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Diablo: Revived

What is Diablo: Revived?

Diablo: Revived is a fork of DevilutionX that adds many quality of life (QOL) improvements while staying true to the original Diablo. It was born when two friends wanted to play Diablo again, but couldn't find a vanilla multiplayer experience, with QOL improvements, that could run natively on Linux.

What platforms are supported?

Diablo: Revived will always support the same platforms as DevilutionX, i.e. Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Can I play Hellfire?

Yes, but you will need to compile with the flag '-DHELLFIRE=ON' and add hellfire.mpq, hfmonk.mpq, hfmusic.mpq. and hfvoice.mpq to the same directory as the DevilutionX executable.

Global QOL Changes

  • Increased walking speed in town by 100%
  • Added XP bar (mouse hover to see current XP and XP required for next level)
  • Max gold pile size increased to 50,000
  • Automatically pick up gold by walking over it
  • When playing as a Rogue, traps are automatically highlighted
  • Pressing 'alt' key highlights ground items
  • Holding left click while attacking now attacks continuously
  • Projectiles can now break barrels
  • A triumphant sound now plays on level up
  • Added alternate weapon sets, swap by pressing X
  • Pepin now restores both life and mana
  • Pressing escape when any window is open now closes all windows insead of bringing up the game menu
  • Enemy health bar and type displayed on mouse hover
  • Automap minimum zoom level increased

Multiplayer QOL Changes

  • Items and gold no longer drop on death
  • Other players are now visible on automap, each with a unique colour
  • XP from slain monsters given to all players equally (not split)
  • Removed friendly fire

Toggleable QOL Changes

  • Drop Items and gold on death (default: On)
  • Friendly fire fix (default: On)
  • Highlight traps when playing rogue (defualt: Off)
  • Automatically pick up gold by walking over it (default: On)
  • Projectiles destroy barrels (default: On)
  • Level up sound (default: On)
  • Unique item drop fix (default: On)


Additional improvements:

  • ✅ shift + click on potions and scrolls to move them to your belt or back into your inventory
  • ✅ ctrl + click an item to drop it
  • ✅ Mouse hover over life/mana orbs to show current/max life/man, click to toggle
  • ⬜️ Make shop selection stay after buying an item
  • ⬜️ Add a stash
  • ⬜️ Make stash persistent between characters
  • ⬜️ Increase inventory size and/or add inventory tabs
  • ⬜️ Repair all equipped option
  • ⬜️ Adjust zoom with mouse wheel scrolling
  • ⬜️ Click on an item name to pick it up
  • ⬜️ Highlight items with colour coding by rarity
  • ⬜️ Toggle highlighting with a key (like PoE)
  • ⬜️ Make options available in game.

Add a config file that allows players to customise their experience, including options to:

  • ⬜️ Change the max size of gold piles (with fair warning)
  • ✅ Change the amount of XP shared between players (default: 100%)
  • ⬜️ Distribute gold evenly among all players
  • ⬜️ Allow Pepin to restore life and mana automatically when spoken to like Adria in Diablo II

How to Play

  • Build from source (precompiled releases to come in future)
  • Copy diabdat.mpq from your CD or GoG installation (or extract it from the GoG installer) to the DevilutionX install folder or data folder; make sure it is all lowercase. The DevilutionX install folder is the one that contains the DevilutionX executable. The data folder path may differ depending on OS version and security settings, but will normally be as follows:
    • macOS ~/Library/Application Support/diasurgical/devilution
    • Linux ~/.local/share/diasurgical/devilution/
    • Windows C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\diasurgical\devilution
  • Install SDL2, SDL2_mixer and SDL2_ttf (included in macOS and Windows releases):
    • Ubuntu/Debian/Rasbian sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0
  • Run ./diablo_revived

Building from Source


Installing dependencies on Debian and Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsodium-dev

Installing dependencies on Fedora

sudo dnf install cmake glibc-devel SDL2-devel SDL2_ttf-devel SDL2_mixer-devel libsodium-devel libasan libubsan


cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)

Make sure you have Homebrew installed, then run:

brew bundle install
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)

Installing dependencies

pkg install cmake sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf libsodium


cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)

Installing dependencies

pkgin install cmake SDL2_mixer SDL2_ttf libsodium


cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)

Installing dependencies

pkg_add cmake sdl2-mixer sdl2-ttf libsodium gmake


cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=gmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(sysctl -n hw.ncpuonline)
Windows via MinGW

Installing dependencies on WSL, Debian and Ubuntu

Download and place the 32bit MinGW Development Libraries of SDL2, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf and Libsodium in /usr/i686-w64-mingw32. NOTE: SDL2 2.0.12 appears to not compile correctly.

sudo apt-get install cmake gcc-mingw-w64-i686 g++-mingw-w64-i686


cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../CMake/mingwcc.cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
Windows via Visual Studio

Installing dependencies

Make sure to install the C++ CMake tools for Windows component for Visual Studio.

