, to test single model performance and set the baseline for further experiments. Then, we implemented Test Time Augmentation (TTA) and network ensembles to make whole framework more stable in testing stage. Then, in order to eliminate negative effect from noise data in prediction stage, we proposed a noise robust prediction aggregation algorithm. Finally, we used pseudo labeling to further fine-tune the trained neural network in a semi-supervised fashion, hoping to further generalize the model to the testing set and improve the model performance on product-wise prediction (i.e. not simply image-wise prediction). The proposed framework turns out to be more stable and effective than single base model.


In large e-commerce companies, the well categorization of products is becoming a more and more challenging task since the list of products is rapidly growing, and the number of categories is extremely large. Apart from inefficient manually labeling, traditional machine learning methods can be applied to automatically label the products and predict their categories., the France’s largest non-food e-commerce company, is also facing the categorization problem due to its rapid growing lists of products. Here we decide to build a deep neural network classification framework to automatically categorize the images.

The main task in this project is about the so called Extreme Classification with multi-class involving an extremely large number of labels. Different from normal classification, Extreme Classification, extreme classification task may involve a number of difficulties. First, the computational complexity has been an issue for a long time. Second, data scarcity remains a question despite the vastness of available data. Additionally, the statistical dependence/correlation of the labels poses challenges and opportunities for learning approaches. All the properties of extreme classification problems (e.g. data and feature distribution) and their specificities across different fields are still not well understood. Moreover, valid evaluation measures in this setting have not been fully and well settled.

Due to the fact that datasets in extreme classification exhibit fit to power-law distribution,which indicates that a large fraction of labels have very few positive instances in the data distribution, most state-of-the-art approaches for extreme multi-label classification are mainly focused on capturing correlation among labels by embedding the label matrix to a low-dimensional linear sub-space.

Specifically, by assuming that the training label matrix is low-rank, the effective number of labels can be reduced by projecting the high dimensional label vectors onto a low dimensional linear subspace. Still, leading embedding approaches have been unable to deliver high prediction accuracies or scale to large problems as the low rank assumption is violated in most real world applications.

In this project, we proposed a deep neural network ensemble based classification framework on Cdiscount classification task. The pipeline is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Whole pipeline


The open Cdiscount dataset contains almost 9 million products: half of the current catalogue. There are more than 15 million images at 180x180 resolution with more than 5000 categories as shown in Table 1.

Figure 2. Examples in Cdiscount dataset

Train Validation Test
Images 12,118,359 252,934 3,095,080
Products 6,924,452 137,758 1,768,182

Table 1. Cdiscount dataset overview

Specifically, the validation is carefully splitted from training set by evenly sampling from each category.

Related Work

Extreme Classification

Extreme classification is a large-sacle classification task which involves an extremely large number of labels one need to deal with. Due to its complexity, multiple techniques such as distributed and parallel training, label embedding, tree approaches @choromanska2013extreme are usually combined together during the model training process. Solving such problem requires not only better models but also more effective approaches to ensemble @street2001streaming different part of the system.


Residual network @he2016deep is a kind of neural network which consists of many residual blocks. Within each block some convolutional layers are stacked linearly and a shortcut connection is added to enable residual learning. This network can be built with considerable depth without being violated by degradation problem. There’re many classic ResNet architectures such as ResNet-34, ResNet-50 and ResNet-101.


The Inception architecture is first raised to address the problem of how an optimal local sparse structure in a convolutional vision network can be approximated and covered by readily available dense components @szegedy2015going. It consists of several stacked inception modules within which different types of convolutions are combined. The inception module of the first version consists of $1\times1$, $3\times3$, $5\times5$ convolutions and a $3\times3$ max pooling layer. In the later versions, convolutions with large filter sizes are replaced by some more smaller ones, which are further factorized into asymmetric convolutions.


Xception is a network consisting of depthwise separable convolutions, corresponding to the inception module of an inception network @chollet2016xception. The depthwise separable convolutions first performs channel-wise spatial convolution, and then perform $1\times1$ convolution, which entirely decouples the mapping of cross-channels correlations and spatial correlations in feature maps. Xception is proved to outperform the Inception V3 architecture on ImageNet dataset and FastEval14k dataset.


Deep Ensembles

Using single model can hardly achieve satisfactory performance in this extreme large-scale classification task. To tackle this problem, we first trained three state-of-the-art models: ResNet-101, Inception V3 and Xception as base models. These base models are trained using different data augmentations so as to increase the invariance of the ensemble. This can be seen a Bagging @dietterich2000experimental approach to some extent. Then we assemble their predictions using a noise robust algorithm(see in section 3.3).

