Extending Michael Simonelli q connector for coin base pro connector for windows 10 kdb+ with python 3.8 x64
The crypto boom continues to encourage technological innovation, one of the more prominent trends is the development of of algorithmic trading clients and applications. Kx has been a stalwart in this domain for over a decade, renowned for its ability to combine streaming, in-memory, and historical data in a unified high-performance platform, kdb+ is the technology of choice when it comes to enterprise algorithmic compute engines. In continuing to explore q in the crypto space, this paper seeks to harness that power of a kdb+ into a light weight, standalone algorithmic-trading app.
This part 1 of a 2 part series.
Part 1 - Q Client, API Interface
Part 2 - Data subscription, real-time order book, strategy triggers
The Q client provides an API interface to the Coinbase Pro API. Coinbase Pro is a US-based crypto exchange, facilitating the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies. The Coinbase Pro API is a programmatic interface allowing applications to interact with the exchange.
Client Details
- Market data and order management library
- Auto pagination of API results, converts and casts into native q datatypes.
- Extension methods for more complex order types (stop loss, stop entry).
- Leverages kdb+ fusion to handle HTTP requests By using fusion to embed a python module in q, one could ask why not just implement the entire application in python? What makes q worth the trouble? Simply because data is a first class object in kdb - and that's what we care about. By integrating execution control INTO kdb, we have much more explicit control of the data. We can quickly query, access, manipulate and transform the data in ways that would be limited in python.s
In order to utilize Coinbase Pro to its full potential, recommend becoming familiar with the official documentation PLEASE BE AWARE, LIVE TRADING ENABLED
- Linux
- Anaconda Python >= 3.5
❯ git clone https://github.com/michaelsimonelli/qoinbase-q.git
❯ cd qoinbase-q
❯ conda env create -f environment.yml
❯ conda activate cbpro
❯ ./start -p 5000
NOTE: If you receive a 'k4.lic error, you'll need to copy an authorized license file into the conda environment's QHOME dir. If you don't have an authorized license, simply start q normally and you'll be prompted with the license agreement.
If the client was launched successfully, you should see an output like this:
2019.09.02T17:06:59.677 [Py] Imported module 'builtins'
2019.09.02T17:06:59.677 [Py] Mapped functions (builtins; list, next, vars, str) in `.py context
2019.09.02T17:06:59.809 [Py] Imported module 'cbpro'
2019.09.02T17:06:59.898 [Py] Reflected module 'cbpro' to `cbpro context
And we are good to go, the client can be used out of the box with little to no configuration!
Our library is stored in the .cbpro namespace. At a quick glimpse, this library contains:
q)key `.cbpro
The 'clients' are projected functions that instantiate an underlying python class. When a function is called, it returns a function library of the underlying class' methods and properties (stored as a dictionary) - giving q a pseudo object oriented implementation.
| ::
get_currencies | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_product_24hr_stats | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_product_historic_rates| code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_product_order_book | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_product_ticker | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_product_trades | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_products | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
get_time | code.[code[foreign]]`.p.q2pargsenlist
url | {[qco; arg]
acc: $[arg~(::); [arg:`; `get]; `set];
Standard embedPy convention applies when calling auto-mapped instance methods
q)pc.get_product_historic_rates["BTC-USD"; `granularity pykw 300]
1581166800 9807.76 9817.27 9814.68 9816.94 30.99798
1581166500 9814.67 9817.27 9817.26 9814.68 8.381697
1581166200 9805.6 9817.27 9805.62 9817.27 19.71972
1581165900 9805.61 9824.9 9824.89 9805.61 12.40951
1581165600 9824.88 9827.78 9826.79 9824.89 8.307047
1581165300 9808.53 9831.87 9817.91 9828.18 34.51228
1581165000 9803.68 9840.01 9840 9814.1 86.51028
To get a property, call as a nullary function
To set the property, call with a value
Some calls are paginated, meaning multiple calls must be made to receive the full set of data. Python abstracts this away as a generator, but kdb has no means of accessing a python generator.
With the standard mapped function, the result we be returned as foreign and an iterator will have to be called on the data to access it.
