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list of the most popular WordPress functions. And it really is so - after all, I assembled here> 150 plug-ins and compared the functions they use with existing wordpress functions. See all the plugins used in the list-of-plugins.txt file.

All functions found at least once, look in the file all-functions-list.txt

So: at the entrance we have WordPress v4.9.1 (623 php file, 330 000 lines of code), the folder plugins and themes are empty.
and I will function from it to compare with the used functions of 152 plug-ins. There are 15423 php files (3 599 426 lines of code, 117 megabytes).

TOP-100 most used WordPress functions in plugins

Function (freq) Codex Developers WP-Kama
__ (57455) link link link
_e (20171) link link link
apply_filters (12700) - link link
add_action (10798) - link link
esc_attr (8064) - link link
get_option (7714) - link link
do_action (6968) - link link
add_filter (5512) link link link
esc_html (4859) link link link
esc_html__ (4803) link link link
esc_html_e (3260) link link link
esc_url (2625) link link link
current_user_can (2610) link link link
update_option (2342) link link link
is_wp_error (2282) link link link
selected (2195) link link link
admin_url (1945) link link link
sanitize_text_field (1931) - link link
wp_enqueue_script (1842) - link link
add_query_arg (1830) - link link
_x (1444) link link link
absint (1402) link link link
get_post_meta (1369) - link link
wp_enqueue_style (1281) - link link
checked (1187) link link link
trailingslashit (1148) link link link
esc_attr_e (1075) link link link
get_current_user_id (1064) - link link
wp_parse_args (1033) link link link
wp_die (1012) link link link
is_multisite (984) link link link
plugins_url (962) link link link
is_user_logged_in (959) - link link
is_admin (909) link link link
delete_option (905) link link link
wp_nonce_field (885) link link link
update_post_meta (874) link link link
get_bloginfo (841) - link link
get_post (836) - link link
esc_attr__ (801) link link link
wp_verify_nonce (773) link link link
wp_redirect (758) - link link
_deprecated_function (737) - link link
get_user_meta (693) link link link
current_time (686) link link link
wp_create_nonce (685) link link link
get_permalink (680) - link link
date_i18n (626) link link link
home_url (626) link link link
_n (616) link link link
update_user_meta (577) link link link
wp_nonce_url (575) link link link
remove_filter (544) link link link
translate (538) link link link
check_admin_referer (524) link link link
wp_register_script (511) - link link
esc_url_raw (485) link link link
add_submenu_page (479) - link link
site_url (474) link link link
get_site_option (467) link link link
esc_sql (453) link link link
wp_localize_script (449) link link link
wp_get_current_user (436) link link link
number_format_i18n (429) link link link
get_user_by (427) - link link
get_current_screen (410) link link link
get_transient (405) link link link
sanitize_title (397) link link link
set_transient (383) link link link
plugin_basename (382) link link link
get_query_var (382) link link link
add_shortcode (377) link link link
wp_kses_post (363) link link link
update_site_option (356) link link link
maybe_unserialize (355) link link link
plugin_dir_path (355) - link link
remove_action (351) link link link
get_posts (346) link link link
wp_kses (341) link link link
plugin_dir_url (340) link link link
esc_js (333) - link link
wp_register_style (326) link link link
get_the_ID (326) - link link
check_ajax_referer (314) link link link
get_plugin_data (312) link link link
register_setting (311) - link link
get_post_type (306) - link link
wp_safe_redirect (306) link link link
get_userdata (305) link link link
get_settings (303) ⚠️ deprecated ⚠️ - link link
delete_transient (290) link link link
remove_query_arg (279) - link link
wp_unslash (278) link link link
add_option (277) link link link
is_plugin_active (272) link link link
add_meta_box (268) - link link
wp_upload_dir (265) - link link
wp_cache_get (257) link link link
wp_cache_delete (256) link link link
network_admin_url (256) link link link

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read also Top-50 WP-Recall functions