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OpenPanel Kotlin SDK

The OpenPanel Kotlin SDK allows you to track user behavior in your Kotlin applications. This guide provides instructions for installing and using the Kotlin SDK in your project.


⚠️ This package is not yet published. So you cannot install it with gradle

Add the OpenPanel SDK to your project's dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'dev.openpanel:openpanel:0.0.1'



First, import the SDK and initialize it with your client ID:

import dev.openpanel.OpenPanel

val op = OpenPanel(OpenPanel.Options(
    clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
    clientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"


When initializing the SDK, you can provide several options:

  • clientId (required): Your OpenPanel client ID.
  • clientSecret (optional): Your OpenPanel client secret.
  • apiUrl (optional): Custom API URL if you're not using the default OpenPanel API.
  • waitForProfile (optional): Wait for a profile to be set before sending events.
  • filter (optional): A function to filter events before sending.
  • disabled (optional): Set to true to disable event sending.
  • automaticTracking (optional): Set to true to enable automatic app lifecycle tracking.

Tracking Events

To track an event:

op.track("button_clicked", mapOf("button_id" to "submit_form"))

Identifying Users

To identify a user:

op.identify("user123", mapOf(
    "firstName" to "John",
    "lastName" to "Doe",
    "email" to "[email protected]",
    "customAttribute" to "value"

Setting Global Properties

To set properties that will be sent with every event:

    "app_version" to "1.0.2",
    "environment" to "production"

Creating Aliases

To create an alias for a user:

op.alias("user123", "john_doe")

Incrementing Properties

To increment a numeric property on a user profile:

op.increment("user123", "login_count", 1)

Decrementing Properties

To decrement a numeric property on a user profile:

op.decrement("user123", "credits", 5)

Clearing User Data

To clear the current user's data:


Advanced Usage

Custom Event Filtering

You can set up custom event filtering:

val op = OpenPanel(OpenPanel.Options(
    clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
    filter = { payload ->
        // Your custom filtering logic here
        true // or false to filter out the event

Disabling Tracking

You can temporarily disable tracking:

val op = OpenPanel(OpenPanel.Options(
    clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
    disabled = true

Automatic Tracking

The SDK can automatically track app lifecycle events if automaticTracking is set to true. This will track "app_opened" and "app_closed" events.

Thread Safety

The OpenPanel SDK is designed to be thread-safe. You can call its methods from any thread without additional synchronization.


For any issues or feature requests, please file an issue on our GitHub repository.


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