// returns an iterator that needs to be generated
q).py.list r
created_at trade_id product_id order_id user_id profile_id liquidity price size fee side settled usd_volume
"2019-09-03T01:11:03.75Z" 4885154 "BTC-USD" "b831fcd4-1873-4bd6-d53c-35f468eb8082" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "1.80561502" "5.4718802058096000" "buy" 1 "1823.9600686032000000"
"2019-09-03T01:11:03.75Z" 4885153 "BTC-USD" "b831fcd4-1873-4bd6-d53c-35f468eb8082" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "8.19438498" "24.8329197941904000" "buy" 1 "8277.6399313968000000"
"2019-09-03T00:42:53.845Z" 4885152 "BTC-USD" "f257f5e9-e823-4c4c-8766-9e14b0968822" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "0.00986981" "0.0299102618088000" "buy" 1 "9.9700872696000000"
"2019-09-03T00:42:50.848Z" 4885151 "BTC-USD" "0b89390e-93bf-499c-ddd3-1d8c003c76f3" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "0.00986981" "0.0299102618088000" "buy" 1 "9.9700872696000000"
"2019-09-03T00:42:47.663Z" 4885150 "BTC-USD" "0508e2d8-ec2b-4550-b492-d58204dfd78d" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "0.00986981" "0.0299102618088000" "buy" 1 "9.9700872696000000"
"2019-09-03T00:42:38.705Z" 4885149 "BTC-USD" "0f3d60ec-17ed-476b-db6b-2151edbde31f" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "0.00986981" "0.0299102618088000" "buy" 1 "9.9700872696000000"
"2019-09-02T23:50:33.609Z" 4885147 "BTC-USD" "bbdb8d8d-55e7-4b10-b59c-605102522fe0" "568c0b35a9f71500d5000102" "7426243a-1hd8-43fa-af97-47925a0f3586" ,"T" "1010.16000000" "0.01168585" "0.0354137347080000" "buy" 1 "11.8045782360000000"
However, with the enhanced API wrapper, the data is auto-iterated and displayed in full
// returns casted table with out generator
created_at trade_id product_id order_id user_id profile_id liquidity price size fee side settled usd_volume
2020.02.08T20:39:14.141 9183355 BTC-USD efed7522-35cd-436d-8fbf-44e64c2fe821 568c0b35a9f71500d5000102 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 M 9860 0.01 0.493 sell 1 98.6
2020.02.08T20:24:12.964 9183188 BTC-USD 799591f3-b319-448d-958a-2bd2fcc57bb7 568c0b35a9f71500d5000102 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 T 9860.48 0.01 0.493024 sell 1 98.6048
2020.01.04T17:21:13.726 8146290 BTC-USD 21eefa9d-247e-4d50-8c3b-cee709f72fe0 568c0b35a9f71500d5000102 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 M 20100 5.424e-05 0.00545112 sell 1 1.090224
2020.01.04T17:20:13.924 8146256 BTC-USD 21eefa9d-247e-4d50-8c3b-cee709f72fe0 568c0b35a9f71500d5000102 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 M 20100 0.00049661 0.04990931 sell 1 9.981861
2020.01.04T17:13:14.127 8145987 BTC-USD 21eefa9d-247e-4d50-8c3b-cee709f72fe0 568c0b35a9f71500d5000102 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 M 20100 0.00049661 0.04990931 sell 1 9.981861
See appendix for more details on python reflection
The Coinbase Pro REST API is segregated into two endpoints: trading and feed. Trading APIs require authentication and provide access to placing orders and other account information. Feed APIs provide market data and are public.
Coinbase also offers two environments: production and sandbox. Sandbox is available for testing API connectivity and web trading. While the sandbox only hosts a subset of the production order books, all of the exchange functionality is available. Login sessions and API keys are separate from production. Use the sandbox web interface to create keys in the sandbox environment.
Communication to the API is established via an embedded python module, which utilizes an HTTP request library to simplifying the handling of responses from the API. The module is abstracted and mapped directly into a callable kdb context - allowing for native API interaction.
PublicClient : Essentially a market data API, the public client is an unauthenticated set of endpoints for retrieving market data.