  • Using vcpkg (recommended)
  1. Install vcpkg following the instructions from

    Don't forget to perform user-wide integration step for additional convenience.

  2. Install required dependencies by executing the following command (via cmd or powershell):

    For the 64-bit version of the dependencies please run this command:

    vcpkg install sdl2:x64-windows sdl2-mixer:x64-windows sdl2-ttf:x64-windows libsodium:x64-windows

    For the 32-bit version of the dependencies please run this command:

    vcpkg install sdl2:x86-windows sdl2-mixer:x86-windows sdl2-ttf:x86-windows libsodium:x86-windows
  • Manually
  1. Download and place the MSVC Development Libraries of SDL2, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf and Libsodium in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\.
  2. If dependencies are not found or you wish to place them in other location - configure required path variables in "Manage Configurations..." dialog inside Visual Studio or in cmake-gui.


  • Through Open->CMake in Visual Studio
  1. Go to File -> Open -> CMake, select CMakeLists.txt from the project root.
  2. Select Build diablo_revived.exe from the Build menu.
  • Through cmake-gui
  1. Input the path to diablo_revived source directory at Where is the source code: field.
  2. Input the path where the binaries would be placed at Where to build the binaries: field. If you want to place them inside source directory it's preferable to do so inside directory called build to avoid the binaries being added to the source tree.
  3. It's recommended to input Win32 in Optional Platform for Generator, otherwise it will default to x64 build.
  4. In case you're using vcpkg select Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling and select the file scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake from vcpkg directory otherwise just go with Use default native compilers.
  5. In case you need to select any paths to dependencies manually do this right in cmake-gui window.
  6. Press Generate and open produced .sln file using Visual Studio.
  7. Use build/debug etc. commands inside Visual Studio Solution like with any normal Visual Studio project.
Nintendo Switch Run:

This will install the Switch devkit and build a Diablo-Revived Switch package. If you already have the devkit installed, or are on a non-Debian system, pass the the devkit path to the script like this:

DEVKITPRO=<path to devkit> Packaging/switch/

The nro-file will be generated in the build folder. Test with an emulator (RyuJinx) or real hardware.

Nintendo Switch manual


Installing dependencies on 32 bit Haiku

pkgman install cmake_x86 devel:libsdl2_x86 devel:libsdl2_mixer_x86 devel:libsdl2_ttf_x86 devel:libsodium_x86

Installing dependencies on 64 bit Haiku

pkgman install cmake devel:libsdl2 devel:libsdl2_mixer devel:libsdl2_ttf devel:libsodium

Compiling on 32 bit Haiku

cd build
setarch x86 #Switch to secondary compiler toolchain (GCC8+)
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(nproc)

Compiling on 64 bit Haiku

No setarch required, as there is no secondary toolchain on x86_64, and the primary is GCC8+

cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . -j $(nproc)
OpenDingux / RetroFW

Diablo-Revived uses buildroot to build packages for OpenDingux and RetroFW.

The build script does the following:

  1. Downloads and configures the buildroot if necessary.
  2. Builds the executable (using CMake).
  3. Packages the executable and all related resources into an .ipk or .opk package.

The buildroot uses ~2.5 GiB of disk space and can take 20 minutes to build.

For OpenDingux builds mksquashfs needs to be installed.

To build, run the following command

Packaging/OpenDingux/ <platform>

Replace <platform> with one of: retrofw, rg350, or gkd350h.

This prepares and uses the buildroot at $HOME/buildroot-$PLATFORM-devilutionx.

End-user manuals are available here:

Clockwork PI GameShell

You can either call


to install dependencies and build the code.

Or you create a new directory under /home/cpi/apps/Menu and copy the file there. After restarting the UI, you can download and compile the game directly from the device itself. See the readme for more details.

Amiga via Docker

Build the container from the repo root

docker build -f Packaging/amiga/Dockerfile -t devilutionx-amiga .

