OMJulia v0.2.2
Closed issues:
- Sometimes ZMQ freezes on sendExpression("quit()") (#32)
- Release of next version of OMJulia? (#37)
- OMJulia simulate command returns error (#52)
- Multi-threading with OMJulia (#71)
- OpenModelica compiled with UCRT can't build model (#79)
- ProcessFailedException when using ModelicaSystem (#82)
- OMJulia api docu: sample code should work right away (#85)
- OMJulia scripting api docu: link to OMJulia functions (#87)
- Pipeline log files permission issues (#88)
- Kill dangling omc process (#96)
Merged pull requests:
- Update README (#76) (@AnHeuermann)
- Manage updating GitHub actions with dependabot (#77) (@AnHeuermann)
- Fix wrong info print (#80) (@AnHeuermann)
- parse min and max attribute (#83) (@arun3688)
- use readSimulationResultVars for getSolutions (#84) (@arun3688)
- Fastlinearize (#89) (@arun3688)
- use overrideFile as default to support large scale parameter setting (#90) (@arun3688)
- Adding Documenter.jl documentation (#92) (@AnHeuermann)
- fix overrideFile args in linearize() (#93) (@arun3688)
- More tests and run multiple OMCSessions on Windows (#94) (@AnHeuermann)
- Adding quit function (#97) (@AnHeuermann)
- Updating documentation (#102) (@AnHeuermann)
- Update version to 0.2.2 (#103) (@AnHeuermann)