// production
q) pc:.cbpro.PublicClient[]
// sandbox
q) pc:.cbpro.PublicClient["https://api-public.sandbox.pro.coinbase.com"]
AuthenticatedClient : Authenticated endpoints for placing order and account management. API access must be setup within your account or sandbox environment.
// production
q)ac:.cbpro.AuthenticatedClient["key"; "secret"; "passphrase"]
// sandbox
q)ac:.cbpro.AuthenticatedClient["key"; "secret"; "passphrase"; "https://api-public.sandbox.pro.coinbase.com"]
The AuthenticatedClient
inherits all methods from the PublicClient
class, so you will only need to initialize one if you are planning to integrate both into your script.
An enhanced library is provided for both the market and order API (feed and trade). This library wraps the standard auto-mapped functions to provide additionally functionality and benefits.
- conventional q execution
- seamless datatype conversion
- auto-pagination of iterators
- advanced trade execution
Initialize the API
- client
- `public - unauthenticated client (market data library ONLY)
- `auth - authenticated client (trade and order management + market data)
- env
- `live - production
- `test - sandbox
// Public client, no auth
2020.02.08T12:39:04.353 [CLI] Loading mkt api library
If initializing an authenticated client, the API key/secret/pass must be supplied directly in the function
// Auth client, with key
2020.02.08T12:39:04.353 [CLI] Loading mkt api library
2020.02.08T12:39:04.358 [CLI] Loading ord api library
OR Supplied via config, and called with just client and env params
# start script
export CBPRO_API_KEY=""
please view the start script for environment variables
// Auth client, via config
2020.02.08T12:39:04.353 [CLI] Loading mkt api library
2020.02.08T12:39:04.358 [CLI] Loading ord api library
Once initialized, the market and order libraries are accessed via the .mkt and .ord namespaces, respectively.
Useful functions to query and interact with public market data
List available currencies and their meta data
id | name min_size status message max_precision convertible_to
----| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BAT | Basic Attention Token 1 online "" 1 `
LINK| Chainlink 1 online "" 1e-08 `
USD | United States Dollar 0.01 online "" 0.01 ,`USDC
BTC | Bitcoin 1e-08 online "" 1e-08 `
GBP | British Pound 0.01 online "" 0.01 `
EUR | Euro 0.01 online "" 0.01 `
ETH | Ether 1e-08 online "" 1e-08 `
USDC| USD Coin 1e-06 online "" 1e-06 ,`USD
List of available currency pairs for trading along with meta info
sym | id base_currency quote_currency base_min_size base_max_size quote_increment base_increment display_name min_market_funds max_market_funds margin_enabled post_only limit_only cancel_only status status_message
--------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BTCUSD | BTC-USD BTC USD 0.001 10000 0.01 1e-08 BTC/USD 10 1000000 1 0 0 0 online ""
BTCGBP | BTC-GBP BTC GBP 0.001 10000 0.01 1e-08 BTC/GBP 10 200000 0 0 0 0 online ""
LINKUSDC| LINK-USDC LINK USDC 1 800000 1e-06 1 LINK/USDC 10 100000 0 0 0 0 online ""
BTCEUR | BTC-EUR BTC EUR 0.001 10000 0.01 1e-08 BTC/EUR 10 600000 0 0 0 0 online ""
BATUSDC | BAT-USDC BAT USDC 1 300000 1e-06 1 BAT/USDC 1 100000 0 0 0 0 online ""
ETHBTC | ETH-BTC ETH BTC 0.01 1000000 1e-05 1e-08 ETH/BTC 0.001 80 0 0 0 0 online ""
Get 24 hr stats for a given product
open | 9779.96
high | 9930.03
low | 9676.75
volume | 39741.31
last | 9897.87
volume_30day| 6333819
Get historic rates for a product. Rates are returned in grouped buckets based on requested granularity.
