Pong is one of the first commercialized video games, produced by Atari as an arcade in 1972 and as a dedicated console in 1975. It is a ping-pong simulator, with extremely simplified black and white graphics (Wikipedia).
Everyone know this game bro... What I wanted to do is simply recreate it using the ElectronJS technology to practice, just for fun.
You can simply install the dependencies via:
npm install
and run the program using:
npm run start
If there are no errors, a window will automatically open where you can play.
Don't hit me: comments in-code are in Italian.
If you don't want to bother, you can simply download the game installer in the "Releases" section. Once you download the file, you just have to open it and the game will automatically install. I think you are better than me at this stuff, you can do it.
Playing is easy (...maybe):
- Move the bar with the mouse
- Click to start the game / pause it
With each shot the ball will move faster (MAX +70%).
I hope it is acceptable. It is the first game I create (as a test). ENJOYYY!!!
I accept contributions, but it would be quite useless. It's a project started randomly, as a test for me.
PS. I chose Pong because it's easy to create. It's boring, but be thankful I didn't recreate Dino ಠ╭╮ಠ