Test Time Augmentation (TTA)

Test time augmentation is a technique used to improve model performance during testing process. After the models are trained, multiple transformations will be applied to test images and each set of transformed images will be fed into the network to get a prediction @dieleman2015classifying. Then those prediction will be ensemble to get a final prediction. In real application, dozens of transformations will be applied (e.g. more than 10). However, in our experiment, we only apply no more than three transformations to test its effectiveness due to the computational cost.

Most TTA algorithm will take the average of the predictions to ensemble the models. This method may have several drawbacks (i.e. not consider the noisy data). To tackle this problem, we present a noise robust method called Belief-based Prediction Aggregation(BBPA) as stated in next section. This method can effectively exclude noisy data and thus improve the performance of the whole model.

Noise Robust Prediction Aggregation


The most common way to ensemble several models is to take the average score of their predictions @dieleman2015classifying and then choose the one with maximum probability. Although this approach is proved to be effective, it is vulnerable to noisy data, especially in our task.

As shown in Figure 2, all four images belong to the same product: a feeding bottle. The first three images depict, or at least partially depict the main features of a feeding bottle. These images contain information that can be easily exploited by a neural network, thus can be considered as high quality images. The fourth image, however, should be considered as noisy data because it is the logo of the brand of this product. Although it is reasonable to classify it into the same category as the other three images from the perspective of understanding from human perspective, it is extremely difficult for a neural network to successfully classify it based on visual appearance.

Belief-based prediction aggregation

The intuition behind this algorithm is simple: we will try to exclude the effect of noisy data while aggregating predictions made by different models in order to get more accurate results.

To achieve this, we first apply Test Time Augmentation (TTA) to base models. If we have $n$ base models and $m$ transformations in TTA, the total number of predictions we will get is $n \times m$. Here, we define each prediction as a new model since each prediction is from different perspective.

Then for each new model, we choose one single category with the maximum probability and put it into a candidate pool. All candidates in the pool maybe the potential winner of this prediction after aggregation. Notice that we could simply put all categories into the pool, but it is highly computational expensive, thus we only allow each model to vote for one category.

For each candidate category in the pool, we calculate the belief level of each prediction from each model. We assume that all probabilities of this category conform to Gaussian distribution. Then for each prediction, if the value of its probability falls out of the $95%$ confidence interval, we believe that it has low belief (i.e. noisy data) and exclude it during ensembling process.

After we exclude all noisy data, we calculate the average score over all models of all candidate categories and select the one with maximum score. This category winner is our final prediction. The pseudo code is shown below.

Pseudocode for Belief-based prediction aggregation algorithm


Pseudo-Labeling @lee2013pseudo is a simple and efficient method of semi-supervised learning. It is proven to be useful for training deep neural networks in a semi-supervised fashion. For unlabeled data, Pseudo-Labeling just picks up the class which has the maximum predicted probability, and uses them as if they were true labels.

Because the total number of labeled data and unlabeled data is quite different and the training balance between them is quite important for the network performance, the overall loss function is adjusted to: $$L = \frac{1}{n}\sum^{n}{i=1}D(y_i, l_i) + \alpha(t)\frac{1}{n'}\sum^{n'}{i=1}D(y'_i, l^{'}_i)$$

where $n$ is the number of batch size of labeled data, and $n'$ is the number of unlabeled data, $y_i$ and $l_i$ is the predictions and labels of the labeled data, and $y'_i$ and $l'_i$ is the predictions and labels of the unlabeled data (i.e. testing dataset). As proved by [1], the adjusted loss function is equivalent to Entropy Regularization. By minimizing the entropy for unlabeled data, the overlap of class probability distribution can be reduced. It favors a low-density separation between classes, a commonly assumed prior for semi-supervised learning @chapelle2009semi.

The well designed scheduling of $\alpha(t)$ is very essential for the model performance. If $\alpha(t)$ is too high, it will result in under-fitting on labeled data. If $\alpha(t)$ it too small, Pseudo-Labeling is hard to make effect. In this case, the $\alpha(t)$ is carefully designed to gradually increase within the threshold: $$\alpha{t} = \begin{cases} 0, & t < T_1 \ \frac{t-T_1}{T_2-T_1}, & T_1 \leqslant t \leqslant T_2 \ \alpha_f, & T_2 < t \end{cases}$$ with $\alpha_f = x$, $T_1 = x$, and $T_2 = x$ in our experiments.