CAUTION Historical rates should not be polled frequently. If you need real-time information, use the trade and book endpoints along with the websocket feed.
q).mkt.getProductHistoricRates[`BTCUSD; 900; 2020.02.07T08:00:00.000; 2020.02.07T09:00:00.000]
time low high open close volume
2020.02.07T09:00:00.000 9754.65 9763.54 9754.65 9763.52 211.8582
2020.02.07T08:45:00.000 9754.65 9756.4 9756.38 9754.65 191.5283
2020.02.07T08:30:00.000 9756.38 9775.68 9775.66 9756.4 432.2584
2020.02.07T08:15:00.000 9775.66 9775.93 9775.91 9775.66 517.2051
2020.02.07T08:00:00.000 9775.91 9779.41 9779.39 9775.91 523.4472
List the trades for a product. Can pass a set of intervals along with a limit for number of records
time trade_id price size side
"2020-02-08T22:55:43.654Z" 9185689 9922.56 0.001 sell
"2020-02-08T22:55:42.229Z" 9185688 9922.55 9.2903 buy
"2020-02-08T22:55:34.6Z" 9185687 9922.55 0.488 buy
"2020-02-08T22:55:18.966Z" 9185686 9922.55 0.488 buy
"2020-02-08T22:55:13.65Z" 9185685 9922.55 0.001 buy
"2020-02-08T22:55:13.401Z" 9185684 9922.55 0.496 buy
"2020-02-08T22:55:03.772Z" 9185683 9922.55 0.488 buy
"2020-02-08T22:54:57.597Z" 9185682 9922.55 0.496 buy
"2020-02-08T22:54:48.302Z" 9185681 9922.55 0.488 buy
"2020-02-08T22:54:44.336Z" 9185680 9922.56 0.001 sell
Snapshot about the last trade (tick), best bid/ask, and 24h volume
CAUTION Polling is discouraged in favor of connecting via the websocket stream and listening for match messages.
trade_id| "9185706"
price | 9922.55
size | 0.942
time | "2020-02-08T22:57:38.089844Z"
bid | 9922.55
ask | 9922.57
volume | 39693.91
Get a list of open orders for a product Book can be returned at three different levels: Top of book, aggregated, and full order book
sequence| 113917597
bids | +`price`size`num!(9922.55 9922.54 9922.53 9922.52 9922.51 9922.5 9922.49 9922.48 9917.64 9917.61 9914.33
asks | +`price`size`num!(9922.57 9922.58 9922.59 9922.6 9922.61 9922.62 9922.63 9922.64 9925.46 9927.12 9946.4
Helper functions for viewing and analyzing account info as well as enhanced order execution functionality.
Get a list of trading accounts.
id currency balance available hold profile_id trading_enabled
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 BTC 1006423 1006423 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 USDC 0 0 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 USD 2.646911e+07 2.646901e+07 98.9925 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 LINK 0 0 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 GBP 2.2048e+07 2.2048e+07 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 EUR 2.2048e+07 2.2048e+07 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 ETH 1102000 1102000 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 BAT 1000000 1000000 0 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 1
List account activity Account activity either increases or decreases your account balance.
created_at id amount balance type
2020.02.08T21:54:14.330 102547930 -0.494 2.646911e+07 fee
2020.02.08T21:54:14.326 102547925 -0.494 2.646901e+07 fee
2020.02.08T21:33:53.980 102544744 -4.9425 2.646891e+07 fee
2020.02.08T21:21:19.992 102543592 -0.4941205 2.64699e+07 fee
2020.02.08T21:08:13.508 102542316 -4.93237 2.647e+07 fee
2020.02.08T21:07:30.602 102542245 -4.93237 2.647099e+07 fee
2020.02.08T20:39:14.151 102541071 -0.493 2.647199e+07 fee
2020.02.08T20:24:12.977 102539876 -0.493024 2.647189e+07 fee
2020.01.04T17:21:13.736 94139789 -0.00545112 2.647179e+07 fee
Get a list of recent fills Can filter based on parameters
reated_at trade_id product_id order_id user_id profile_id liquidity price size fee side settled usd_volume
2020.02.08T21:54:14.314 9184343 BTC-USD 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 M 9880 0.01 0.494 sell 1 98.8
2020.02.08T21:54:14.314 9184342 BTC-USD 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 M 9880 0.01 0.494 sell 1 98.8
2020.02.08T21:33:53.966 9183850 BTC-USD 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 M 9885 0.1 4.9425 buy 1 988.5
2020.02.08T21:21:19.981 9183693 BTC-USD 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 T 9882.41 0.01 0.4941205 buy 1 98.8241
