In this project you are going to use Linear Programming iteratively to solve a game of Minesweeper. Define a variable
Use this starter code and fill in all the TODOs.
Use the following command to install the required packages.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Review the programs usage here:
python -h
pygame 2.2.0 (SDL 2.0.22, Python 3.7.6)
Hello from the pygame community.
usage: Minesweeper Solver [-h] [--rows ROWS] [--columns COLUMNS]
[--mines MINES] [--seed SEED] [--no-render]
[--block-size BLOCK_SIZE] [--verbose]
You will be using Linear Programming iteratively to progressively solve a
minesweeper board
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--rows ROWS, -r ROWS Board rows
--columns COLUMNS, -c COLUMNS
Board columns
--mines MINES, -m MINES
Number of mines on the board
--seed SEED, -s SEED Provide a seed to recreate the same boards.
--no-render Disable rendering for testing purposes
--block-size BLOCK_SIZE, -b BLOCK_SIZE
Size of each block in pixels
--verbose, -v Increase verbosity
University of Chicago, CMSC 27200 Spring '23 Konstantinos Ameranis, Lorenzo
Orecchia, Ivan Galakhov
When you are done with coding your solution, you can use your solver in the following way python -b 40 -v -r 24 -c 30 -m 150