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Common Issues

Adam Wisniewski edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 8 revisions
Problem Workaround Applicable Versions
Snippet doesn't appear when doing <Ctrl>+<Space> The snippets are filtered based on the project classpath. So, e.g. for Maven projects, you might need to update dependency in pom.xml and do Maven->Update Project All
Keyboard bindings (e.g. <Alt>+<Shift>+L,Q for 'Stop' aren't working) Problem may be that you're issuing when the Terminal view has the focus, and keystrokes are captured by the Terminal session and not the IDE listeners. Click outside of Terminal and try again. All
In Start in container, quoted parm values like -DdockerRunOpts="-e POSTGRES_HOSTNAME=" give Unknown lifecycle phase error Move to plugin configuration like <dockerRunOpts>-e POSTGRES_HOSTNAME=</dockerRunOpts> All
Adding comments to pom.xml may result in abnormal text editor behavior This can be resolved by upgrading the Eclipse Wild Web Developer plugin (plugin id: org.eclipse.wildwebdeveloper.xml) to version and the M2E Maven POM File Editor using Wild Web Developer, LemMinX and Maven LS extension plugin (plugin id: org.eclipse.m2e.editor.lemminx) to version 23.0.9 Only
When installing Liberty Tools in an instance of Eclipse that already has Liberty Developer Tools (LDT) installed, the following error can occur:
!MESSAGE Missing requirement: Liberty Tools Support for Language Servers ( requires 'osgi.bundle; org.eclipse.lsp4mp.jdt.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
There are two possible workarounds at this point:
1. Simply install Liberty Tools before LDT
2. After installing LDT, delete the org.apache.httpcomponents.client5.httpclient5_5.3.1.v20240126-0900.jarbundle from the plugins pool dir, (by default it is rm ~/.p2/pool/plugins/org.apache.httpcomponents.client5.httpclient5_5.3.1.v20240126-0900.jar) and then restart Eclipse with -clean.
24.0.9 (Windows only)