In general, there are two strategies of how to use Pseudo-Labels. The first is called Batch Pseudo-Labels where they are updated or recalculated once all unlabeled data is used (i.e. every epoch of unlabeled data). The other way is called Mini-batch Pseudo-Labels where they are re-calculated every weights update after each mini-batch.

In our project, due to the computational cost, we choose to use Batch Pseudo-Labels, which means we only update these Pseudo-labels after using all of the unlabeled data.


The experiment environment is set based on Tesla K80 Accelerators with one GPU of 12 GiB of memory. First, the base deep neural networks are fine-tuned on the pre-trained models from Pytorch. Each base model is only trained few epochs (e.g. around 5) due to the significant computational cost resulting from large amount of training data. The SGD with scheduled learning rate is chosen as the optimizer during training. Different training augmentations, including random resize, flip, shift, crop, rotate, etc., are used for different base models. Specific training details of four models are shown in Table 2, and the validation accuracy results are shown in Figure 3.

Se-ResNet-50 (Baseline) Inception Xception ResNet-101
Input Size 160160 crop from 180180 180*180 180*180 160160 crop from 180180
Batch 160*2 64*4 64*4 64*4
Time per epoch 55.54h 31h 31h 64*4

Table 2. Single base model settings

As shown in Table 4, network ensembles improve the performance of the whole framework significantly, which sufficiently demonstrates the effectiveness of deep ensembles. Second, the performance improvement of TTA is not very significant. This is expected as we only conducted 2-way transformations due to high computational cost over large amount of data. It is expected that the performance can be further improved with more sophisticated transforms, but within the limited range. Third, pseudo-labeling turns out to help the models further generalize on testing data, which bring improvement as well.

Validation Acc
Resnet-101-baseline 0.638
Resnet-101-TTA(1-2) 0.648
Ensemble(ResNet101+Inception+Xception)-TTA (1-1) 0.653

Table 4. Comparison of performance on validation set


Test Acc
Resnet-101-baseline 0.683
Resnet-101-TTA(1-2) 0.703
Resnet-101-Pseudo-Labeling 0.695

Table 5. Comparison of performance on test set

As shown in Table 5, Batch Pseudo Labeling helps improve the performance of the model on the testing set. We contributed this to the regularizing effect of Pseudo Labeling. When pseudo-labeled test data is added to the training set, the network is optimized (or constrained) to generate predictions similar to the pseudo-labels for all possible variations and transformations of the data resulting from augmentation. This makes the network more invariant to these transformations, and forces the network to make more meaningful predictions. It also helps generalize the model on the unseen data.

In the later training stage, where the network starts to converge slowly but have not saturated yet, we observed that by increasing the batch size rather than decay the learning rate could help network further converge. This matches the observation from @smith2017don.


Extreme classification introduces a number of difficulties. First of all, the dataset is usually extremely large, which brings in significantly large computational cost both in training and testing stage. Secondly, the dataset often contains a lot of noise which requires a more robust framework. Thirdly, due to the large number of categories, a single model is insufficient and incapable in most cases. To deal with these problems and more specific problems resulting from Cdiscount dataset, we proposed a deep neural network ensembles together with a noise robust prediction aggregation framework. As shown above, the proposed framework has more better performance over testing dataset than single base model, and our belief-based prediction aggregation, together with the TTA and pseudo-labeling, further improves the overall performance.

Future work

There are several directions of improvement for this experiment. First, the transformations we used in Test Time Augmentation are with random parameters within a given range. The future work could focus on finding the optimal augmentation parameters by: (1) manually optimizing the transformation parameters to maximize (or minimize) the confidence of the predictions; (2) training a network to predict the optimal transformation parameters; (3) implementing affine transformations as layers in the network, so as to backpropagate through them.

Second, the assumption we made that the prediction probabilities conform to a Gaussian distribution is not sufficiently proved. Although using such distribution is proved to be very effective, we could further investigate the distribution over the observed probability space and give a better estimation which might further improve the effectiveness of prediction aggregation.

Third, since all images of this dataset are related to e-commerical products, there might be a hierarchy structure among the massive number of categories. In such case, we might be able to integrate hierarchy classification layers into our network, which could decrease the chance of misclassification at the early stage and improve the accuracy of prediction.


Part of the work is inspired by @Heng CherKeng on Kaggle.


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Deep Neural Network Ensembles for Extreme Classification







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