2020.02.08T21:08:13.499 9183506 BTC-USD 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 T 9864.74 0.1 4.93237 buy 1 986.474
2020.02.08T21:07:30.593 9183495 BTC-USD 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 00000000000000000000000 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 T 9864.74 0.1 4.93237 buy 1 986.474
List orders Filter results based on parameters
id price size product_id profile_id side type time_in_force post_only created_at done_at done_reason fill_fees filled_size executed_value status settled stop stop_price funds specified_funds
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 9885 "0.10000000" BTC-USD 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 buy limit GTC 0 2020.02.08T21:29:37.974 2020.02.08T21:33:53.966 filled 4.9425 0.1 988.5 done 1
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 9885 "0.01000000" BTC-USD 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 buy limit GTC 0 2020.02.08T21:21:19.976 2020.02.08T21:21:19.981 filled 0.4941205 0.01 98.8241 done 1 entry 9881
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 9880 "0.01000000" BTC-USD 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 sell limit GTC 0 2020.02.08T21:19:50.592 2020.02.08T21:54:14.314 filled 0.494 0.01 98.8 done 1 loss 9881
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 9880 "0.01000000" BTC-USD 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 sell limit GTC 0 2020.02.08T21:19:43.543 2020.02.08T21:54:14.314 filled 0.494 0.01 98.8 done 1 loss 9881
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 "0.10000000" BTC-USD 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 buy market 0 2020.02.08T21:08:13.494 2020.02.08T21:08:13.499 filled 4.93237 0.1 986.474 done 1 2.63393e+07
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 "0.10000000" BTC-USD 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876 buy market 0 2020.02.08T21:07:30.588 2020.02.08T21:07:30.593 filled 4.93237 0.1 986.474 done 1 2.634028e+07
Market Order
Places a market order
// parameters:
// sym [symbol/string] - ProductID. Accepts valid and simple forms: (`BTCUSD; "BTC-USD")
// side [symbol/string] - Order side ('buy' or 'sell)
// size [float] - Desired amount in crypto. Specify this or `funds` in kwargs.
// kwargs [dict] - Keyword arguments
id | 8d87bb96-beee-4550-9208-bbd49d05ee3d
size | 0.1
product_id | `BTC-USD
side | `buy
stp | `dc
funds | 2.63393e+07
type | `market
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:08:13.494
fill_fees | 0f
filled_size | 0f
executed_value| 0f
status | `pending
settled | ,"0"
id | 8d87bb96-beee-4550-9208-bbd49d05ee3d
size | 0.1
product_id | `BTC-USD
profile_id | 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876
side | `buy
funds | 2.63393e+07
type | `market
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:08:13.494
done_at | 2020.02.08T21:08:13.499
done_reason | `filled
fill_fees | 4.93237
filled_size | 0.1
executed_value| 986.474
status | `done
settled | ,"1"
Limit Order
Places a limit order
// parameters:
// sym [symbol/string] - ProductID. Accepts valid and simple forms: (`BTCUSD; "BTC-USD")
// side [symbol/string] - Order side ('buy' or 'sell)
// price [float] - Price per crypto.
// size [float] - Amount in crypto.
// kwargs [dict] - Keyword arguments
id | 137a3307-e08d-4fde-a5ae-66091d162986
price | 9885f
size | 0.1
product_id | `BTC-USD
side | `buy
type | `limit
time_in_force | `GTC
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:29:37.974
fill_fees | 0f
filled_size | 0f
executed_value| 0f
status | `open
settled | ,"0"
id | 137a3307-e08d-4fde-a5ae-66091d162986
price | 9885f
size | 0.1
product_id | `BTC-USD
profile_id | 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876
side | `buy
type | `limit
time_in_force | `GTC
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:29:37.974
done_at | 2020.02.08T21:33:53.966
done_reason | `filled
fill_fees | 4.9425
filled_size | 0.1
executed_value| 988.5
status | `done
settled | ,"1"
Stop Loss
Creates a stop loss limit order
// parameters:
// sym [symbol/string] - ProductID. Accepts valid and simple forms: (`BTCUSD; "BTC-USD")
// stop_price [float] - Sets trigger price for stop order.
// price [float] - Price per crypto (limit).
