Releases: OpenFLUID/openfluid
Releases · OpenFLUID/openfluid
OpenFLUID v2.2.0
What's Changed
- Update of CI for Windows using MSYS2 in GitHub workflow by @jctophefabre in #1023
- Devstudio save as 1009 by @Arthoni in #1032
- Refactoring of Filesystem class using std::filesystem from C++17 STL by @jctophefabre in #1034
- Multiple updates and code cleaning to decrease Qt usage by @jctophefabre in #1035
- Replacement of QLibrary by internal dynamic library manager by @jctophefabre in #1036
- Contribution to Qt removal by @jctophefabre in #1039
- Enum classes api break final by @Arthoni in #1044
- Update of general, workspace and projects settings to JSON format by @jctophefabre in #1054
- Removal of the deprecated openfluid-market library by @jctophefabre in #1055
- Replacement of Qt by TinyXML2 for XML serialization by @jctophefabre in #1059
- Minor fixes 1025 1047 1033 1057 by @jctophefabre in #1060
- Introduction of format version in fluidx files + reporting by @jctophefabre in #1061
- Information when cmake not available for devstudio build actions by @Arthoni in #1064
- Save of apps windows geometries in preferences by @jctophefabre in #1065
- Replacement of RapidJSON by nlohmann/json for JSON data management by @jctophefabre in #1067
- Removal of openfluid-landr library by @jctophefabre in #1070
- Refactoring of third party libraries management by @jctophefabre in #1071
- Fix of build configuration for third party library by @jctophefabre in #1073
- Removal of GDAL 1 compatibility by @Arthoni in #1076
- Devstudio ergo 1017 by @Arthoni in #1074
- Polish of wares development UI and fix of example dataset by @jctophefabre in #1080
- DevStudio build options implementation cleaning by @Arthoni in #1081
- Ordered ware tabs 1052 via widget by @Arthoni in #1082
- Refactoring of Filesystem management + Fix Github actions + Apple Silicon compatibility by @jctophefabre in #1084
- Removal of interp generator temporary folder by @Arthoni in #1085
- Extension of ARM compatibility to Linux systems by @jctophefabre in #1086
- Refactoring and cleaning of wares sources management, preliminary to intoduction of new signature system by @jctophefabre in #1088
- Major refactoring of wares management by @jctophefabre in #1089
- Fixing of apps menus on macos and code cleaning by @jctophefabre in #1094
- Major refactoring of wares sources management by @jctophefabre in #1097
- Prepare workspace and minor fix on configuration for creating wares by @jctophefabre in #1099
- Move of classes for wares development used for UI only by @jctophefabre in #1100
- New ware signature system by @jctophefabre in #1103
- Isolation of Qt dependencies by @jctophefabre in #1104
- Fix of cmake scripts installation and variable name for src directory in config.hpp by @jctophefabre in #1107
- Process management and string helpers by @jctophefabre in #1110
- Code fragments in DevStudio by @Arthoni in #1102
- Refactoring of program proxies by @jctophefabre in #1113
- Configure and build wares using the command line by @jctophefabre in #1115
- Fragment basic operations by @Arthoni in #1114
- Migration tool for wares sources from OpenFLUID 2.1.x to 2.2.0 by @jctophefabre in #1126
- Removal of Qt from non UI libs and apps by @jctophefabre in #1130
- Ware actions consistency by @Arthoni in #1124
- Introduction of ware sources checking tool by @jctophefabre in #1132
- DevStudio features for wares and fragments by @Arthoni in #1133
- Major update of the README file by @jctophefabre in #1135
- Bug fixes related with ware migration by @Arthoni in #1136
- Major update of included wares sources format by @jctophefabre in #1138
- DevStudio : ware board + ware migration by @Arthoni in #1139
- Introduction of docalyzer by @jctophefabre in #1143
- Improved management of pandoc external program by @jctophefabre in #1145
- Fix of missing test guard for Docalyzer by @jctophefabre in #1148
- Signature editor by @Arthoni in #1152
- Template var in signature by @Arthoni in #1164
- Windows fixes and logging proto by @Arthoni in #1171
- Extend generator capabilities by @Arthoni in #1175
- Fix multicol bad data by @Arthoni in #1177
- Multicolumn generator edge cases handling by @Arthoni in #1183
- Creation of json comparison tests for simulator signature by @DorianGerardin in #1184
- Updated examples for 2.2 by @DorianGerardin in #1186
- Verbose example installation process by @Arthoni in #1187
- Fix Git context menu in DevStudio by @DorianGerardin in #1191
- Debug improvements low level by @Arthoni in #1193
- Fix outputs simulation mode by @Arthoni in #1197
- Fix of code insertion in DevStudio by @Arthoni in #1201
- Fix expose run worker api by @Arthoni in #1202
- Revert migration devstudio by @DorianGerardin in #1203
- Simulator purge command by @DorianGerardin in #1207
- Fixes on docalyzer CLI and test suite by @Arthoni in #1205
- French translations for apps UI of version 2.2 by @Arthoni in #1209
- Fix of create-ware main-class option by @DorianGerardin in #1212
- Command line display upgrade by @DorianGerardin in #1213
- misc by @Arthoni in #1214
- Partial fix of compilation warnings by @DorianGerardin in #1216
- Doxygen documentation improvements by @Arthoni in #1217
- Doc fixes by @Arthoni in #1218
- Git pre-push hook by @Arthoni in #1219
- Builderext UI and code cleaning by @Arthoni in #1220
- Automigrate ghosts by @DorianGerardin in #1222
- More ware checks by @Arthoni in #1224
- Consolidating apps by @DorianGerardin in #1225
- Fixing API for oldSignaturePath by @Arthoni in #1226
- Update of openfluid commands by @DorianGerardin in #1227
- More strict git hook by @Arthoni in #1230
- Fixes UI by @Arthoni in #1231
- Generalisation of randomness using seeds by @DorianGerardin in #1233
- Generalization of GetSimulatorParam by @Arthoni in #1234
- Exposition of maps graphics to API by @DorianGerardin in #1237
- Resolving some TOIMPL by @DorianGerardin in #1239
- Observer data by @Arthoni in #1238
- To impl resolve by @DorianGerardin in #1241
- DevStudio and migration fixes by @DorianGerardin in
OpenFLUID v2.1.11
Switch to version 2.1.11 final
OpenFLUID v2.1.10
Switch to version 2.1.10 final
OpenFLUID v2.1.9
Switch to version 2.1.9 final
OpenFLUID v2.1.8
Switch to version 2.1.8 final
Switch to version 2.1.7~rc1
Version 2.1.6 final
Downloads available at
Switch to version 2.1.4 final
v2.1.4-rc1: Switch to version 2.1.4~rc1