This README explains how to set up and run the MeaTube Android project.
- Git
- Android Studio (latest version recommended)
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or later
- Android SDK (will be managed by Android Studio)
Clone the repository:
git clone cd FooTube-Android
Open Android Studio
Select "Open an Existing Project" and navigate to the cloned repository folder
Android Studio will automatically download necessary dependencies and build the project
In Android Studio, select an emulator or connect a physical Android device
Click the "Run" button (green play icon) or use the keyboard shortcut (usually Shift + F10)
This will build the app and install it on the selected emulator or device.
Planning: We started by planning the project, defining requirements and needs, creating a scrum project in the Jira platform, adding issues to each developer, and creating a basic interface design.
Project Setup: We created the Android project using Android Studio and set up the necessary configurations.
- Created basic activities and fragments
- Implemented RecyclerViews for displaying video lists
- Integrated Material Design components for a modern UI
- Maintained data representation consistency between Android and web, for making the following work on server much fluent
- Added mock data to simulate representation on the Android app and website
Testing: We performed manual tests on various Android devices and emulators to ensure functionality and compatibility
If you encounter issues:
- Ensure all prerequisites are installed and up-to-date
- Try "File" > "Invalidate Caches / Restart" in Android Studio
- Update Android Studio to the latest version
- Sync the project with Gradle files
For more information, refer to the Android Developer documentation.