Video Tutorial :
The URL :
"Authorization" : "Bearer ${authentification token}" example : "Authorization": "Bearer zpka_ad...17"
In the body :
- "signers": list of string, the signers
- "required": int, required number of signatures to validate a transaction
example :
"signers" : ["0x0c49DF4e21909375c220D2Fe6661b32481aCc258", "0xdDe7b5B326DE06f01b2aCf08cF38573e74ef5d68"],
"required" : 1
/contractAddress?txhash=${hash de la transaction de deployment} example :
In the body :
- "contractAddress": string (address), address of the contract
- "oldSigner": string (address), address of the signer who will be replaced
- "newSigner": string (address), address of the future signer
example :
"contractAddress": "0x3B42729F88697fceb79647d582550FE1b52eF866",
"oldSigner": "0x0c49DF4e21909375c220D2Fe6661b32481aCc258",
"newSigner": "0x07128963Cafd50de0E338b3234ECe7C6D4F100D5"
In the body :
- "futureOwner": string (address), address of the future owner
- "contractAddress": string (address), address of the contract
example :
"futureOwner" : "0x31236F42F4d3c052cc4720Da7CFFc74C9A1dA2B0",
"contractAddress" : "0x3B42729F88697fceb79647d582550FE1b52eF866"