// size [float] - Amount in crypto.
// kwargs [dict] - Keyword arguments
id | fbd4ec20-afc4-4524-b469-0ee55adb12cc
price | 9880f
size | 0.01
product_id | `BTC-USD
profile_id | 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876
side | `sell
type | `limit
time_in_force | `GTC
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:19:50.592
fill_fees | 0f
filled_size | 0f
executed_value| 0f
status | `active
settled | ,"0"
stop | `loss
stop_price | 9881f
id | fbd4ec20-afc4-4524-b469-0ee55adb12cc
price | 9880f
size | 0.01
product_id | `BTC-USD
profile_id | 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876
side | `sell
type | `limit
time_in_force | `GTC
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:19:50.592
fill_fees | 0f
filled_size | 0f
executed_value| 0f
status | `active
settled | ,"0"
stop | `loss
stop_price | 9881f
Stop Entry
Creates a stop entry limit order
// parameters:
// sym [symbol/string] - ProductID. Accepts valid and simple forms: (`BTCUSD; "BTC-USD")
// stop_price [float] - Sets trigger price for stop order.
// price [float] - Price per crypto (limit).
// size [float] - Amount in crypto.
// kwargs [dict] - Keyword arguments
q)id | becf4781-9b97-43ef-bbdd-149db604a475
price | 9885f
size | 0.01
product_id | `BTC-USD
side | `buy
stp | `dc
type | `limit
time_in_force | `GTC
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:21:19.976
stop | `entry
stop_price | 9881f
fill_fees | 0f
filled_size | 0f
executed_value| 0f
status | `pending
settled | ,"0"
id | becf4781-9b97-43ef-bbdd-149db604a475
price | 9885f
size | 0.01
product_id | `BTC-USD
profile_id | 7645849f-1de8-46df-af97-38865f0e3876
side | `buy
type | `limit
time_in_force | `GTC
post_only | ,"0"
created_at | 2020.02.08T21:21:19.976
done_at | 2020.02.08T21:21:19.981
done_reason | `filled
fill_fees | 0.4941205
filled_size | 0.01
executed_value| 98.8241
status | `done
settled | ,"1"
stop | `entry
stop_price | 9881f
For in-depth docs on every API function, see qoinbase-q
Simple Moving Average Crossover Strategy Using short and long term trends to identify trading opportunities - A buy or sell signal is triggered once the shorter term moving average crosses above or below, the larger moving average. Moving averages are defined by their periodicity, but the intervals themselves can be minutes, hours, or even days.
Example assumes CBPRO_API_KEY envrionment variables are configured in startup script.
// Initialize the API libraries
// Set strategy parameters
// Product to trade
// Short term moving average period
// Long term moving average period
// Quantity to execute when signal is triggered
// Varaibles and tables to track current trading position
// Strategy initialization
// Instantiate the rates table and trend value.
.st.rates:asc .mkt.getProductHistoricRates[PRODUCT];
.st.rates:update SPMA:SP mavg close,LPMA:LP mavg close from .st.rates;
.st.trend:0<val:(-).(last .st.rates)`SPMA`LPMA;
Strategy Calculation and Logic
lastTime: (last .st.rates)`time;
data: asc .mkt.getProductHistoricRates[PRODUCT; 60; lastTime+00:01; .z.p];
data: select from data where time>lastTime;
if[not n:count data; :-15#.st.rates];
work: ((neg LP-n)#.st.rates)upsert data;
upd: (neg n)#update SPMA:SP mavg close,LPMA:LP mavg close from work;
trend: 0<val:(-).(last upd)`SPMA`LPMA;
`.st.rates upsert upd;
cover: `sell`buy[`sell~.pos.side];
.strat.cover[cover; QTY];
trade: `sell`buy[trend];
.strat.trade[trade; QTY];
.st.trend: trend;
if[not .pos.open;
side: `sell`buy[trend];
.strat.trade[side; QTY];
.st.trend: trend;
`.st.rates upsert upd;
Requests the latest pricing data (the above example is sampling 1 minute bars) and calculates the latest trend. If there is new pricing data, the rates table is updated with the latest info. If there is no change in the trend, the function exists. If there is a change in the trend, the function will check if a position is currently open. If there is no open position, a trade is executed based on the MVA crossover and the position info is stored. If there is an open position, it is covered (sell position covered by a buy and vice-versa), and a new position is opened.
