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Where Svelte's elegance meets Supabase's might!


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SupaSvelteKit ⚡

🌟 Where Svelte's elegance meets Supabase's might! 🌟

SupaSvelteKit is a library designed to seamlessly integrate SvelteKit with Supabase, providing developers with a powerful toolkit to build dynamic web applications.

🎉 Features

  • Authentication 🔐: Easily integrate Supabase authentication with SvelteKit.
  • Realtime ⏱️: Simplified multi-user realtime updates with Svelte stores.
  • Storage 📦: Manage your Supabase storage with Svelte components.
  • ... and more to come! Stay tuned and feel free to suggest or contribute new features!

🛠 Installation

npm install supasveltekit

🚀 Quick Start

  1. Initialize your Supabase client:
import { PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY, PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL } from '$env/static/public';
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

export const supabaseUrl = PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL;
export const supabaseKey = PUBLIC_SUPABASE_KEY;

export const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey);
  1. Use SupaSvelteKit components in your SvelteKit app:
<script lang="ts">
	import { supabase } from '$lib/supabase';
	import { SupabaseApp, Authenticated, Unauthenticated, RealtimePresence, BucketFilesList } from 'supasveltekit';

<SupabaseApp {supabase}>
	<Authenticated let:session let:signOut>
		<h1>Welcome, {session?.user?.identities?.[0]?.identity_data?.email}!</h1>
		<button on:click={() => signOut()}>Sign Out</button>

		<BucketFilesList bucketName="test-bucket" path="public/" let:bucketFiles let:error>
			{#if error !== null}
				{#each bucketFiles as file}

		<RealtimePresence channelName="my-channel">
			<div slot="default" let:state let:error let:realtime let:channel let:updateStatus>
				{#if error}
					<p>Error: {error.message}</p>
				{:else if !state}
					<p>Connected to channel {channel?.name}</p>
					<p>Number of users: {state?.count}</p>
					<button on:click={() => updateStatus({ status: 'online' })}>Go online</button>
					<button on:click={() => updateStatus({ status: 'offline' })}>Go offline</button>

		<h1>Sign in to continue</h1>
		<button on:click={() => signIn()}>Sign In</button>

📚 Documentation

For detailed documentation, usage guides, and API references, dive into our documentation site.

📖 Examples

Explore hands-on examples to get a feel for how SupaSvelteKit enhances your projects:

💪 Contributing

Join the SupaSvelteKit journey! 🌍 Whether you're fixing bugs, suggesting enhancements, or enriching the documentation, every contribution counts. Dive into our to get started.

📜 License

Freedom with responsibility! SupaSvelteKit is MIT licensed, ensuring open use with acknowledgment.

🙌 Acknowledgements

A big shoutout 📣:

  • To the Svelte and Supabase communities for lighting the way with invaluable resources and support.
  • To every coder, contributor, and coffee mug that's been part of this journey. ☕

Crafted with 🧡 by OpenFrenchFries and the amazing contributors. Join us!