Build Diablo-Revived Amiga binary

docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/work" devilutionx-amiga
sudo chown "${USER}:" build-amiga/*

The command above builds Diablo-Revived in release mode. For other build options, you can run the container interactively:

docker run -ti --rm -v "${PWD}:/work" devilutionx-amiga bash

See the CMD in Packaging/amiga/Dockerfile for reference.

Copy the necessary files

Outside of the Docker container, from the Diablo-Revived directory, run:

cp Packaging/amiga/ Packaging/amiga/LiberationSerif-Bold.ttf build-amiga/
sudo chown "${USER}:" build-amiga/*

To actually start Diablo-Revived, increase the stack size to 50KiB in Amiga. You can do this by selecting the Diablo-Revived icon, then hold right mouse button and select Icons -> Information in the top menu.

CMake build options


  • -DBINARY_RELEASE=ON changed build type to release and optimize for distribution.
  • -DNONET=ON disable network support, this also removes the need for the ASIO and Sodium.
  • -DUSE_SDL1=ON build for SDL v1 instead of v2, not all features are supported under SDL v1, notably upscaling.
  • -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../CMake/32bit.cmake generate 32bit builds on 64bit platforms (remember to use the linux32 command if on Linux).
  • -DCROSS_PREFIX=/path/to/prefix set the path to the i686-w64-mingw32 directory.
  • -DHELLFIRE=ON build Hellfire version

Debug builds

  • -DDEBUG=OFF disable debug mode of the Diablo engine.
  • -DASAN=OFF disable address sanitizer.
  • -DUBSAN=OFF disable undefined behavior sanitizer.


  • TCP/IP only requires the host to expose port 6112
  • UDP/IP requires that all players expose port 6112

All games are encrypted and password protected.

Controller support

Diablo-Revived supports gamepad controls.

Default controller mappings (A/B/X/Y as in Nintendo layout, so the rightmost button is attack; A ○, B ×, X △, Y □):

  • Left analog or D-Pad: move hero
  • A: attack nearby enemies, talk to townspeople and merchants, pickup/place items in the inventory, OK while in main menu
  • B: select spell, back while in menus
  • X: pickup items, open nearby chests and doors, use item in the inventory
  • Y: cast spell, delete character while in main menu
  • L1: use health item from belt
  • R1: use mana potion from belt
  • L2: character sheet (alt: Start + L1 or ←)
  • R2: inventory (alt: Start + L2 or →)
  • Left analog click: toggle automap (alt: Start + ↓)
  • Start + Select: game menu (alt: Start + ↑)
  • Select + A/B/X/Y: Spell hotkeys
  • Right analog: move automap or simulate mouse
  • Right analog click: left mouse click (alt: Select + L1)
  • Select + Right analog click: right mouse click (alt: Select + R1)
  • Select + L2: quest log (alt: Start + Y)
  • Select + R2: spell book (alt: Start + B)

For now, they can be re-mapped by changing SourceX/controls or by setting the SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG environment variable (see SDL_GameControllerDB).


Refer to the contribution guidelines.

DevilutionX F.A.Q.

Wow, does this mean I can download and play Diablo for free now?

No, you'll need access to the data from the original game. If you don't have an original CD then you can buy Diablo from Alternately you can use spawn.mpq from the version to play the shareware portion of the game.

What game changes does DevilutionX provide

DevilutionX's main focus is to make the game work on multiple platforms. An additional goal is to make the engine mod friendly. As such, there are no changes to gameplay, but we will be making some enhancments to the engine itself. For example, the engine now has upscaling, unlocked fps, controller support, and multiplayer via TCP.

Is 1080p supported?

Yes, the game will automatically adjust to your screen. This can be further adjusted in the game ini file.

Does it work with is a service provided by Blizzard. We are not associated with them, so we have not worked on intergrating with their service.


DevilutionX Changelog

From the beginning until release


Diablo: Revived is released to the Public Domain. The documentation and functionality provided by Diablo: Revived may only be utilized with assets provided by ownership of Diablo.

The source code in this repository is for non-commerical use only. If you use the source code you may not charge others for access to it or any derivative work thereof.

Diablo® - Copyright © 1996 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Diablo and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Diablo: Revived and any of its maintainers are in no way associated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment®.


Diablo build for modern operating systems







No packages published


  • C++ 92.4%
  • C 5.3%
  • CMake 1.8%
  • Shell 0.3%
  • Python 0.2%
  • Makefile 0.0%