Execution Functions
// Places a strategy trade and books the position
`.pos.trade upsert `id`trade_id`trade_side!(.pos.itr;ord`id;ord`side);
// Covers a strategy trade and clears the position
`.pos.cover upsert `id`cover_id`cover_side!(.pos.itr;ord`id;ord`side);
Starting Strategy
// Define the internal timer function
// Set the timer
\t 60000
The strategy calculation function will begin polling as soon as the timer is set - it will continue to collect data and trigger trades as long as timer is enabled.
Strategy positions can be manually covered via .strat.cover[buyOrSell;desiredQty]
This sample strategy uses 1m bars - so best to recalculate every minute, if using a longer interval, a longer timer period can be used.
// Evaluate PNL
fls: .ord.getFills PRODUCT;
pos: 0!.pos.trade lj .pos.cover;
pxs: 0!update trade_id:id,cover_id:id from
select price:size wavg price,usd:sum usd_volume,size:sum size by id:order_id
from fls where order_id in raze(pos)`trade_id`cover_id;
mtx: (pos lj `trade_id xkey select trade_id,trade_price:price,trade_usd:usd from pxs)
lj `cover_id xkey select cover_id,cover_price:price,cover_usd:usd from pxs;
pnl: update pnl:?[trade_side=`sell;trade_price-cover_price;cover_price-trade_price],
usd:?[trade_side=`sell;trade_usd-cover_usd;cover_usd-trade_usd] from mtx;
id trade_id trade_side cover_id cover_side trade_price trade_usd cover_price cover_usd pnl usd
0 xxxx sell xxxx buy 7713.67 771367 6239.39 623939 1474.59 147428
1 xxxx buy xxxx sell 6238.27 623827 7645.06 764506 1406.79 140679
2 xxxx sell xxxx buy 7645.05 764505 6400.48 640048 1244.58 124458
3 xxxx buy xxxx sell 6401.23 640123 7097.08 709708 695.846 69584.6
BETA library to extend the functionality of embedPy. It's core functionality is to provide seamless reflection of a python module into callable q context. It achieves this through recursively inspecting the python module and its members, building a dictionary mapping of member name -> instance object, and then importing that dictionary into kdb as a dictionary of projections. The source code is available here extendPy
Consider the class Bar
in file ```foo.py``
class Bar:
def __init__(self, prop, multi, text='some basic text'):
self.prop = prop
self.multi = multi
self.text = text
def addFunc(self, x):
print('adding %i with %i' % (self.prop, x))
return self.prop + x
def multiFunc(self, x):
print('adding %i with %i times %i' % (self.prop, x, self.multi))
return (self.prop + x) * self.multi
def output(self, x):
print('concat ' + x + ' with ' + self.text)
return x + ' ' + self.text
The module would be imported as
And then reflected with
The class has been mapped to kdb, as a function library
Bar| {[x;y] x[y]}[{[obj; atr; arg]
init: atr[`functions][`$"__init__"];
params: init[`parameters];
required: params[::;`required];
if[(arg~(::)) and (any required);
'"Missing required parameters: ",", " sv string where required];
blk: .ut.blankNS;
arg: .py.reflection.priv.args[arg];
ins: $[1<count arg;.;@][obj;arg];
atr[`vars]: .py.vars[ins];
atr: @[atr;`functions;{x _ `$"__init__"}];
cxt: blk,(,/)value .ut.eachKV[`doc _ atr;{.py.reflection.priv[y;`cxt][x;z]}[ins]];
We can now instantiate the class via
- The function valence is flexible depending on the underlying class
- Both keyword and positional arguments are accepted
- Default values can be over loaded
- No embedPy pykw, pykwargs required
q)boo:.foo.Bar[1000;2;" new default"]
q)goo:.foo.Bar[10;`multi`text!(5;"goo gravy")]
To get a property, call as a nullary function
"some basic text"
To set the property, call with a value
q)bar.url["some new text"]
"some new text"
Quickly import entire modules, use helpful utility functions